Keeping it in perspective

by Torn 103 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Torn

    Hi Frank. I had spent about an hour preparing a detailed reply to your last message to me wherein you replied to my private email to you, but alas, when I hit 'submit reply' it just didn't appear in the thread...nnggaarrr! (pull my hair out). If I find time in the next week or so I will be sure to have another go at doing this. Not to try and win points against you Frank and nitpick (1 Tim 2:8; 6:4), but 'for the benefit' of anyone caring to read this thread, for what it's worth.

    In the meantime, I didn't say in my post that I PERSONALLY know ones who I consider have been left in a vacuum of some sort, did I. If I did I apologise for I didn't mean that. And if you want me to say it should really be 'a few', well, ok, that's fine. Maybe it is just a few. I don't know the whole number who have left the organisation so cannot give an accurate demographic and statistical representation expressed in one word of the English language that would do justice to the volume of such ones in comparison to the total number of JW's worldwide. Many, a few, whatever. Certainly 'quite a few' (how is that?) I've seen on this forum I see as falling into that category, ie, having lost sight of the Wood for the Trees doctrinally. If you feel I'm being judgement, so be it. For any JW to have turned their back on such precious truthssuch as the true identify of God, the truth about the condition of the dead, the truth about the resurrection hope, and so on and son on, and go back to the pagan myths and old lies as taught by Christendom in general is a very sad thing I feel. Sounds harsh this, but a spiritual 'returning to the vomit'. If one has decided to leave JW's because they feel it doesn't show any love, or it's ruined their family, or it does flip-flops of some of the more minor doctrines, well thats one thing, but to then reject wholesale the core truths as discovered by the early bible students after centuries these diamonds being buried and suppressed by the clergy and Christendom, well, that's entirely a different matter.

    And do you really feel I am inaccurate in saying that MOST, ie, NOT ALL, elders are sincere and honest God - fearing men? Do you sincerely and honest not believe that whenyou examine your heart Frank. Are JW's that bad that MOST elders are dishonest, not God-fearing and sincere?



  • SYN

    Dear Torn,

    Please don't take what I said personally. One's beliefs and doctrine should be able to stand up to the burning light of logic and compassion - there are few Dub Doctrines that do.

    If any!

    You ask why I'm here? I'm here because I gave 17 years of my life to the Tower, and all I got in return was recurring Armageddon paranoia, a healthy dose of anti-socialism which I still need to work on even today, a bunch of magazines, and a completely screwed up family in return for selling their books. Sometimes you should really put yourself in the shoes of others. I'm healing, but the healing may never be complete. Hell, I'm not even that badly affected by it - some people on these boards have been DESTROYED by this so-called "religion", far wose than my life.

    not sure if there would be much point in us having any discussions.

    What are you afraid of? The real, unblemished truth? Scared I might raise doubts? HOW SILLY!

    In fact I wonder why on earth you are even on this forum.

    See above.

    From your message to me it seems you obviously do not believe in Jesus Christ has having come in the flesh,

    Now, don't be so hasty. There is evidence for and against the existence of Jesus Christ. Personally I still have to decide whether he actually existed or not.

    being sent by our Creator, in turn denying the ransom sacrifice.

    It seems that airing my views about Biblical matters upsets you. Well, tough cookie. One day, probably far too late, you will ask yourself the same questions as I've asked myself. All you've gotta do is think about it logically. Ransom sacrifice? THAT is a joke! Ghod sent his Son down to die so that less people would die. Makes a HELL of a lot of sense to ME!

    And you attached a link sending me to some joke-like version of the bible.

    Are you denying that the Bible contains some rather dodgy bits? This is the book you're basing your life and religion on, after all. Best to be sure it's all that it purports to be! Of course the Skeptic's Annotated Bible can be silly at times, but they do highlight many things which are very strange, inaccurate, and/or cruel and downright mean in the Bible, which is valid criticism. Can YOUR Bible stand up to criticism, considering it's such an important book?

    Not amusing I can tell you.

    My post was not meant to be amusing!

    You hardly seem like anything resembling a christian,

    LOL! Guess not! But then, if you were born in Afghanistan, you'd be saying I hardly seem like anything resembling a Muslim! Get real!

    more like a pseudo feminist of some spiritual sort

    Oh, I'm not spiritual or feminist - I'm a hardcore athiest who believes that men and women should be treated equally at all costs. This obviously puts me directly in violation of the statutes of the Bible, which states that men are superiour to women over and over. Say, have you read that "Women Are Like Cows In Heat" article that they had in a Watchtower once? You see, one of my primary weapons for showing the true nature of the Bible is it's view of women. Anything that degrades our lovely ladies in the way that the Bible does is automatically on my hitlist, as far as that is concerned. I'm a very protective guy, and I see this book as engendering (sic) the maltreatment and general psychological abuse and trampling down of women, damnit. It's a human rights issue at the end of the day.

    more interesting any bashing anything that upholds the santity and truthfulness of God's inspired Word.

    Sanity and truthfulness? I think not! More like violent psychopathic insanity!

    You see, at first when I read the Bible (I've read it twice, cover to cover), I was pretty scared of this violent, super-cruel Ghod pictured in it. A few years down the line, I'm slowly beginning to understand that your Ghod is not Jehovah, your Ghod is FEAR. Jehovah is merely an aspect of this fear. Are you "Ghod fearing"? Why should you need to FEAR Ghod if he is "love"? Seems like a very dangerous concept to me.

    Once again, this post is not meant to offend. I'm merely very virulent in my views. However, they're MY views, and as such, you can take them or leave them. Notice that I am not attacking you at all, merely questioning your faith. Remember, Jesus himself said that there would be tempters.

    Perhaps I am an envoy of Satan himself, wherever the hell he is! How's that for an idea!

  • SYN

    Torn: PS, here's a handy tip (see, I am a friendly guy!): Before you hit SUBMIT, make sure your cursor is in the posting box, then hit Control+A, then hit Control+C. This will copy your entire post into the Clipboard, so that if the submission dies or fails for some reason, you can just paste it back into the post box again with Shift+Insert. Enjoy!

  • Torn

    Hi PurpleV

    Are very profound and interesting question . Yes, how could an organisation claiming to be the restoration of true christianity in the end times, the wheat amongst the weeds, get it wrong initially (old light) and make changes to doctrines saying it is 'new light'.

    It's a difficult concept, but I'm not prepared to say that just because there have been changes and 'flipflops' to some of the beliefs of JW's that this must of necessity mean they are not God's true christian organisation, at least for the most part.

    I think the answer lies in the question: Just to what extent does God and Jesus, in these end times, have some kind of personal beam of inspirational 'light' that he transmits to human beings. Of course, who can know this? There are many who claim "God spoke to me", or "The Lord Jesus spoke to me personally", but the truth is he does not do this in the times we live in. Maybe Benny Hinn claims Jesus speaks personally to him, but I let's not go there, haha. Jehovah did in ancient times as recorded for us in the bible have DIRECT COMMUNION by means of inspired prophets, Jesus, the apostles, visions, and dreams, but how does he do it today? - quite simply, by means of his holy Word THE BIBLE, of course, and indirectly by his holy spirit.. No, Jehovah does not 'beam down' or shine new light directly into the minds of 12 old men in New York, as if they are inspired prophets. I don't think he ever has. It's my contention that he searches the heart of those who truly love his word and believe it is truth and has opened up the minds up of certain spirit-begotten individual christians in the last 130 years or so to perceive and see the truth about fundamental truths and teachings in the scriptures that were hidden from mankind and perverted for about 1800 years, while 'the man' (Jesus) has been 'sleeping' and weeds have grown around him, to quote one of Jesus parables about the Kingdom. That was all that was needed for Jehovah to reestablish pure worship at his mountain again, when the appointed times came to fruition for restoration of this. For the main part he leaves it to honest-hearted truth-seeking men to then search hungrily for the rest of the truth in the bible, which all stem from these fundamental truths.

    It's easy to think that God surely would have, right from the start, somehow 'beamed' into the minds of persons in these end times brilliant and sudden flashes of insight regarding every tiny detail and doctrinal nuance to be found in scriptures for any Organisation he is using to accomplish the Kingdom preaching word and make the truth known. But is that really realistic and how God would operate? I don't for one second claim to have much of an inkling for knowing how God's mind works, but the way I see it, it's quite reasonable to believe that Christ has allowed very gradually and slowly allowed his true followers on earth to see certain lesser obvious truths and clarifications in the bible. Jesus did say to his apostles that 'it was not for them to know the times and the seasons' at that time in the first century. Certain God and Christ DO choose to progressively reveal truths and understandings to their servants. They have done so in the past and it is not unreasonable to imagine he would do so today. There are after all 'some things hard to understand', (2 Peter 3:16), in the bible for which it may take time to many to get a clearer picture on, including the GB and the writers and policy setters of 'the Borg' (had to say that..Star Trek is sooo good don't ya reckon).

    Let's also keep in mind that the correct application and context of the use of this concept of 'new light' is of course the scripture from whence it is taken, ie, Proverbs 4: 18 "for the path OF THE RIGHTEOUS ONE is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter", is referring to persons, individual christians, not necessarily flashes of doctrinal light from God. So when the WBTS says some change in thinking or policy is 'new light', it doesn't necessarily mean they are claiming God has somehow zapped them with a perfect and miraculous understanding of something, rather it means that 'we as a body of christians are making our PATH lighter and lighter, our path is becoming clearer. It may still be murky in some places, but it's getting clearer and clearer.'

    And what is greater evidence of real humility and a desire to be mouled by God's Word: to be willing to change one's beliefs when one can see scripturally that one has been wrong, or to dogmatically and stubbornly stick with what one considers to be correct despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary (some may say the Org does this already, eg, 587 v 607 - well maybe it is to some extent, but just wait and see what will develop rather than arbitrarily right the whole Organisation off).

    Finally, the 'new generation' understanding I must admit is hard to swallow. It does seem that the WBTS have to quite a degree forsaken a scriptural interpretation (a biblical generation is easily shown to be 40 years) in favour of a secular one, to try and prop up the 1914 thing it appears, or to settle for a half truth to save face and minimise losses?. Still, I'd hardly say this teaching is one of 'life and death'! No one died as result of this change of teaching!, and while, yes, some may have lost out financially because of looking to a date of some sort, and 'expectation postponed makes the heart grow sick' ,the reward of everlasting life for a faithful christian is not to be viewed like some sort of lotto draw to be got all upset about cause it didn't happen when someone thought it might and we really believed them. If they are a true sheep and faithful christian, they will 'listen to the Shepherd's voice' and 'follow the lamb' no matter where he goes', knowing that the prize of everlasting life is still the prize we all hope to attain to, whether it comes soon, (and despite some Organisation, headed by IMPERFECT men who are not infallible, getting a bit carried away and all excited about when it MIGHT be), or whether we do not see it during our natural life course and have to get it by means of a resurrection. If we have lost out on some temporary and fleeting wealth in this system thru christian sacrifice and whole-souled service our God, then is it really a matter of 'life and death'? On this one I'd like to quote the scripture Frank quoted in one of his posts - Phillipians 3:8 "I consider them as a lot of refuse", ie the shallow and temporary things this sick old system (to coin a favourite Watchtower phrase Ozziepost) offers. Riches in Heaven are all that really matter in the final say.

  • Torn

    Thanks for the tip SYN, much appreciated.



  • fjtoth


    You asked me to examine my heart concerning the sincerity and honesty of most JW elders. Could it possibly be, Torn, that you're the one who needs to do that? I'm an old man now. I was in the organization a long time. For many years I had plenty of opportunity to compare JW elders, including GB members, with leaders and ordinary people on the outside of the organization. I tend to feel you haven't done that yet. Instead, you're accepting as I did for many, many years what the organization says about itself. When you hear it often enough, you tend to believe it. You tend to reject what your heart tells you and instead you gullibly believe most things the organization wants you to believe.

    Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees for being whitewashed graves. Honesty compels me to say that the WT Society uses whitewash upon itself far more than most other religious organizations. We need to see what's behind that whitewash. We won't see it if we don't open our eyes and our hearts to the facts as they really are.

    I could write a book about all the mistreatment I saw elders and even GB members mete out to fellow JWs over the years. Jesus would condemn such goings on just as much as he condemned the Pharisees for the way they lorded themselves over others. Jesus said "all you are brothers," but the WT Society says, "Not true!" Among JWs you will almost always win where there is disagreement between brothers if you're rich, white and/or possessed of a good worldly education. (Note, for example, that going back to Russell's day there have been numerous black persons among the anointed, but it's only been in very recent years that black persons have been admitted to the governing body.) At Bethel, the ones who advance most rapidly to positions of great responsibility are not the ones most devoted. Instead, it's those who have worldly advantages, especially in wealth and education. Only a person who chooses deliberately to remain blind will fail to observe that this has been consistently true for most of the Society's history.

    You wrote to PurpleV that "I'm not prepared to say that just because there have been changes and 'flipflops' to some of the beliefs of JW's that this must of necessity mean they are not God's true christian organisation, at least for the most part." Why then are you prepared to write off all sincere truth seekers outside of JWs? Could it be, Torn, that you've closed your eyes to the fact that they exist at all, just as the WT Society wants you to?

    Incidentally, I wasn't referring to things in the outside world when I spoke of "a lot of refuse." I never had those things so that I could consider the loss of them as such. But what I have lost is the fellowship of family members and persons I thought were my life-long friends. That is what I consider to be "refuse" as long as they choose to engage in the unchristian practice of shunning people who conscientiously choose to believe the Bible rather than agree with the WT Society 100 percent.

    And you know deep down in your own heart, Torn, that if your elders had any idea that you've been expressing your negative views about the Society in this forum, you would be thrown out at once. If you really and truly believed that JWs are so Christian and are truly God's organization, how could you share thoughts that might lead others to question the organization? The answer is that you really have your doubts. What God is looking for in you is your courage to act upon those doubts and get out of a man-made organization that is currently hindering you from having a wholesome relationship with Christ. I'm convinced that you will come to that realization only if you are willing and capable of making an unbiased examination of your heart as many truthseekers in this forum have done.


  • JT

    Yes, I agree that if the 1914 thing doesn't stand, that means the so called 'faithful and discreet' slave class have a huge problem problem on their hands. They would lose much 'authority' as you put it. I don't see necessarily that their authority would completely collapse however


    this is the entire foindation upon what the wt is built it is normal for a person at your point in their journey to try and downplay it, but allow me to speed you along

    a few years back the wt had a study article with bible text as support for their ARRANGMENT it went something like this

    jah - jesus- angels- 144,00, anointed on earth, gb, elders, ms- publishers(6mill+)

    now if you SNAP that line of power it produces as you stated "a huge problem problem on their hands."

    and why

    well the entire super structure of the org is built off NOT BEING ABLE TO QUESTION anyone in that line of power without being accuesd of QUESTIONING GOD HIMSELF

    ONCE THE LINE IS SNAPPED by what authority does the GB tell you that so and so is a conscience matter

    suppose the gb told you that you had to let your wife die instead of a transplant and they no longer had the "authority" to tell you that you would be in disobedience to DIVINVE LAW

    YOU WOULD LAUGH IN THIER FACE AS YOU REALIZE that they DON'T SPEAK FOR GOD as claimed only that they are giving you the opinion of A MAN

    at one time the wt told folks to treat unbaptized jw like they were DFedand you and i and others did just so, but what happens when they lose thier authority to speak inbehalf of god as they used to claim

    anytime a person/group losed their authority they are nothing ask any former president of the use can he get a bill passed thru congress now that he is no longer president -

    even current president can hardly get bills thru

    look at yourself - 15 yrs ago you would have never been on a site like this perhaps and why CAUSE THE GB TOLD YOU SO yet here you are reading this post

    the iron glove that the gb has claimed that they got from god is no longer viewed that way

    at elders school the instructor told us years ago when the society said jump elders asked how high today they ask why

    this one dogma IS THE VERY CORE OF WT DOGMA for without it the avg congo of sisters would laugh in the face of most so called elders and ms due to being completely unqualified EVEN BY WT STANDARDS MOST CO AND DO and the socieity know full well that 10s of 1000's of men called elders are no more qualified than my big toe, but they sell lots of books and attend all the sales meeting so they are good enough,

    many lack any real depth of the bible or even organizational procedures, they lack the skill to give advice in all the areas of jw lives that they attempt to advise and that is why we see so many publishers suffer and the wt knows that they are out there in charge of congo all over

    as you continue your journey you will find that this one dogma WE SPEAK FOR GOD DON'T LISTEN TO US YOU DIE

    Will be the dogma that cracks wt wall of secrecy

    but welcome to freedom

  • Shakita

    Torn: I appreciated your reasoned and well-thought out reply to my post. There are many Witnesses that have had trouble with the "generation" doctrine. Some have left the Witnesses as a result of this "new light." I agree that 1914 was significant historically, but I'm not so sure that the events surrounding 1914 have any real significance Biblically. As a matter of fact historians recognize other wars prior to 1914 as being worlwide in scope. In his book, "The Sign of The Last Days When?, Carl Olof Jonsson lists seven wars that were considered world wars and that had significant casualties. This list is found on pages 145-147 of the same book.

    Here goes: 1. The Thirty Years War from 1618-1648, was an international conflict that involved 10 nations, about 2-3 million soldiers were killed. 30-40 percent of the civilian German population suffered the loss of 7-8 million killed due to this war.

    2. The Manchu-Chinese War happened in 1644 when Manchus from Manchuria invaded China. About 25 million people were killed, which is about twice as many soldiers killed during World War I.

    3. The War of the Spanish Succession from 1701-1714 was a war involving 10 European nations in which 400,000 were killed.

    4. The Seven Years War from 1756-1763 was fought around the world and cost the lives of about one million persons.

    5. The Napoleonic Wars from 1792-1815 involved about the same amount of nations that fought in World War I. France lost about 2 million lives and the total of all lives lost over the 23 year period was about 5-6 million.

    6.The Taiping Rebellion from 1850-1864 was a civil war in China which took the lives of 20-30 million people. The March 22, 1982 Awake reported that there were possibly 40 million victims, which is four times as many as perished in World War I.

    7. The Lopez War from 1864-1870 involved Paraguay fighting against Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil in which 2 million were killed.

    Of these seven wars Torn the total estimated casualties is about 63-87 million. The total estimated casualties in World War I is about 37.5 million although 10-12 million deaths were caused directly by World War I. So, Carl Olof Jonsson makes the point that in the 2,400 years before 1914 100's of millions of people lost their lives.

    Torn, I also want you to read this quote from Charles Taze Russell himself. This appeared in the Watchtower January 15, 1892 pages 19-21. Russell states: "the daily papers and the weeklies and the monthlies, religious and secular, are continually discussing the prospects of war in Europe. They note the grievances and ambitions of the various nations and PREDICT THAT WAR IS INEVITABLE AT NO DISTANT DAY, THAT IT MAY BEGIN AT ANY MOMENT BETWEEN SOME OF THE GREAT POWERS, AND THAT THE PROSPECTS ARE THAT IT WILL EVENTUALLY INVOLVE THEM ALL." (I did the capitalizing for effect) The book brings out far more detail than I am typing down, but you get the point. Rather than The world being surprised at the outbreak of war, the world was expecting that very thing. So, it was not in any way due to Charles Russell's "alleged prognostications." Russell had actually predicted the end of all things in 1914 and yet that didn't occur. It should be no surprise that something significant happened in 1914 because so many Bible expositors were making predictions of the end concerning various years. So, the law of averages can show that if enough expositors guess several different dates for the end that at least one of them would get something seemingly right. Again as I previously stated Russell was not right because the end did not come as he expected.

    Torn read Jesus respose again to his followers question concerning the time of the end. Read it carefully. At Matt24:4-6 Jesus states: "Jesus told them, DON'T LET ANYONE FOOL YOU. For many will come claiming to be the Messiah, and will lead many astray. When you hear of wars beginning, THIS DOES NOT SIGNAL MY RETURN; these must come, but the end is not yet. The nations and kingdoms of the earth will rise against each other and there will be famines and earthquakes in many places. But all this will be only the beginning of the horrors to come." Also Torn Matt24:23-26 Jesus continues: "Then if anyone tells you, 'The Messiah has arrived at such and such a place, or has appeared here or there, 'don't believe it. For false Christs shall arise, and false prophets, and will do wonderful miracles (such as making a seemingly correct prediction for the return of Christ) so that if it were possible, even God's chosen ones would be deceived. See, I have warned you. So, if someone tells you that the Messiah has returned (such as the Watchtower Society) and is out in the desert, don't bother to go and look. Or, that he is hiding at a certain place, don't believe it! For as the lightening flashes across the sky from east to west, so shall my coming be, when, I, the Messiah, return. And whereever the carcass is, there the vultures will gather."

    So, you see Torn Jesus was not saying that wars, famines ,earthquakes and pestilences would mark his return. Rather he was indicating that as long as mankind held sway over the earth, these disasters would continue indefinitely until Christ's return. Did you notice Jesus said Don't Let Anyone Fool You? He stated that for a reason because no event in the world would be a predictor of his imminent return. Rather his return would be just as shocking, sudden and unpredictable as lightening appearing in the sky. Also, when Jesus does return suddenly there will be no doubt by hte earth's inhabitants as to Jesus's arrival. All on earth will be shockingly aware of Jesus sudden return, much to the chagrin of some of the earth's inhabitants.

    My advice to you Torn is to expand your horizons and research material on your own without the Watchtower's influence. Although I'm aware from your other posts that you have already begun to do that to an extent. I don't have time to address the other subjects in your post, but I will comment on them at another time. I hope you're doing well. I look forward to your reply.

    Mr. Shakita

  • Torn

    Dear Shakita. Firstly, sorry to get your gender confused; feel a bit silly now.

    Thanks for an excellent posting. This is really a subject close to my heart. I havn't read Mr Jonsson's books as you've probably guessed by now, but who knows, one of these days I might.

    A lot of what you said about Matt 24 makes a lot of sense to me.

    As I think I've mentioned before, I do see some real anomalies with the WBTS's current understanding of the timing and nature of Christ's return (and when I say 'the nature', don't get me wrong, I most certainly do not believe he will be physically returning to earth and that 'every eye' will literally see him. Easy to say this has a clear meaning Frank, but I'm 'fraid Revelation isn't quite so easy as that. If you are to take that verse literally may as well go on and say he will float down on a cloud, sitting on a white horse, with a shiney big crown on his head, wearing a white robe with blood on it, and he'll have to have fiery red eyes for everyone to see, and not forgetting the big mean sword he must be carrying. Plus he is said to return with the angels on horses too, so I guess they might have to materialise as well and grow some wings for everyone to 'see' them also. Would be difficult for 'every eye' to see him given that half of them would be asleep on the other side of the globe while he floats down, unless the whole of the world's population decided to make a once in a life-time pilgrimmage to 'see' him, like Muslims do to Mecca, sitting on his throne in Jerusalem I suppose - I guess that would be one way to stop the crazy suicide bombers over there. Do ya think Yasser Arafat would have him around for tea?. Mind you, could buzz a few helicopters up there and film him coming down from the sky, but hmmm I really doubt a lot would just accept TV evidence as enough I'd say. Would watching tv constitute 'ever eye seeing him' anyway, hmmm, another moot point. But I've gone WAY off the subject :-).

    As I've mentioned in a previous post of mine, I think the Society do have a kind of 'double' vision in saying that Christ become King in 1914, and sat on a throne back then, yet they say that the throne Jesus is to sit on mentioned at Matt 25:32 is a different type of throne altogether, a 'judgement throne'. Looks suspiciously like dubious interpretation to me.

    The way I see it, all the wars, famine, pestilence, lawlessness, etc that Jesus spoke of, are a sign for his followers to know that he is 'near at the door', ie, NOT that he has already returned as taught by the WBTS, and as you've mentioned, but rather for his future followers to know they would be living in the 'season', for his imminent return. He compared it to an autumn season,ie, a definite season or era in time when things would be especially bad, causing more distress than usual. A season has more or less a beginning and an end where there is physical evidence for it; it is not some vague long drawn indeterminate period of time. So I don't really see that he was mentioing wars, famines, and pestilences etc in the context of trying to reassure his followers that these things merely 'indicate that as long as mankind holds sway there will be such disasters indefinitey until his sudden return'. That is far to general an interpretation I feel.

    The disciples asked jesus 'what will be THE SIGN of your presence/return, and of the conclusion of the system of things". If there were no clues at all by way of worldwide conditions and events to signify that he is 'near at the doors', and his return is going to be so absolutely unsuspected and out of the blue then what need for a sign? The sign would just be when he returns, which wouldn't be a sign at all really. His presence or returning is not the sign but the reality, the actual event. Ya get me?

    As I see it, when Jesus says 'see that you are not terrified, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet' he is not talking about wars and disasters etc spanning centuries of time, which seems to be the interpretation your putting forward. There have always been these things since the dawn of time, so why would Jesus bother mentioning these things now - just to give his apostles some general reassurance. Rather to my way of thinking he was referring to these disasters in a much smaller time context. In the first century this time context was between when he would die until the destruction of the Jewish system of things in 70 AD, which occurred before that 'generation' that was living when Jesus uttered these words 'passed away', ie, within a biblical 40 year generation

    Jesus says 'all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress'. If he was referring to general wars and bad conditions and disasters etc spanning many centuries, then they must be the longest darndest pangs imaginable. Rather it seems to be that Jesus was referring to some shorter period of time, when one could pinpoint some sort of 'beginning' of these distressful conditions, leading up to an ending, a climax. These pangs canvass a shorter period of time, similar to the definite 'pangs' suffered by a pregnant woman leading up to when she gives birth.

    Please consider this however as an interesting point. The disciples asked for what - A SIGN! right. Matthew 24: 30 says, inter alia, "And then THE SIGN of the son of man will appear in heaven". So could this actually be THE SIGN that Jesus said in answer to his disciples question (compare Revelation 12: 1 "And a great sign was seen in heaven,.."), ie, not some so-called composite sign as the WBTS says, but a sudden and undeniable supernatural phenomenan in the sky, to occur as Jesus commences 'coming on the clouds of heaven (denoting invisibility, just as the clouds hid him from human vision when he ascended in Acts 1:8 - they could only seem him UNTIL he went into the cloud, not while he was in it. And why would there be a need for 'a SIGN of the Son of Man' to appear in heaven if every eye is to literally see him? Any sign wouldn't be needed if we could all see Jesus with our literal eyes. ) with power and great glory' - Matt 24: 30. Food for thought.

    Also, how does one harmonize the 4 horseman of of Revelation 6 with jesus words describing world conditions in Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. It doesn't seem reasonable to suggest that these 4 horsemen with their wars, famine, and death, ride for many centuries. Rather they ride during a much lesser period of time. There have always been wars, famine, and death since since man's original rebellion, so these riders must ride within some shorter boundary of time then millenniums or long centuries. Their ride indicates the immanence of Christ's return to 'shepherd them with a rod of iron'. The WBTS says that because Revelation portrays Jesus as the first one 'out of the block's on his horse and the other macabre riders follow, this proves that Jesus is enthroned first and then these terrible world conditions happen. I've actually heard another JW (who is still an active JW) propound a different explanation for this. Anyone know what another interpretation of this might be - I'm all ears?

    Also, may I ask Shakita what bible version you were quoting from in your post. Certainly the wording is totally different from the NW translation?



    Edited by - Torn on 14 November 2002 3:31:4

  • SYN

    Aren't you going to reply to my post Torn?

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