by You Know 165 Replies latest social current

  • simwitness
    AF's comments basically verify the point of my post regarding the fact that apostate JW's, who have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Silent Lambs, are involved behind the scenes with Dateline producers, further exploiting the victims of sexual abuse in order to further their own personal anti-Watchtower agendas. / You Know

    Again, I ask you to PROVE IT.

    Name ONE APOSTATE that has "absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Silent Lambs" that was involved with Dateline.

    "Basically verifying" is a joke. Allegation's without evidence is a joke.

    Why should my personal affairs be any of your business? / You Know
    More or less they are not, however, if you are not accepted within your own congregation, why should you be accepted here?
  • You Know
    You Know
    Name ONE APOSTATE that has "absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Silent Lambs" that was involved with Dateline.

    Are you saying that apostates like Alan Fraudbacker have been sexually abused? I have never heard him make that claim. And since he obviously has no such grivance, but clearly has his own personal issues with the Watchtower, yet by his own admission he is working behind the scenes with Silent Lambs, that makes him an exploiter of those victims for his own agenda. / You Know

  • simwitness

    Wether or not AlanF has been abused is not the point.

    You do not have to have been abused to work to stop abuse.

    I was never abused, but I certainly have a "grievance" against ANYONE that abuses children (or adults for that matter), and even more of a grievance against those that PROTECT the abusers.

    Is he working "behind the scenes with silentLambs"? or with Dateline?

    What did he provide Dateline that "furthered his agenda", other than proof that the allegations about the coverup of the abuse were true? (I do not know if he did or did not provide anything to dateline)

    Again, prove your allegation, you still have not done this.

  • dubla
    Are you saying that apostates like Alan Fraudbacker have been sexually abused? I have never heard him make that claim.

    in your words yk, why should alans personal affairs be any of your business? you know what they say about assuming, right?


  • You Know
    You Know
    Wether or not AlanF has been abused is not the point.

    Yes. That was my point. It is rather presumptuous of you to tell me what my point was don't you think.

    You do not have to have been abused to work to stop abuse.
    Apostates aren't concerned about stopping abuse within the organization. What an absurd notion. Besides, we don't need their "help." Apostate Dubs are merely interested in publicizing the abuse in order to posion the public's mind which is their whole intent. Apostates will use any sort of issue, like the UN/NGO affair or whatever suits them in order to stumble as many as possible. You are extremely naive.

    Is he working "behind the scenes with silentLambs"? or with Dateline?
    Apparently so. Why don't you ask him? / You Know
  • ThatSucks

    Witnesses aren't concerned about stopping abuse within the organization. What an absurd notion. Ignorant Dubs are merely interested in covering up the abuse in order to posion the public's mind which is their whole intent. Witnesses will use any sort of issue, like the catholic pedophilia affair or whatever suits them in order to convert as many as possible to their cult. You are extremely naive.

    Now that sounds ALMOST as stupid as what you wrote You Know, but I can't seem to surpass your 'way with words' and how you say absolutely nothing with entire paragraphs.

  • simwitness
    Apparently so. Why don't you ask him? / You Know

    No, I asked you. You made the allegation, back it up. If you can't, withdraw it.

    Wether or not AlanF has been abused is not the point.
    Yes. That was my point. It is rather presumptuous of you to tell me what my point was don't you think.
    No, My point was that his having been abused is not the point.

    Apostates aren't concerned about stopping abuse within the organization. What an absurd notion. Besides, we don't need their "help." Apostate Dubs are merely interested in publicizing the abuse in order to posion the public's mind which is their whole intent. Apostates will use any sort of issue, like the UN/NGO affair or whatever suits them in order to stumble as many as possible. You are extremely naive.
    Who are you to say that "apostates are not interested in stopping the abuse" ?? If the abuse did not exist, (or more correctly the WTBS's handleing of the abuse) then this issue would not have been raised.

    IF (and this is a big if) the WTBS was "beyond reproach" then this issue would not have been raised. Fact is, the WTBS is no better than any other "man made organization".

    Beyond that,

    The "apostates" didn't create the issues, However they may "expose" them.

    There is a difference.

    The WTBS's "holier than though" attitude brings about it's own reproach.

    Was it "apostates" that brought forth the Catholic Church's issue? Or do you support that one?

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    You Know, friend,

    Well.... nope! you do not need a shoulder to cry into.

    I am aware of the Catholic Church's human mistakes, though I am a loyal Catholic because the Church hasn't changed their doctrines. The WT changed the Bible. I'm not going to mention the "new light" that keeps on coming up every now and then.

    I will say, what kind of hope we could have in you if as been yourself so intelligent as it seems due to your posts writing which each one ot them succeeds to get us into your web of thought, still you don't seem to get it?

    Nope! let me correct myself, you get it! we don't!

    Friendly hugs,


  • dubla
    Apostates aren't concerned about stopping abuse within the organization. What an absurd notion. Besides, we don't need their "help."

    well, apparently you need someones help, because the current policies allow for the protection of pedophiles inside the organization, and the wt is doing nothing to stop it. perhaps with the public eye turned towards the misconduct that is rampant in the wt society, the wt will be forced into changing their policies, and perhaps this will protect some future children being raised as witnesses. if so, the "apostates" did in fact help the cause.

    yk says:"we dont" .......what an absurd notion indeed.


  • You Know
    You Know
    No, I asked you. You made the allegation, back it up. If you can't, withdraw it.

    Previously on this thread Alan Fraudbacker wrote: What was presented on Dateline was only a small part of the whole story on how massively the Society has covered up child abuse. For reasons known only to themselves, Dateline executives failed to report on several smoking guns that would have changed the program from an insipid also-ran into an incisive, hard-hitting Watchtower buster. Stupid fucks like You Know have no idea how close their disgusting organization came to destruction. But the game ain't over yet.

    Obviously he is working behind the scenes to try and damage the Watchtower any way he can. Are you just pretending to be ignorant by demanding that I prove this and that or are you really that dim? / You Know

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