Labels don't determine validity. Just because some jewish sects as well as the early apostate church declared certain writings spurious, does not tell the whole story and I will develop that evidence as time allows. Try to keep an open mind. The book of Enoch had been lost for a time ..or at least misplaced but was rediscovered in the late 18th century. If someone was able to produce the volume with the same or nearly same content without source material and completely independent of all other times and places....would you consider that evidence of inspiration. That is, if someone wrote a book claiming it to be the book of Enoch yet did it in a time the book was not known or available.....and said it contained the same doctrine and ideas as extant in the original, and when the two were compared that they matched almost perfectly in doctrine, is that a valid argument for a inspired type evidence which cannot be explained by any other known means?