"WHy do you dismiss everybody wo disagrees with you with careless insults instead of engaging them in meaningful conversation?"
Careless insults? Oh boy.
It seems to me you are just trying to pick an argument with me.
This thread is not about your personal issues with the existence of God or non existence of God. If you want to discuss this then why don't you direct me to a thread with such a topic or create one? And maybe I will go there.
I don't know how anyone can have a born again experience and then become an unbeliever. But only God knows if you really belong to Him. That's between you and the God you don't believe in.
"I have thousands of posts advocating an evidence-based worldview. Far from being malcontent I am full of wonder and awe for the magic of life and discovery. Faith is mind-numbingly dull.
Are you rpepared to hold your beliefs up to scrutiny? Your reply to Galaxie's questions suggests you have your mind firmly closed."
And I have posts that advocates the same https://plus.google.com/communities/115118034269114126684
I defend my worldview, that Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life all the time in internet land. Nothing new.