Dearest Nowisee... the greatest of peace to you!
You ask:
if the bible has been tampered with, if not all is inspired, how are we to listen for the truth.
We listen FOR the truth, dear one, by listening TO the Truth!
Matthew 17:3
John 10:1-3, 27
through prayer?
No, my dear one... prayer... is for the Father, THROUGH Christ. With Christ, however, our conversation should be... well, whenever, for whatever. Constant and consistent. Let me ask you: how often does a husband need to speak to have a good relationship? If, then, we are to be the Bride of Christ, how OFTEN should we communicate with him... and he with us? Does he? Yes!
Hebrews 12:25
And where is "heaven"? The "kingdom," right? Which is IN you, in your MIDST, yes? The question, though, is do WE hear HIM... WHEN he speaks? For most of us, the answer is "yes". Unfortunately, however, we have been taught by earthling man, by RELIGION... and particularly by the WTBTS... that neither NOR Christ speak to us. And nothing could be further from the truth! God DOES speak to us!
does God speak directly to you?
Oh, no, my dear one... my Father speaks to me, just as He speaks to all in His Covenant, the same way He spoke to Israel when under the Law Covenant... through the MEDIATOR of that Covenant. He speaks to ME... and I to HIM... through Christ.
Hebrews 1:2
John 14:6
It is the voice of the Fine Shepherd that I hear... that called me and speaks to me even to this day. I KNOW his voice (John 10:27)... for although it speaks in "low tones" - inaudible with the physical ear - it ALWAYS "utters truth itself".
Proverbs 8:4-11
It is the voice of that One that guides and directs me... and grants me wisdom and knowledge... by means of holy spirit... to speak truth. Do I always hear exactly correctly? For the most part, yes, but not totally always! For I am yet fleshly. And so I have had to learn to hear by means of FAITH... and in those times when I am not sure... I "test" the inspired expression: what is the motive/intent... and is love its purpose?
For in truth, I am just a good-for-nothing servant... given to the Household of God, Israel, to serve it... by means of being a slave of Christ. That One opened my eyes and gave me sight so that I was no longer blind... unstopped my ears so that I was no longer deaf... and "clothed" me... with his love. For these things and more, I consider myself indebted to him... and thus, slave for him. He sends me to those searching for him... to call them BACK to him (for they have been led astray, AWAY from him by means of "religion" and earthling man)... and so, I speak. That is why I say to you that what you hear is not mine: it is from him that gave it to me, by means of holy spirit.
So, what about me... should you listen to me? Not at ALL!! You were told, were you not, NOT to put your trust in earthling man, yes? And I... am of "earthling man." You are to listen to ONE... for only one is your "leader"... only one is your mediator. LISTEN to HIM! And that is... and has always been my messge, the message that I have been sent to give to the Household of God, Israel, and all those that go with them:
Listen to the One that speaks to you from the heavens, the one that grants everlasting life by means of the spirit of God, holy spirit, which that One pours out upon those asking, wishing, thirsting and hearing. IF you have ears to hear... hear what HE says, when he says:
"You are searching the scriptures because you think that by means of them you will have everlasting life; and these are the very ones that bear witness about ME. And yet... you do not want to COME TO ME... that you may have life..."
Listen to HIM... the One that says to you:
"You THINK you rich... but you do not know that you
are nakes and blind and miserable. I advise you to buy
FROM ME... eyesalve... that you MAY see..."
My message, dear Nowisee, is to tell all who are wishing, who are thirsting, who are hearing, that if they hear the Master "knocking"... and open to HIM... he will come and take the evening meal with YOU! But you... must leave off any "shame" of him before men... and declare who... and what... you are... by means of accepting what he offers to you... LIFE... by means of HIS flesh and blood. Because there are those who sole purpose in THIS world... is to stop you from doing so, by means of convincing you that you shouldn't... in direct opposition to what my Lord, himself, SAID:
"UNLESS you eat the flesh of the son and man, and drink HIS blood, you have NO life in yourselves!"
I am just a messenger, dear Nowisee. Nothing more.
Again, I bid you the greatest of peace.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,