by You Know 165 Replies latest social current

  • COMF

    Yeah, Bobby, you were kicking some major ass. You should start your own business, defending the weak (assertions).

    Ah, Love! could you and I with Him conspire
    To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
    Would not we shatter it to bits--and then
    Re-mould it nearer to the heart's desire!

  • JT

    ".....thousand have gone to prison rather than violate the law of Christ?" Give me a break. Thousands have gone to prison simply because a multimillion publishing company told them that this is one of our beliefs and if you don't adhere to it you can no longer be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Doubtless these good JWs feel they are doing the Lord's bidding, when in actuality they are following the legislated morality of a corporation. If the Society changed its views tomorrow (which may, as we all know, be the case) those men would come running out of the prisons.

    actually the wt has changed its view- the wt now says that these same guys could have taken the altenative service jobs, of course 5 yrs ago they could not

    so YK describes it as the law of christ- the wt has redefined the law of christ.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Yeah, Bobby, you were kicking some major ass. You should start your own business, defending the weak

    LOL / You Know

  • JT


    excellent quotes of YK

    they highlight the problem that all jw have just like thier mother the wt


    over and over we have seen the wt say onething today and the opposite the next day

    and YK has shown thru his post over time that he like the wt contridict himself and his belief system

    showing it is totally without substance

  • mindfield
    Obviously YK scored a pretty good lick or else you boys wouldn't be swarming like a bunch of angry hornets

    Wow, YK, your insight really impresses me. After all, it's completely unreasonable that we be upset and frustrated about pedophiles going from door-to-door and being respected and loved by their fellow peers while those who suffered get shunned and put aside. Gee, I guess we are overreacting.

    Fellow posters, I demand that we back off this whole issue and give the pedophile issue a rest. It's not worth getting angry over little girls getting raped by their daddies... or boys getting molested by faithful sisters in the congregation. Let us stop this useless frustration and let's drown our sorrows and any conscience we may have with gallons upon gallons of wine.

    After all, if YK says so, it must be the truth... right? Right?

  • seven006

    Bobby boy,

    Who's an angry hornet here? I was laughing at you when I wrote the words JT reposted. The only one who is angry is You Know.

    This puts a crack in that brick wall of a brain you have and you know it! You ran as fast as you could to come here and try and defend your cult. You are the one who is upset, we are all doing the happy dance in our underwear.

    I find it hilarious that by using the watchtowers own art and showing it without the bullshit fairy tale behind it the JW's true colors come out. That's right Bobby, every last one of you buy into the fact that you think we are all walking dead and Dateline just scratched the surface exposing all you nut balls for who you really are.

    You are going to take this to your grave Bobby, when you are old and wrinkled you will be laying in your death bed mumbling "this October for sure, if I can only hold on until another October it will all be over." In the mean time you are simply wasting your life away in the delusion that your Mickey Mouse god will come save you by killing us all.

    I really fell sorry for you Bobby, you could have been somebody, you could have been a contender!

    You crack me up ya big nut. At least you blow off the instructions of the GB and come here to play with us. You are a great example to other JWs to blow off the JW teaching of shunning and come play with us. You guys are more fun than a pet booger.


  • DannyBear


    It would have been nice to have incisive wt busting event, but I hope you are right 'its not over yet'.

    Robert has tried to impugne it as being full of propadanda, but in the average jw's heart, they know every bit of the wt policy, the actions of the elder's, the phone adviser in the legal dept, were all acting true to form. They Know.


  • Satanus

    I think even yk doesn't really believe his post on this thread. I think he's just exercising, or something.


  • You Know
    You Know
    Robert has tried to impugne it as being full of propadanda, but in the average jw's heart

    I didn't imply at all that there wasn't a problem. I have discussed this issue on this board before. So, you should know that I have not denied that there is a problem. My post simply focused on the sleazeball aspect of Dateline's presentation and how the viewer was manipulated to come to certain conclusions that the apostates and programmers intended the audience to draw. I am calling on people to think for themselves and not allow themselves to be bamboozeled by either the Watchtower or the apostate-influenced media. / You Know

  • mindfield

    Nope, we'll let ourselves be bamboozeled by you instead. Great! I've found my leader.

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