Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?

by CrytoJesus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Welcome Limey !

    As there is no evidence of a satisfactory nature that Jesus ever existed, and if he did, he died 2,000 years ago,

    any " manifestation" cannot be real.


    @Limey @cry2jesus

    This is what I want to know from him as well. For the record, even if I were to go full on atheist mode, I would still respect other theists beliefs and learn from them, explore why they beleieve such things and vice versa. Not here to attack you cry2jesus. Just want to know your input on my posts to your thread.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Cofty, you have to be born again of the Spirit. And I doubt you have been otherwise you wouldn't oppose the preaching of Jesus.

    LOL. And yet, it's the atheists who are arrogant and condescending.

  • LostGeneration

    Cofty, you have to be born again of the Spirit. And I doubt you have been otherwise you wouldn't oppose the preaching of Jesus.

    Just the usual No True Scotsman accusation.

  • Apognophos

    It's pointless to argue with someone who has had a personal experience that convinced them to have faith.

  • CrytoJesus

    JWINQ..., my apologies. I tried to respond earlier but there is a posting limit (I believe that's a bad limitation for this forum). You asked "What makes following Jesus better than anything the JWs have?"

    Jesus Christ is real and true and He has healed and delivered many people. If they really want the truth then they can have the truth, who is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). They can actually know God very personally by having fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus has changed my life supernaturally and He has transformed me on the inside supernaturally.

    I want to share the real Jesus Christ (not the false Archangel Michael Jesus of the Watchtower) with them and what He has done in me.

    You can't argue with personal testimonies.

  • CrytoJesus

    Limey, I am really trying to express myself in the most humble way but honest. If I come off as condescending my apologies.

    That said, I interpret the tone of several on here has pretty harsh and judgmental against me for preaching Jesus. I didn't expect atheists to come out of the woodwork especially on a thread with a topic that seems irrevelant. I perceive there are a lot of disgruntled people here. I'm just telling it like it is. I mean, "Delusions"? Seriously?

    I don't look down on anyone. I wouldn't call anyone an "apostate". I think I am a down to earth person and I try to be cool with everyone.

    You asked how did He manifest Himself to me. True story. I visited this Church for the first time for a Friday night praise and worship. While they were praising and worhsiping God I got on my knees and started crying out to God from the depths of my soul and the bottom of my heart telling Him I was sorry. I was mourning over my many, many sins. My face was wet from tears.

    Minutes after some young woman walked in the sanctuary and asked if she could pray for me. I acted cynical and was like "yeah whatever". She puts her hand on my shoulder and she didn't say anything aloud as I expected. She starting to tear up. I am thinking what is going on? She then prophesies and tells me things about me. I'm shocked because she doesn't know nor do I know her. Remember this is my first time at the church. Soon after the Holy Spirit envelopes me and if it was if God is saying to me I forgive you and I am with you and I am here to comfort you. That moment was probably the most conformting moment of my life. Indeed the Holy Spirit is the Comforter.

    The scripture that came to mind after that experience was when God told Moses His goodness will pass before him. I felt the tangible goodness of God envelope me and that stayed with me for several days.

    Even still the most shocking of it all was not the supernatural experience but it was how God could forgive me after all what I have done. This happened years ago and reminscensing still moves my heart. God indeed is full of mercy. When one becomes broken and contrite before God He is not far from that person.

    That is just one of many experiences I've had.

  • galaxie

    Hi cry to... the human brain is a master conjurer, there are many many precedents to this fact.

    The real jesus christ to you is as real as belief in many deities by countless people the world over.

    They will also have personal testimonies as convincing as yours.

    Some will willingly give their lives or even sacrifice the lives of others for their god.

    They all think they have the true way.

    What FACT makes you think you are correct?

    As I say the human brain is a master conjurer.

    Best wishes

  • CrytoJesus

    Galaxie, well, if that's what you want to think.

    Have a good day.

  • cofty

    Cry2Jesus - WHy do you dismiss everybody who disagrees with you with careless insults instead of engaging them in meaningful conversation?

    I was born-again, spirit-begotten, forgiven, saved, adopted son of god for 9 years. There is nothing you could say about your faith that I could not echo. Did you know there are forums of ex-Christians with hundreds of testimonies every bit as impressive as yours.

    What good do you have to offer someone? You seem very disgruntled and malcontent.

    I have thousands of posts advocating an evidence-based worldview. Far from being malcontent I am full of wonder and awe for the magic of life and discovery. Faith is mind-numbingly dull.

    Are you prepared to hold your beliefs up to scrutiny? Your reply to Galaxie's questions suggests you have your mind firmly closed.

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