Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?

by CrytoJesus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yes, keep us posted.

    FaithfulWitness documented her personal bible study with 2 Witness ladies in several different threads on this forum. It was extremely interesting and had quite a few views.

    You may want to look these up.

  • Perry

    Some of my fondest memories are of going to a Kingdom Hall on a Saturday morning and introducing myself as a member of such and such church and was wondering if I could ask them some questions to possibly clear up some things that their ministers at my door couldn't answer.

    One elder was completely unaware that Jesus wasn't the Mediator for the Great Crowd. He laughinngly stated that if what I was telling him was true, that he was in the wrong religion.

    He agreed to check it out, others were listening.

    All Christians should educate themselves a little about JW's and liberate as many as possible before its too late.

    Preach on!

  • LisaRose

    Good luck with that.

  • sparrowdown

    There are posters here that not only attend meetings,they help with "presiding" over them,

    maybe they could answer your question, as to the best way to live amongst JWs while pretending

    to be one of them.

  • CrytoJesus

    Okay, so I just got back from my first meeting.

    I noticed that the people there were racially mixed which is a good thing in my opinion. Most churches are still racially segregrated for the most part. I know JWs are known to be very welcoming of non whites.

    I don't like being in a room without windows and for whatever reason this building didn't have any windows. I felt a little claustrophobic in there.

    I also noticed the demographic skewed much older. Most of the people there were 40+ with a few young adults here and there. I asked a lot of people there how long they have been a JW and most of them said all of their life.

    The whole "meeting" was just one big bore to me. However I found it interesting that they have people be an actor and play scenarios on stage as a way to teach how to study the Bible with people.

    I noticed their teaching of the Bible is very shallow and dumbed down. One of the teachers said something like isn't it great someone is teaching the Bible? He asked have you ever known someone who teaches from the Bible? I was like is he serious? He must have lived an isolated life.

    That said the people there are very nice, kind people. I didn't get any cult vibes at all. They seemed like regular people. I didn't get the brainwashed, drone vibe from anyone.

    A lot of people introduced themselves to me and asked where I was from and who invited me. I wanted to talk about doctrine and the Bible but I held back because I think it's just too soon. I will plan to be back and drop some seeds.

    One man before I left asked very kindly for my number and of course I obliged. I know he wants to study even though he didn't mention it so I will use that opportunity to plant seeds in him.

  • mana11

    to do this you would need to attend many meetings and be silent, respectful of al lthings.

    when you first arrive tell them you want to learn the truth.

    there will be many that will offer to assist you and they will arrange a bible study.

    do that for 6 months.

    slowly they will accept you.

    during that process, ASK questions,,,

    if you dont get answers then ask for another person to study with you.

    that way you can go through several study conductors and another will hapily take you over as it is a power thing that they want to have the glory to bring a new one into the truth.

    you will have to restrain yourself from preaching to them...

    best you can do is target the ones sutdying with you and do not mention jesus or being saved..

    keep sincere and respectful and just ask a LOT of pointed questions util clear answers are given...

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I don't believe in Jesus, but I hope you are effective in deprogramming at least one JW. I also hope that your religion is not as cultic as that of JW's. Please keep us posted.

    From my own experience as a non JW trying to awaken JW's, I can assure you is frustrating. Assuming I have had any progress with my family, I can assure you that it's a slow, very slow process. Prepare for the long haul. You may want to reach to those who are interested, but not in yet. You have better chances there.

    The advice you have gotten so far is from people who were in for a long time, they dislike the cult with a vengeance, as I do. Your having the fresh mind of someone who has never been hurt by the WT and your being very interested about helping others makes their advice a bit on the negative side. Ignore it, do as you want. You have nothing to lose except lots of time. But saving one JW from the cult will make it worth it.

  • galaxie

    Hi cryto...a question;..are you directed to take this course of action by your own volition, or by some other influence?

    If you fail in your quest , who would be responsible for that?

    Best wishes.

  • CrytoJesus

    I decided to do this on my own.

  • Apognophos

    As never a jw stated, people on here tend to exaggerate the negatives about the Witnesses. If the religion had worked well for them, they'd still be in it. So you're looking at a lot of damaged, angry people here. That being said, you'll encounter more of the so-called "programming" as you eventually get into more in-depth discussions with JWs. Look for that moment when they stop being interested in discussing facts and fall back to "knowing it's the truth".

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