Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?

by CrytoJesus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrytoJesus

    I have observed the programming of the JWs when I played Bible ping pong with two JWs (probably elders). I mentioned that Greek scholars disagreed with the NWT rendering of John 1:1. I quoted one scholar and the JW just flat out said he is an apostate. I was just stunned thinking where did that come from? He doesn't even know the scholar personally.

    I also emailed an associate (can't call him a friend because he never befriended me) I used to play basketball with for years. I gave him a lot of information concerning the Watchtower such as their false prophecies and he got off on a temper tantrum and thought I was attacking him. I was seriously tried to deliver this in the most delicate, nicest, kindest manner but his faith in the "truth" is just unbelievable in light of what I showed him. He just seemed very irrational and childish. So I know the programming or brainwashing is real just as I have gathered from my research.

    That said, most of the JWs Ive met besides them are just average people. Most are extremely nice and cordial people but just deceived - big time. I feel for them and I really want to deliver the truth about the "truth" to them and I want to be very wise on how to go about delivering it to them.

    I think everyone has the right to at least hear the truth even though they may not accept it. If you were caught up in a deception wouldn't you want to know the real truth?

    I plan to go to another Kingdom Hall this Sunday and I going to be very "outgoing" to try to get to know as most people as I can. I am sure at least one person will want my contact for study so that will open up an opportunity for me.

  • Caedes


    What would it take to make you question your faith?

  • GrreatTeacher

    The reason this man thought you were attacking him is that Witnesses have poor boundaries and a permeable sense of self.

    In their eyes, God and their Organization are the same. They also sometimes mix themselves in there as "servants of God's Organization."

    They also have poor boundaries with other JWs since they are all servants of Jehovah. Then this extends to those that the preach to.

    Watch. You may have to defend your personal boundaries. Personally, I think that asking a perfect stranger to give you their phone number is a boundary violation.

  • CrytoJesus

    Nothing. I KNOW God exists because He revealed Himself to me by His grace. I am a very rational person and I know for an absolute fact God is real but so is satan. I have experienced genuine miracles of God just as they are written in the Bible but I have also experienced stuff from the demonic side.

    Every person who is born again of the Spirit knows God is real. I understand why people think God is not real. I really do. It's just that they are separated from God because of sin. They need to turn to the real Jesus Christ and be regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit. It's a supernatural experience from God. He changes you from the inside out by His Spirit. Unless it happens to you it just doesn't make sense. And I understand that.

    That said, God said if you seek Him with all of your heart you will find Him.

  • Viviane

    I am a very rational person and I know for an absolute fact God is real but so is satan.

    You're neither rational nor describing absolute facts.

  • FeelingFree

    CrytoJesus - I don't know if you are familier with this website but this guy is born again and make's it his life's ministry to help JW's and Mormans see how their belief system is flawed and help them see they are in a cult etc. It may be some help to you in your quest.

    I am not born again in fact I have no idea what I am right now, but I do know reading the blog he has on the site "Conversation with a JW Elder" really helped me in my waking up process. I made me think for myself a lot more and question things. I find he does this in a very respectful and clever way so you may get some good tips. It's a very interesting read.

  • CrytoJesus

    Viviane, I understand why you would think that so I won't bother to argue with you on this.

    Have a good day

  • CrytoJesus

    Thanks Feelingfree. I'll check it out.

  • FeelingFree


    I respect your views. Don't know for sure if Jesus is the way just yet but I'm open to it. Thanks for sharing. I'll look up into Christianity more. I say if you really wanted to reach a JW to the path of Jesus, just do it discreetly.


    Are you an atheist? I'm sorta in the middle between Theism and Atheism. I've talked to you before on my very first post that I made here. Hope you are doing well. You are a person with very few words but I appreciate your contribution to the threads here.

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