Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?

by CrytoJesus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    They need to turn to the real Jesus Christ and be regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit. It's a supernatural experience from God. He changes you from the inside out by His Spirit. Unless it happens to you it just doesn't make sense. And I understand that.

    C2Jesus - I went to Jesus after I left the cult. I would have said all of the above. It took me 9 years to work out it was all a delusion.

    Please stop encouraging others to make your mistake. Engage in some honest dialogue and I can show you why you are mistaken.

    Here is my eassy on WT Jesus contrasted with bible Jesus just so you know that I know what I am talking about...

  • Perry

    Every person who is born again of the Spirit knows God is real.

    ...And what a wonderful supernatural knowing that is. From my own experience, it is more like an introduction than a knowing. Very similar to being introduced to the most perfect gentleman you could ever want to meet.

    For as much as the new atheists campaign against God (even though he supposedly doesn't exist) what scientists are actually finding out is that it is becomming more and more provable that it is atheists themselves who do not exist.

    Ironic isn't it?

  • Caedes


    If there is nothing that would cause you to question your faith then what makes you think that other theists are any less committed to their beliefs?


    There is nothing in your link that suggests that atheists don't exist. What it says is that some scientists have shown that some atheists have inconsistant beliefs. Personally I don't believe in anything supernatural and none of the examples listed applied to me or indeed to any of the atheists that I know, this would suggest to me that there are at least some atheists that do have consistant beliefs. The fact that religious parents tend to have more children conveniantly forgets that it is education and teaching critical thinking that creates atheists not the the religious beliefs of the parents.

  • CrytoJesus

    Cofty, you have to be born again of the Spirit. And I doubt you have been otherwise you wouldn't oppose the preaching of Jesus.

    You can have all the correct doctrine but if you don't repent and turn to Him then I doubt you will ever be born again. Jesus said in John ch. 3 you must be born again to see His kingdom.

    I am going to continue to preach Jesus whether you like it or not because I know He is real and true (He revealed Himself to me in a powerful way), can heal and deliver people, and He is awesome beyond anyone can imagine. I have a community with testimonies which would agree

    What good do you have to offer someone? You seem very disgruntled and malcontent.

  • CrytoJesus

    Caedes, the fact that JWs, even those who have been in the cult from birth and been in it almost their whole lives, have come out because they found Jesus (or Jesus found them) and became born born again. Jesus can pluck anyone out of any situtation. And if you don't believe me you can check out these testimonies

  • galaxie

    Hi cryto...thankyou for the reply;.being that jws are motivated by their love of jehovah, the ransom sacrifice of jesus christ and guidance of his earthly brothers the faithful and discreet slave (the Governing body ) imo you are you will be lacking the ammunition to preach to them as you seem to only be relying on your own strenghs.

    Are you sure there is no supernatural backing for your cause?

    Best wishes.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Fabulous study Cofty... a real keeper... absolutely worth the re-post.

  • Caedes


    They are just as genuine in their beliefs as you and would make exactly the same claims as you do. They have exactly the same personal testimonies as you do. There is no difference between you and the JWs.



    I'm saddened that you haven't replied to any of my questions. At least some of the atheists here have given me some thoughts to think about. As someone who is in the middle of Theism and Atheism I would expect someone of Christian faith to try to get me to "their side" to be saved by Jesus.

  • Limey

    Crytojesus - I am saddened by your sanctimonious tone to some of those that do not share your view ie Cantleave and Cofty. I have seen this so often with 'believers' who take the high ground and look down upon those that do not believe in any he Zeus, Apollo, Mithras, Allah or whatever?

    Your stance resembles that of the JWs that call people like myself an apostate. You use the term disgruntled. Have you considered that some ARE disgruntled with christians pushing their self serving and dangerous delusions onto other people? The term disgruntled just gives fundies the licence to validate their own delusions further. It is what I would call loading the language. It also gives you licence to switch off and ignore any further reasoning that might damage your confirmation bias.

    Sorry, I have been lurking but this arrogant stance forced me to comment.

    Okay. You say Jesus or whomsoever manifested to you. How?

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