by You Know 165 Replies latest social current

  • LDH

    Not only is he an idiot, Joel, he ain't even funny like our other Trolls flame-baits. (Apologies to Simon)

    Obviously, YK isn't *happy* as he claims to be. He says he is TOTALLY fulfilled being a JW, and yet....

    He spends free time here on the board instead of using this time to find honest hearted ones in the ministry!!

    How can he rationalize spending time with those who state implicitly *they do NOT believe the WBTS is God's organization here on earth and never will*--rather than contacting Jesus' lost little sheep.

    It seems to me the important work of the ministry takes a backseat to YK's need for apostate approval.

    Hmmm......It disappoints me that with all of the truly important Dateline threads, YK starts one and gets the attention he so desparately craves by making inflammatory remarks.

    Truly, your ship will be abandoned to you, YK.

    Getting the Millstone Ready Class

  • Englishman
    I am afraid that many more brothers and sisters are going to be stumbled before it's over with, but just because someone is stumbled by unkindness or some Watchtower folly doesn't mean that I am going to abandon my faith.

    Then why not keep your faith and abandon the Watchtower? See, you go on about apostates a whole lot, but most of us here are not seeking to turn people into atheists, we just don't accept that the WT should have any jurisdiction over peoples lives.

    Let's face it, wherever the WT has got involved in someones private life, they have always messed it up.


  • MegaDude

    There is a standard type of JW troll that posts a lot on ex-JW boards.
    They are single, lonely, nutty, and are social rejects at their own kingdom hall as fruitcakes that even the JWs wish wouldn't attend THEIR hall. You've seen them at your halls when you were JWs. They were shunned socially almost as much as someone with the disfellowshipping label. They were considered an embarassment by most of the JWs.

    You Know fits into this category, I'm sure. Of course, he has to bring some self-importance to his lonely life. So in his demented mind he is a special person who "battles" the evil ex-JW apostates. But it's a hapless and unrewarding fantasy. It's not one he can share with his supposed brothers and sisters at the kingdom hall. They would think he is nuttier than they already do. Even your average Jehovah's Witness is smarter than You Know, and won't waste time trying to change someone's mind who isn't listening.

    Also, no one on the Ex-JW side of the fence buys into his foolish blatherings and rantings. Of course, You Know is always HYPING some catastrophy. But what he's really trying to do is draw some attention to *himself." It's an ego thing, but there's not much of his battered ego left anymore. The best that You Know can get here is pity from some who recognize he has got some serious emotional problems. But for someone who is as lonely a soul as him, any attention, even antagonistic attention, is better than being completely ignored by people in general.

    As a JW, I never had time to troll around ranting and raving to ex-JWs. Being a JW is like having another part-time job. And if you have any position like being a MS or an elder, you don't have time for extraneous activities like being the local JW buffoon on an ex-JW board. But You Know certainly has plenty of time. Why? Because he doesn't have a position of responsibility in the congregation. Maybe we don't give the JWs as much credit as they deserve.

    So you can expect You Know to continue on with his rants. But don't believe for one second it has a thing to do with bringing anyone back into the JWs. It's all about him. And that's sad.

  • 4horsemen

    You Know,

    Could not let this quote from you get by...

    "Apostates will use any sort of issue, like the UN/NGO affair or whatever suits them in order to stumble as many as possible."

    My question to you is how do such facts of occurrence make them not true and thus by extension excuse the WTBS from responsibility?

    Did Bill Bowen molest anyone while HE was a JW?


    Does AF pay JW's to break their own man made and bible twisted based rules so he can later expose them and their hard hearted hypocrisy?


    You Know. You have more intelligence than most JW's which isolates you a bit in the congregation, in the organization. I think though in your isolation you have shed your human compassion. Just like the "brother" in the Dateline piece who offered up a taped video statement. He did not mention the victims at all. You are beyond dogmatic to the point of being facist.

    What is that scripture: "Choose life that you may keep living." How far from that is the TRUE Wtbs mantra of: "Submit; or die"?

    Is the WTBS worth just one good man's life?

    How much more a kid?

    "Hey Teacher! Leave us kids alone!" ~Brick in the Wall

  • DannyBear


    ***Now we get to the heart of the matter. Previously you acted like you knew Jehovah. Now you reveal that you are an apostate at heart, not that we needed any verification. LOL***

    Up until now I have enjoyed our little parlay, its when you start down this path of recrimination, it gets old real fast.

    I have never accused you of being 'godless' or evil, on the contrary I have always addressed you respectfully. I don't pull any punches about my beliefs as regards the WTBS, but I don't attack you as a person.

    You have no idea what if any relationship I have had or do now have with God.

    The above words could very well have been spoken by any religious zealot, who excepts only his named god as the one and only. Ever hear about the 10's of millions of people who worship Allah. They make similar statements, about those not falling on a woven mat facing the east several times a day.

    So get off your high and mighty and let god be my judge. You may 'think' you have the right to pass such judgement.....your wrong...and your god even backs me up.

    I have no desire to continue the word games Robert. You will have to find someone unfamiliar with your broken records. Your words sounded hallow years ago, they still do.

    You have made some progress, but have a long way to go.


  • ronin1




  • plmkrzy
  • DannyBear


    That's not a very nice way to address You Know. He will wake up one need to curse at him.

    Also a helpful must read the line above the forum status to aquire the name of the poster. That way everyone will know to whom you are 'shutting up'.

    Your welcome.



    LOL,DannyBear,nice to see you back man...OUTLAW

  • larc

    You Know,

    It was good of you to say a little bit about yourself. It helps me understand you a bit more. Before, you were just a two dimensional card board figure. I am glad that you have a good wife and many good friends. That certainly is an important part of life. I am glad you have a deep love for Jehovah and Jesus Christ. I hope that the personal love for family, friends and God and his plan for you will always remain a mainstay in your life. I just hope that you can see that all of that does not make your oganization, God's organization.

    You compare modern day Jehovah's Witnesses to the Israelites. Remember, that at some point the Israelites, were abandoned by God. Their nation was destroyed and their people were dispersed around the world. By the same token, this same fate may await the Jehovah's Witnesses. One has to ask, at what point does an organization that had God's favor, no longer have it? For Israel, we know their days of blessing are over. So, what about the days of Jehovah's Witnesses. Are their days over as well? Obviously, for most of us here, we think so. What you decide is your own to make on this issue.

    You may say we are apostates. I am sure that many of the prophets who warned of the destruction to Israel were considered apostates as well. I am sure that the organized Jewish community considered Jesus to be an apostate. For the prophets to speak against evil, did not make them apostate. For Jesus to speak against evil did not make him apostate either.

    Perhaps, Jehovah is using the ones called apostate today, to either cause your organization to be refined or destroyed.

    It is something to think about.

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