The Nag Hammadi library was discovered in Egypt In 1946...two years before the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Nag H. text is written in coptic..a long hand form of ancient Egypt..The problem has been for the 1st ...30 years, after the discovery, the lack of scholars with coptic language skills. Most recently there has been a serge of translation into English and new vistas of understanding are opening up.
Gnostics became a blight on the early Christian church but this Egyptian sect was early enough that they were very close to the original church and the Apostles. Their writings confirm this as well as much of the doctrine. There is, however, doctrines which the later patristic fathers and even the later councils wanted to deny. Much of the original writing and doctrines had become either corrupted or lost entirely. That change with their discovery in 1946. The history of Gnostic thinking can now be traced which helps us understand early Christian thought and development........This stuff is not hidden under a log or in the Vatican.....they are on the them. you might be surpized if you haven't lost all vestige of you former beliefs and faith.