Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?

by CrytoJesus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blackfalcon98

    No. These people still believe they will be saved through works. (seriously, a sister gave this comment recently at my hall) Do what you want, but be careful. IMO it will be a waste of energy, and you will leave saddened.

  • CrytoJesus

    Blackfalcon, so you still attend Kingdom Hall meetings?

  • Viviane

    Viviane, I understand why you would think that so I won't bother to argue with you on this.

    You know nothing about me. Stop being ignorant and pretending to know things you cannot possibly know.

    Are you an atheist? I'm sorta in the middle between Theism and Atheism. I've talked to you before on my very first post that I made here. Hope you are doing well. You are a person with very few words but I appreciate your contribution to the threads here.

    I am an atheist in the sense that I have no reason whatsoever to believe in any invisible spirit creature. No person worshipping any spirit creature has ever been able to reconcile known physics with the spirit world OR tell me what spirit even is.

    Thanks for your words. I am doing quite well.



    Vivianne does have a point. With all due respect, you are being kind of ignorant to him/her. Again that is being said with the outmost respect. Don't want to sound like a jerk or anything on here. Curious what would your response be to Vivianne. If Christianity is your stronghold, I'm pretty sure you would have strong factual evidence to support your beliefs unlike the JW's. I'd like to believe in a higher being (Jesus, Yahweh) but if my research concludes that Atheism is the most logical path, then I will accept it.

  • Blackfalcon98

    @crytojesus....yes. Due to my personal circumstances....I still attend the I am somewhat active.

  • johnamos


    In their eyes, God and their Organization are the same. They also sometimes mix themselves in there as "servants of God's Organization."

    The above comment reminded me of what I saw earlier this morning. This little girl managed to say the following twice in the small segment that aired this morning.

    "I'm excited and a little bit nervous because it's, like, the pope," she said. "It's like the closest thing to God, so I'm excited."

    "It's amazing because he's like the closest thing to God, and he gave me and Joe a blessing. It's just like crazy," Gracie said.

    Then at the end, back in the studio, Charlie Rose stated that he loved that she said that.

    I know that she is young and people will focus more on here illness, but my point is that this is what she is taught and believes and this is the belief of the RCC and it’s followers…

  • galaxie

    Hi cryto ,..thanks for answering my question, further to that, although you say you are taking this action on your own do you feel any sense of supernatural direction to take the true message of jesus to these misdirected jws. ?.

    Best wishes

  • cantleave

    Crytojesus - your belief in Jesus is based on a delusion that has been implanted by your culture and your own cognitive bias. It is the same with the Witnesses. How do you think you can deprogram members of a cult when you are deluded yourself? The best you can do is make them leave one BS religion to join another.

  • CrytoJesus

    Galaxie, I don't know to tell you the truth. Sometimes it is not clear cut for me.

  • CrytoJesus

    Cantleave, you seem very disgruntled. I want to show them who Jesus really is through scripture. Only God can draw someone to Himself. And I am not trying to get anyone join a religion, I am trying to point them to the real Jesus of the Bible.

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