Are the MEN apostates more imp. than the WOMEN?

by LDH 119 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    hey it hotter than Tobasco yet in the Dirty South? On this topic thought I have...(makes yoda grumbling) *L* It is my opinion that women can be a lot more interpersonal when it comes to discussing things w/JWs, and as we see many times are way more effective at gleaning info, you LD being a good example, among others. The example being when you are the EXJW talking to current dubbies and relay to us/others. It probably sounds just like regular conversation on their end as the gregarious LDH pries away info CIA style.....hehe. Our XJW women, at least, also have a kinder ear to those expressing their feelings and sharing their stories, and probably to new members. . Not to mention at least equals if not better at releasing your stories and emotional traumas for everyone to see and share, intentionally to help others.

    It also may be that there are simply more exjw men who are willing to deal with additional emotional trauma in an effort to wrangle w/the WT after leaving. Simon's board, Bill's website, Obie's new site, Kent's page, etc.....This is no indictment against women, perhaps only a commentary on what I think I see. One can only hope that all of our efforts encourage my perception to change for the better. Also, we are just facets in something much more important than indivudal input. BTW, I'm still looking for wholesome sisters and brothers to enroll in Overbeerial School and go where the need is many regions, circuits, districts, and little beer.


    District Overbeer

  • joannadandy

    Our society encourages men to the more 'analytical' careers....such as engineering etc. Therefore, most with access to technology are men.

    This isn't really true anymore, I just saw a recent poll in USA today that like 56% of internet users are now women. Granted I am not 100% positive on that number, and I know it's not a high margin, but I have found it to be true.

    As for trying to get people out of the Borg, that's not my goal. I hated being told what to do while in the borg, I hate christians for telling me what to do, I hate anyone telling me what I think is wrong, and what they have to say is of value. Therefore, I would never try to step on someones beliefs. I can disagree with them until the cows came home, and I can try to get them to listen to my point of view, but the bottom line is most people with strong religious convictions DON'T want to listen. I feel it is a waste of my time and theirs. This forum to me is a place to network with people who had similar experiences as me, and a place to do some healing.

    I will voice my opinions just to add perspectives to issues, but I won't actively try to change anyone because it's not my place to do so. I can only point a way, the choice to leave is up to an individual. Therefore my efforts are limited. I dunno how other women feel, but that's how this woman feels.

    And as far as men vs. contributing to the meat issues, does it matter? Is it even worthwhile to quantify something like based on gender? I kind of feel like even bringing it up makes it seem like there is some sort of compitition and that women need to keep up with boys. And that I find pointless. But perhaps I am misreading something somewhere...

  • LDH
    It probably sounds just like regular conversation on their end as the gregarious LDH pries away info CIA style....

    LOL you got that right.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    While this forum is important to me for information and support and a place to come late at night when I need cheering up;I'm aware that I find the concept of computerised 'conversations' VERY difficult.

    I like to look at people and listen to the intonation in their voices ;touch them (not there!)and get some body language to help me in the process of getting to know them. better..perhaps;and this is just a humble observation;men find it easier to relate with less physical 'contact'?

    So forgive me for being a crap poster, unlike some.

    I'm not as stupid as I appear! Really!

    Edited for punctuation that made it sound as though I was calling some here stupid;see?Intonation matters!!

    Edited by - termite 35 on 24 June 2002 19:46:45

  • teejay

    Well, Lisa,

    I hate being picky (not really) but you really must define "important." Important how? (If you have already, forgive. I'll find it.)

    My first thought when seeing your thread title was that there's never been a woman inside the loop at headquarters, at any assembly meeting of elders, at any after-the-Service Meeting elder's meeting. So, if juice/the inside scoop/the 411 is what you're looking for, better find you a male apostate.

    On the other hand...

    Are men more important as people? Hardly. If *that's* what you meant then I must say that I've seen you ask much better questions.

  • teejay

    Okay, Lisa,

    I've read more of the thread and get what you were trying to say (thanks Larc!) Who (which sex) is more important depends only on who it is you're hoping to "help."

    JT explained it well by relating his and his wife's personal experiences. Men, typically logical in their outlook, are more attuned to doctrinal discrepancies, dates, flip flops -- you know... just the facts, ma'am.

    On the other hand, the average JW woman (at least the ones *I've* known over the years) really never got into the deep philosophical/religious nuts and bolts of doctrine, research, etc. They were more in touch with and cared more about the more emotional and interpersonal aspects of JW life. It's just a fundamental difference between the sexes. So, to me, there really is no "more important" role.

    I like this thread, though, and I think that - in a weird way - it's important. Some folks think that they have nothing to give because they can't produce essays like AlanF and Farkel (or is it "Farkel and AlanF"?) or that what 'little' they do isn't much. Not so!! Like JT said, we all can do our part. We ALL bring something to the table.

    You never know what the right word said at the right time might lead to.

  • IslandWoman

    Are the men apostates more important than the women? YES!

    In this xJW arena of dog eat dog, men are better suited for the fight. Killing has always been a male dominated sport, a similar thing is going on with the Watchtower verses the Apostates right now and what is needed is men who are willing to stand up and fight.


  • one

    Barbara Anderson is just doing it right, focused. Not too much talk. she is married...


    You dont have to manage a web site.or be a technical expert. To write a book all you need is a word processor. All a good female apostate needs to do is stay focused (*) and be consistant.

    Men and women ARE different, of course in many cases each emulate the opposite gender, in many ways, Sodom..

    Generally humans, no matter the gender, behave 'naturally'. with compatively few exceptions. Men are more agressive, naturally. No need to explain.

    When a woman wants to be a President she get it. But most woman are not interested.

  • yrs2long


    My personal opinion is that difference in access to privileged information within the organization aside, the differences may be related to communication style. Something I've read several times before is that men and women use communication for different purposes. Namely, men use communication and conversation to jockey for position and to establish rank while women use it for building and nurturing relationships. This might also explain why you have men who dominate meetings and are quite aggressive at work coming home and having very little to say to their wives and families. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to go home and take the larger part in communicating within the family.

    I agree with you that you should try a different tact with your family. Reading many of the threads from new posters I have come to see that most left Watchtower following some disillusionment or out of weakness. Even the society knows this, often encouraging and providing scripts specifically for situations like death of a loved one and disillusionment with the state of the world. We would do well to follow their example.

    I tried speaking with my sister at Christmastime about the molestation and United Nations issue. Now she has been inactive for a couple of years and had just sort of bragged about having a string of christmas lights hanging on her window and allowing her kids to celebrate birthdays. Her speech was also liberally peppered with curse words which she uttered without apology. However, when I launched into my attack on the society, she became a staunch advocate for watchtower. I couldn't believe the transformation! Since then I have learned that frontal attacks do nothing but strengthen their resolve for they are well defended.

    Anyway, I admire your aim and the work that all of the men have put into dethroning the watchtower, but I also recognize that the women do an equally outstanding job of attacking the watchtower by subverting the faith of dubs. Their way of doing things is just not so in-your-face.

  • wasasister

    God, how my daughters would roll their eyes when some brother started up with: "women are emotional, men are logical..." They knew better in their house, at least.

    Some women are very logical (and good at math, too). Some have mentioned Ginny Tosken - truly possessed of an analytical mind and a talent for storing and retrieving vast quantities of information.

    RedHorseWoman carried on one of the most flawlessly logical debates on the subject of animals aboard Noah's Ark I have ever had the pleasure to witness. She was thoughtful, measured in her responses, and completely relentless.

    There will always be gender bigots, I fear. Women who defend their views passionately in discussion are sometimes told - yes here on this DB - to take their Midol.

    I like the point someone made (sorry, too many posts to go find out who just now): once the doctrinal essays of Alan or Farkel etal convince you your previously held religious beliefs are false, some nuturing person should be around to pick up the pieces. Whether that person is male or female makes no difference.


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