Keeping it in perspective

by Torn 103 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Torn

    Dear Mum -thank you for your message. Maybe u are right that I am at some early stage of leaving this religion even more..time will tell.

    I have to say however - I find it very strange that you say you also believe in 95% of JW's teachings, but can at the same time believe in 95% of the teachings of other religions. As the bulk of JW's teachings differ quite dramatically from the vast bulk of christendom's teachings, how could that be? Seems contradictory. Please enlighten me.

    Further, could you mind being more specific and enumerating for me exactly what beliefs of JW's you still believe in, and what beliefs of others you do also. I'm curious.

    Edited by - Torn on 11 November 2002 5:0:36

  • Torn

    Thanks Mulan. I hear what you're getting at.

    Could you please tell me precisely what other religions do not believe in the trinity and use God's name, etc, as you state. I would very much appreciate this.

    I think it is wishful thinking to suggest that the fundamental core doctrines of JW'S, ie, that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not part of a Trinitarian Godhead, that the human soul is certainly not immortal, and that the hope for future life is the resurrection, God's permission of wickedness is because of the issue of universal sovereignty, that a small group go to heaven for a special purpose, and the rest of obedient mankind's destiny is to live eternally on a paradise earth, will change. They are like the trunk and main thick branchs of a tree. The smaller doctrines JW'S have all stem from these fundamental core truths and some of these smaller branches of truth are not so clear and obvious in the bible. They may be adjusted from time to time yes, but those core stable doctrines as I've listed are immutable truths as revealed in the holy bible (any bible) and can anyone honestly see JW's would backtrack on those. I really really doubt it Mulan.

    I have honestly personally known many many JW'S who display all the fruitages of the spirit and are nothing but loving kind compassionate giving people. There is much good individual fruitage to be seen in this religion. Sadly, yes, there are also pretenders, 'clashing symbols' and harsh ones as well. They will individually have to account for God in the full sweetness of time. But why lump them all in the same catergory Mulan. I can't fathom this mentally that if ALL JW'S are not cherry perfect role model loving christians then none are and the whole religion is corrupt. I'm sorry but I also certainly feel that is a powerful and modern day fulfillment of real christian brotherhood that JW's almost down to an individual refused to take up arms and kill their fellow man in all wars of the last and this century. They would rather give up their own life, lay it down, as Christ commanded true christians would, than take the life of another. How many other other religious groups did that? So it's pretty unfair to say JW'S show no christian fruitage.


    Edited by - Torn on 11 November 2002 4:43:39

  • neyank

    Hi Torn,

    I apreciate you thinking enough of my post to take it apart.

    But I think you are mistaken about something I said.

    "As for Neyank's suggestion that the fact JW's do not perform miracles somehow means that God is not using them,"

    I didn't say they weren't Gods org. because they were not performing miracles.

    I said that those in the scriptures that God used had proof to back up thier claims.
    ie: miracles, prophecies that came true.

    I stand by what I said.
    The WTS has NO proof to back up thier claim.
    There is plenty of proof showing the WTS is NOT being used by God.

    You said the extent of the preaching work proves that the HOLY Spirit is with the WTS.
    There is still a very large part of the earth that has never heard of Jehovahs-Witnesses.
    And the parts of the earth JWs are in now, are also filled with worshippers of other Christian denominations.
    Shall we say that the Holy Spirt must be with these other groups too?

    And what about the 'good news' being preached by the WTS?
    Jesus came invisibly in 1914.
    Jesus chose a group of Bible students back then to be His orginization.
    (You do realize that most things being taught then have been abandoned right?)
    That God is going to destroy the worlds inhabitants, except JWs.
    And that's not even a definate thing because you MUST be at ALL 5 meetings per week and you MUST be out in field service distributing magazines.
    Or you WILL be destroyed at Armageddon.

    Do you really think Gods Holy Spirit is behind this 'good news'?

    And IF the Holy Spirt was behind the WTS, why do they have to keep changing thier teachings over and over again?
    Don't you think God would know how to have the WTS teach the REAL truth in the first place?

    And what about thier unChristian behaviour?

    Thier being at ALL the meetings and getting out in field service placing mags. IS the extent of thier Christian works.
    What about feeding the poor, helping the hopeless, taking care of the elderly, ect...?

    The WTS does not view these things as important.

    In the parable that Jesus gave about the good Samaritan, Which did Jesus condemn?
    Was it the good Samaritan who stopped to help his fellow man or was it the pharicies?
    Which one is the WTS like?

    And as far as the control aspect, the WTS when they are first trying to get converts tells the potential candidates to check up on the teachings and the history of thier current religion.
    But once a person becomes a JW they are comanded NOT to check up on the teachings and history of the WTS.

    My statement stands.
    The WTS has NO proof that they are being used by God.
    Only proof that they are NOT being used by Him.


  • Torn

    Hi Ozziepost. No I'm not just quoting from WBTS sources. In fact, as an example, I have a clipping from The Dominion Post (Wellington, NZ's, main daily newspaper) right here that I recently saw and cut out. It's captioned "Church of England in meltdown, says report". Inter alis, it says the thousands of C of E churches and dioceses will face oblivion by 2030, and urgent reform is urged from within it. It says "at the present rate of decline adult attendance in 2030 will be 500,000, less than two-thirds of those going to church now and less than half what is was in 1980. Child attendance will have fallen to almost nothing". It goes on to talk about a large 'demographic time bomb' in the making. "Nearly one in four children disappeared from church figures between 1990 and 2000 and for every 100 children in 1930 there are now nine", it says. "Decline has been a constant of the postwar years but accelerated in the 1990's. Baptisms fell by 13% in the 1980's and by 24% in the 1990's. Weddings fell by 11% in the 1980's and by 46% in the 1990s. The Church marries half thte number it did 10 years ago". And so on.

    Certainly the mainstream churches are 'drying up'. Smaller apostolic, pentecostal, and other 'born again' type denominations have risen in numbers yes, but I strongly doubt the flow leaving the mainstream churches equates exactly the same to those coming into to the more charismatic ones.

    Any research you have studied is very welcome. Please send it thru to [email protected].

    Remember tho, the old saying that one can use statistics to tell just about any story one wants.

    As for JW'S numbers drying up, well, yes the percentage of new ones is deceasing slowly but surely proportionately to the total publishers, no denying that.

    PS- I made a mistake saying I had just joined Silentlambs. I meant this website. I was getting websites mixed up.


  • ozziepost
    I think it is wishful thinking to suggest that the fundamental core doctrines of JW'S, ie, that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not part of a Trinitarian Godhead, that the human soul is certainly not immortal, and that the hope for future life is the resurrection, God's permission of wickedness is because of the issue of universal sovereignty, that a small group go to heaven for a special purpose, and the rest of obedient mankind's destiny is to live eternally on a paradise earth, will change. They are like the trunk main thick branchs of a tree. The smaller doctrines JW'S have all stem from these and some are not so clear and obvious in the bible. They may be adjusted from time to time yes, but those core fundamental stable doctrines as I've listed are immutable truths as revealed in the holy bible (any bible)

    But this doesn't explain why the only true Christians have to be JWs, does it?

  • ozziepost
    Certainly the mainstream churches are 'drying up'. Smaller apostolic, pentecostal, and other 'born again' type denominations have risen in numbers yes, but I strongly doubt the flow leaving the mainstream churches equates exactly the same to those coming into to the more charismatic ones.

    This is not the experience we have on this side of "the pond". You'd be amazed at the thousands flocking to some churches.

    The total number of Witnesses here continues to decline. The "waters of Babylon" analogy doesn't hold up.

  • Torn

    Dear Ozziepost. Perhaps I should have said that I believe in all the core doctrines JW's teach EXCEPT that I am simply NO LONGER CONVINCED that Jesus become King in heaven in 1914 and the Gentile times ended then and some kind of parousia started then, that is all. I don't say I completely oppose this as completely false, and neither do I say it is absolutely correct. I am just no longer convinced and I see some strange inconsistencies with it. However, taking away purely the 586 v 607 thing, there is still some rather strong scriptural argumentation that 1914 could have some significance, however to say Christ was enthroned then and most of the 144,000 were resurrected at that time, I am very doubtful of. This may seem wishy washy and 'sitting on the fence' but so be it. It's the present position I stand in.

    Every other CORE doctrine taught by JW's I have no hesitation in categorically saying I accept and believe in. Everyone on this website can flame me if they like, or the owners even remove me from it, but I must be honest with what I personally know and believe to be the truth.

    Yes, I agree that if the 1914 thing doesn't stand, that means the so called 'faithful and discreet' slave class have a huge problem problem on their hands. They would lose much 'authority' as you put it. I don't see necessarily that their authority would completely collapse however. The anointed are not just the GB, and ultimately their authority is the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Jehovah (not necessarily in that order hehe). Jesus is the head of the Christian Congregation, not some archaic chronological error and date setting. But that is not my problem; it is the problem for those writing and upholding teachings at the very head of the organisation. If they are deliberately perpetuating a falsehood in this regard, Jehovah, Jesus and the angels will have them sifted and weeded out all in their good time. Even if the whole Governing Body is sacked, so be it. We know that whole bodies of elders have been unhesitantly sacked because of not handling judicial cases and things correctly. If such a dramatic thing as most or all of the current GB were dumped and replaced, maybe re paedophile scandals or deliberating perpetuating false chronology, then no doubt many many JW'S may, in fact quite likely would, stumble and leave, and those at the top who have stumbled them will have a very terrible accounting to Jehovah for what they've done. Still, sincere honesthearted truthseekers will pick up and carry on. I believe such a major shake-up could indeed happen to JW's if the 'end' they all expect doesn't come by 1914 or shortly thereafter, although the way they have 'hedged' and couched their 'new light' on the 'This Generation' understanding now makes it hard to pin anything on them. They're trying to cover all bases now. The years could just drift on for decades with more children being born, growing up, and getting baptised ignorant of all the scandals of the past.

    However, as I think I mentioned in a previous post, it could well be that JW's as they presently are constitute a nucleas of a refined organisation God will mould and cause to rise up in the future, whether it be 5 years from now, or 50? Time will tell.

    I know my views are very unorthodox and certainly I could easily be disfellowshipped if I aired such postulations and theories amongst JW's. As I've said before, I still believe and will always believe there is more good, much more doctrinal truth than falsehood, to be found in JW's than the bad. The angels are sifting all the time. Jesus is holding the 'seven congregations' in his hand and he is judging them and refineung them. I just say, let's just back off and wait and see, rather than condemning and attacking.

    Cheers - Torn

  • Torn

    A very good question Ozzie, one I and other JW'S I know ponder on. My answer to this one Ozzie, is that ultimately for a person to be a 'true' christian in the sense that they are worshipping God 'in spirit and truth", they cannot be believing in false doctrines such as the trinity, hellfire, immortality of the soul etc. Now I know the first reaction to this is "that is just typical JW judgementalism, arrogance, extremism, and bigotry". HOWEVER, it is the reason WHY a christian is believing those things that I believe matter a lot more to God that JW's as an organisation admit. What I mean by that is false religion has MISLED the MAJORITY of mankind. The devil has created counterfeit christianity and teachings to conceal the truth and hide it. He has 'blinded the minds of the unbelievers'. Now this is something that MOST sincere individual christians are of course not to be blamed for and, personally, I do not feel will be 'mercilessly massacred' by Jesus at Armageddon for. After all, who did Jesus was not the common people, who he had immense pity and compassion for, and viewed as sheep tossed about and skinned by the sanctimonious religious leaders. No, it was the religious leaders of his time that he condemned and said. There is not one account of jesus condemning the average poor downtrodden citizen. Even those living in immoral lifestyles (woman at the well and the woman who poured oil on his feet and washed them with her tears) he felt love for and wanted to help. He saw their hearts. I feel it is the same today: The majority of 'christians' are good hearted people who Jehovah and Jesus love (john 3:16), however, it is the reprehensible proud and fleecing leaders of these mammoth false religious edifices who will be held accountable at the ruination of Babylon The Great. Having said that tho, Revelation does say one must eventually flee from them if they do not want to be 'sharers in their sins'. So if any who deliberately and knowingly still cling to these institutions when eventually God delivers his justice to them for so grossly misrepresenting him, having had a full and thorough witness about the truth, and the issue of universal sovereignty having become absolutely clear to them (which is presently absolutely isn't to the majority of mankind), if they still cling, they will go down with it. There's no getting around that Jesus said only a minority will be saved. The road is narrow and cramped; few are the ones finding it.

    The WBTS meantime dare not voice such speculations and theories because they have no right to, as the bible does not reveal in complete detail how God is to deal with the masses who are 'blinded' simply 'misled', through no real intentional wickedness on their part. They can only preach what the bible does say about what one needs to do to be saved, and there are those with especially receptive heart conditions who can see this straight away..others can't because they are more engulfed and entangled in the morass of disinformation and falsehoods out there. How things pan out when this system and false religion goes down is yet to be revealed.


    Edited by - Torn on 11 November 2002 4:56:53

  • SYN

    TORN! Hi there! Nice to see a sincere newbie for a change!

    First, read this.

    THEN, read this.

    After all the research I've seen, it's quite impossible to believe that some mystical heavenly entity (a man, gee, what a surprising coincidence) sent his son (also a man, oh my) down to die for us, because another man who was the father of the entire human race changed from being immortal into being mortal. The book that all of this was written in was written almost entirely by men (another coincidence?), and the entire societal structure it recommends we adhere to is entirely governed by men (wow!).

    What surprises me the most of all is how staunchly WOMEN defend this utterly chauvinistic book, the Bible! Only on this planet would you get such bizarre behaviour!

    Anyway, welcome, hoping to have some good discussions with you. Note that while I may at times criticize your beliefs, you should confuse this with an ad hominem attack, as I'm a very friendly guy, except once a month when the Moon comes out and I turn into a rather nasty werewolf.

  • ozziepost

    I agree with SYN! It IS nice to see a thoughtful newbie.

    Our discussion here is going along familiar lines. Sorry, Torn, but your views may not be as "unorthodox" as you fear! I can tell you that there are many others who are here in Oz and share your views of disquiet. I know, for example, that one of our posters, Younger Tom, has views very similar to yours. We haven't "heard" from him for a while. Perhaps he'll read this and make a comment?

    There was one comment I must comment upon:

    it is the reprehensible proud and fleecing leaders of these mammoth false religious edifices who will be held accountable at the ruination of Babylon The Great.

    This is very much Watchtower-ese and I've expressed it in many talks over the years......but is it true? A few years ago i set out to find out for myself. I met with leaders from various church denominations. Some of them I've become good friends with and have shared some "close" moments with them and their families. I've enjoyed many hours in discussing Bible topics and beliefs. This is not to say I agree with everything, but then, I don't HAVE to, do I? Have I found it proved that the clergy are "proud and fleecing leaders"? No, far from it. I've grown to know men who subsist on an allowance, just like WTS full-time workers. Their wives do secular work to support the families. Proud? Not at all, just the opposite, with a humble reliance on their God.

    For your interest, you may like to see a contrast that I posted on another thread. It serves to illustrate what I've found:

    In his Presidential Address to the 2002 Synod, Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen said:

    "However, not all my efforts have been devoted to the Mission as such. Let me say that the single most significant thing which has diverted me from it has been the task of attending to issues of sexual abuse. But has it been a diversion from mission, or integral to it? This may well reflect one of the barriers to evangelism that we are going to find in the community, as our good name has been compromised. Our reputation cannot be restored by acting as though events never occurred. We are going to have to learn once more what it is to live by grace and thus to show repentance as a community. Indeed, there is a deep connection between the Mission and our response to this problem. The Diocese as a whole has a good reputation for care with integrity in churches, schools, welfare work, retirement villages. But shameful cases of abuse of trust do exist, and, as we look back at our history we see that we have not always handled matters well. I do not claim to have responded adequately in all cases either, but I am seeking to be fair, to redress wrongs and to prevent recurrences.

    "Ministry is a character business; lose your character and, effectively, you lose your ministry. Of course there is grace and forgiveness for those who have erred; but part of the very business of coming to grips with what we have done is the recognition by our erring pastors or lay leaders that various forms of ministry are no longer an option. Sometimes this involves the loss of a position or a licence; sometimes the surrender or deprivation of orders. On the broader front of our own church's life, there is also need for public contrition and apology as well as an active care for victims. If the public recognition of our weaknesses brings our church into disrepute, it is still necessary to live the truth. It may be that we will all more effectively witness to the grace of God by living under it ourselves: but this involves painful repentance, not easy grace."

    This statement may be contrasted to the public statements of officers of the WTS on the same topic. Is there a similar "contrition" and a willingness as shown by this statement: If the public recognition of our weaknesses brings our church into disrepute, it is still necessary to live the truth. ?

    See the latest letter to bodies of elders in Australia from the WTS Australia Branch:


    ABN 42 002 861 226

    PHONE: (02) 9829 5800
    FAX: (02) 9829 3618
    October 10, 2002


    Dear Brothers:

    Some questions have arisen concerning the statement on page 2 of our letter To All Congregations in Australia dated August 28, 2002: "We have long instructed elders to report allegations of child abuse to the authorities where required by law to do so, even where there is only one witness." This statement needs to be understood in the following context: (1) This was a general letter addressed to the congregation and not specifically to the elders; and (2) the Society has long instructed elders to follow the following procedure:

    "When elders receive reports of physical or sexual abuse of a child, they should contact the Society's Legal Department immediately. Victims of such abuse need to be protected from further danger."-See letter AB:AS To All Bodies of Elders, August 25, 1989, page 3.

    "When a member of the congregation is accused of child molestation, the elders should contact the Society immediately. Some states make it mandatory that elders report an accusation to the proper authorities but other states do not. ... Before speaking to the one accused, the elders should contact the Society."-See letter SA To All Bodies of Elders, November 1, 1995, page 1.

    It must be appreciated that the question of child abuse is a complicated matter and that there can be no blanket direction given to the elders throughout the country, or even state by state. Whether or not they are "required by law to do so," can only be determined at the time when elders contact the Society after receiving a report of child abuse. If the law requires them to report the matter, the Society has always, at that time, advised-elders to do so. Since there is no clear precise legal definition of "child abuse," and since laws may vary from state to state and are changed from time to time, it is only when all the facts of a particular case are available that proper direction can be given in such matters. Some elders have been concerned about the question of confidentiality, having in mind what the Scriptures say on the subject. (Proverbs 11:13; 15:22) If, after contacting the Society, it is determined that the elders should report a matter such as child abuse to the authorities, it would not be considered to be a breach of confidentiality to make such a report. At times, there may be other Bible principles that must be weighed against the need for confidentiality. (For example, see Awake! January 22, 1985, page 8.) Nevertheless, elders should always be conscious of their Scriptural responsibility to keep matters confidential. In this way they can be "like a hiding place from the wind and a place of concealment from the rainstorm." (Isaiah 32:2; See also The Watchtower April 1, 1971, pages 222-224.) However, there are times when elders must reveal confidential matters in order to protect the sheep. For example, Our Kingdom Ministry, April 1999, on page 7, stated:

    "The question has been asked whether elders should supply information to secular authorities when they learn that a brother or sister has been involved in a serious crime. ... If an elder learns of some serious crime on the part of a member of the congregation, they may, in some circumstances, be obliged to report the matter, or provide information to secular authorities."



    October 10, 2002
    Page 2

    In all such cases, the elders would want to reach any decision to report the matter or provide information to secular authorities only after consultation with the Society, as stated in Our Kingdom Ministry:

    "Even in such cases, it is important that the elders maintain confidentiality to the extent possible, and elders should always contact the Society before providing any information on confidential matters to secular authorities."

    We also want to encourage you to continue providing follow-up assistance for those who have been victims of child abuse. From time to time, the Society has provided assistance to elders to help them to become more effective shepherds, genuinely interested in the welfare of individuals under their care. (1 Peter 5:2.) For example, some helpful articles are: "Help for Victims of Incest"-The Watchtower, October l, 1983; "Child Molesting-Every Mother's Nightmare" Awake! January 22, 1985; "How Can We Protect Our Children?" and "Prevention in the Home" Awake! October 8, 1993; and "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked!"-The Watchtower, January l, 1997. While we do not take a secular approach in this regard, by imitating the tender qualities of our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah, and his Son, Jesus, much good can be accomplished in rendering assistance to those who have experienced abuse, or who have other distressing circumstances to deal with.-Matthew 11:28, 29.

    To assist in protecting our young children, we are now asking the body of elders to write to the Society before allowing a former child molester to receive any privileges in the congregation that would indicate congregational approval. This would include the handling of microphones, being an attendant, working with the literature, volunteering at a convention or assembly, or even auxiliary pioneering.

    We appreciate the time and effort you brothers expend in shepherding the sheep. Please accept our very warm Christian love and greetings.

    Your brothers,

    Watchtower B.&T. Society
    O F A U S T R A L I A

    Which organisation shows a "contrite heart"? Does the WTS have "honest" leaders? Check this out from another thread:

    Note that in the report, the Australia Branch co-ordinator responded to the program in a statement:
    In a statement to Sunday, the President of the Watchtower Society of Australia, Harold "Viv" Mouritz, declines to be interviewed but says: "My inquiries indicate that the elders involved did not give instructions not to report the abuse to the police." Mr Mouritz denies all knowledge of the concept of "theocratic warfare" and expresses the churchs abhorrence of child abuse.

    Now note what past issues of The Watchtower have stated:

    In carnal warfare it is essential that officers and other personnel have briefing sessions so as to be kept up-to-date on the movements on the battlefield and the latest enemy strategy. Likewise, our meetings at the Kingdom Hall or elsewhere are vital so that we may be regularly strengthened by the Word of God and his holy spirit, as well as being kept alert to the movements of the enemy. March 1, 1983 p19

    As a soldier of Christ he is in theocratic warfare and he must exercise added caution when dealing with Gods foes. Thus the Scriptures show that for the purpose of protecting the interests of Gods cause, it is proper to hide the truth from Gods enemies. June 1, 1960 p 352

    Perhaps some will wonder as to where the line is to be drawn between use of theocratic war strategy in hiding the truth and the telling of lies. ................Lies are untruths told for selfish reasons and which work injury to others. Satan told a lie to Eve that worked great harm to her and all the human race. Ananias and Sapphira told lies for selfish reasons. But hiding the truth, which he is not entitled to know, from an enemy does not harm him, especially when he would use such information to harm others who are innocent. May 1, 1957 p 285

    Who are we to believe?

    No, Torn, I have not found that church leaders are the fat, greedy, fleecing men (and women) that Joe Rutherford proclaimed in his books and journals.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 11 November 2002 6:46:39

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