One test of the Book of Enoch and for the thesis of this review is that the book claims that the constellations, or "signs," were shown to Enoch and this article proposes that they tell the story of the gospel throughout history. Surely then, we should find some reference to the constellations in that volume. Here we hit the jackpot because many of its chapters refer to the stars either directly or indirectly. While all of the scriptures use the same imagery as the constellations, the Book of Enoch is our "star witness" because its author uses the symbolism explicitly, even giving the names of the stars. We shall see in these articles that not only does Enoch testify of the constellations, but the constellations become yet another witness of the Book of Enoch.
On key point is that the Book of Enoch states that an angel of God showed Enoch where to draw the constellation figures:
For the signs, the seasons, the years, and the days, Uriel showed me; the angel whom the Lord of glory appointed over all the luminaries.
Enoch 74:4-7
Thus, this scripture states that the constellations (the "signs") were not just the work of great men, even like Enoch, but rather an angel revealed them to Enoch. When Enoch saw the constellations signs in the heavens revealed to him, he exclaimed:
"I blessed the Lord of glory, who had made those great and splendid signs, that they might display the magnificence of his works to angels and to the souls of men; and that these might glorify all his works and operations; might see the effect of his power; might glorify the great labor of his hands; and bless him forever."
Enoch 35:3
We can see how closely this verse parallels Psalms which said the heavens declare the glory of God. When Enoch understood the true meaning of the constellations he blessed the Lord of glory for having made those splendid signs.
The book of Enoch was rediscovered in 1821. Since the late 1800s and throughout the 20 th century, vast librarys of ancient writings have been discovered which are giving us a greater understanding of what the ancients knew and the source of their knowledge. The relationship we have to these ancient peoples is closer than you may care to think. However, the evidence is becoming overwhelming in favor of, NOT A MYTHICAL GOD, but one who has had a plan for his children ( offspring) from the very beginning and we are all apart of this GREAT design.