… the peace of Christ and love of God to you!
As I started writing this, I had at first said that I was not sure WHY our Lord permits different understandings, as he had not yet revealed his reason to me (perhaps because I have not asked). But during the course of posting this, I asked. I will share with you what my Lord has said to me, after I continue with what I was initially going to post. To wit:
We tend to think, sometimes, that we WILL all have the same understanding simply because we possess the same spirit. But there are several accounts that bear witness against that, including the account regarding circumcision. First, if you will recall, Peter first tried to tell “the apostles and brothers in Judea”… ALL of whom had received the promised holy spirit… that circumcision was NOT required. However, the spirit in these men did not permit them to fully grasp that, so that they went on preaching it. Then, Paul and Barnabas tried to tell them something similar, that although not circumcised, the people that they preached to received holy spirit… and Peter again backed them up… but it was not until JAMES said it, that it was accepted and believed. Now, Peter and Paul supposedly had the SAME spirit as James… and as these men. Why the difference?
Acts 11:1, 2, 18; 15:1-11, 19, 28
In another account, the man Aquila, and his wife Prisca, had to “expound the way more correctly” to the Alexandrian Jew, Apollo. Now, Apollo was “aglow with the spirit,” and so went teaching with correctness the things about Jesus.” Yet, he only knew of the baptism of John. Why? Why had not the same spirit that revealed it to Prisca and Aquila revealed it to him?
Acts 18:24-28
There is also the account of Paul’s position versus the apostles on “disfellowshipping,” the “nations” who received holy spirit “having lofty ideas” over the Jews who had received it, Paul and Barnabas disagreeing over Mark, Paul and the apostles disagreeing to the point of separating for 14 years… etc., etc., etc. But their difference of understandings did not divide them… for the spirit of LOVE that resided in them… did not permit it. What ‘divided’ them… was when they began to “bite” one another OVER their disagreements… almost to the point of annihilating one another, spiritually.
As for your question as to why my Lord allows different understandings, I am compelled to ask you: Why didn’t the same God who revealed His name to Moses, NOT reveal it to Abraham, the “father” of Israel, as well as to Isaac and Israel (Jacob) himself? Why did my Lord reveal to John what he did not reveal to the other 10? Why show Peter a “sheet” of “unclean” things, and not the others? Why appear in a flash of light to Paul… and make him an apostle to the nations… and not the others? Why show Thomas a body with piercings? My Lord’s answer to these things is, for EACH of us at a given time,“There are many things I have to tell you, but you are not able to bear them yet.” So that what we are given is what WE can BEAR… at such time.
In addition, there are those who need the "Law"... to be "written on stone tablets"... rather than in their hearts... so that they trust only what the SEE (read) with their eyes... rather than what they HEAR... in their hearts. I have been taught by the spirit that is IN me, the spirit of God and Christ, HOLY SPIRIT, to put FAITH in "the thing HEARD." For as my Lord first told me, "All the things that I will tell you are written; however, not everything that is written is what I will tell you, as the pen of the scribes is false."
Romans 8:9, 10; 10:17; Jeremiah 8:8
Thus, it does not matter what I think… or what I say… or what others… including the apostles… think or say. For we are, all of us, earthling man. And we were told NOT to put our trust in earthling man. What DO we do, then? But a s my Lord himself is recorded to have said... and I have learned to TRUST: “YOU… continue following me.”
So, I, too, can spend my time deriding those who are in disagreement with the spirit that speaks to me, dear Little Toe. I can oppose and contend with them, but it will change nothing: they will read/hear what they read/hear… and I will hear… what I hear. Thus, I… have no choice than to continue “following the Lamb… wherever HE goes!” For if I were to stop putting my faith in “the thing heard,” what then? The One who speaks to me has sayings of everlasting life. He has offered me the privilege of telling others what he has told me: to come to HIM… and listen to HIM… and not me… if one wishes to know the truth. For he IS the Truth! And to come to HIM… and not me… if one wishes to receive life and have it in abundance.
If by sharing this I am… “anti-christ”, then the saying “A house divided against itself will not stand,” is not true. For I am a “member” of the Household of that One… and no other. And the spirit by which I speak is not mine, but what has been granted me… holy spirit… so that I am nothing more than a slave… speaking as I ‘hear’. And if one ‘tests’ the inspired expression and believe it to be false, that is their perogative… as it is mine to ‘test’ theirs… and believe as I do.
Again, I bid you peace.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,