May you all have peace... and may I respond? Thank you!
1. The Bible is NOT inspired. Only scripture is "inspired." What is "scripture"? That which is inspired. Inspired means to be IN THE SPIRIT when the writer writes it... and since "in spirit"... in the presence of GOD. And therefore, while in the presence of God told BY God (and not man - Luke 1:1-4)... through Christ... to "write". Therefore, only Moses, the Psalms, the Prophets (which includes books that are not apart of the "usual" Bible canon(s)), and the Revelation... are "inspired." How do we know?
a. My Lord himself quoted "scripture" and taught his discples from them.
Luke 24:27, 44
b. A man, Theophilus, commissioned Luke to write, and not NOT God... and Luke got his information from OTHERS (most of whom were "there")... NOT God. Neither Luke nor the other apostles - Matthew, Mark (Peter's son), Paul, Peter, or James - were inspired. John was the only one.
Luke 1:1-4 Revelation 1:19; 4:2
2. The scriptures... and therefore, the Bible, has been tampered with. It has been altered, misrendered, mistranslated, mistranliterated and misinterpreted... sometimes purposefully so. How do we know? Because the Bible itself says that it was, and contains a warning against those who would do so. If it couldn't/wasn't going to be done, there would be no need for a warning:
Jeremiah 8:8 Revelation 22:18
2. How do we know what is TRUE then? There is only ONE "way": ASK THE TRUTH... and then LISTEN when he speaks!
John 5:39, 40 John 14:6 Proverbs 8:4-11 Matthew 17:3 John 10:27 Hebrews 12:25
4. God is NOT a "trinity". He is, rather, the Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH... of Armies... the One who BEGAT (gave life to)... His SON... my Lord... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.
5. The Son - JAHESHUA (Jah Saves) MISCHAJAH (chosen of JAH)... is the one who "comes in the NAME of JAH" - the free son, whose "mother" is NOT a slave (the earth/physical), but the "free wife"... Jerusalem Above/spiritual). Although he originally came to us through the flesh of Mary, he was "born"... in the manner of the SPIRIT.
6. Holy Spirit is two (2) separate and distinct things:
a. holy spirit - the "life giving force" of God: His "blood," "semen", "breath", "regenerative power."
b. The Holy Spirit - what His Son BECAME... upon ascending into heaven: "a life-giving spirit." Thus, the Holy Spirit IS my Lord, AS a spirit! He is the Truth, and the Holy Spirit is... the SPIRIT OF THE TRUTH. That is why, when my Lord said, "that one will teach you all things," it was HE... that taught Paul and the others.
That is why my Lord had to "go away" - if he stayed HERE... he could not have been GLORIFIED so as to become a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT. What he did in the flesh was temporary! He had to become a spirit... in order to grant blessings that would be EVERLASTING.
Why did he refer to himself in the 3rd person? Because... he did not "exalt" HIMSELF... but waited until the FATHER... exalted him! He knew that he was "nothing" until the Father made him "something." For he knew that he could, at any time, have done his own "will" ("remove this cup from me")... rather than God's. It was not "done"... until he GAVE UP his spirit! ("It has been accomplished!")
7. The Father... JAH... is "one". Deuteronomy 6:4, 5
8. The "union" of God and Christ - it is the same as the union of US and Christ... and of the BRIDE and Christ. In the flesh, when the flesh JOINS, man and woman become ONE flesh. In the SPIRIT... when God and Christ join... or we and Christ join... or we and God join... by means of Christ... we become... ONE SPIRIT. It is through this union, then, that OUR spirit... bears witness with GOD's spirit. Because... we are "one". Joined. In union. Unified. Of one mind... and one spirit... through Christ.
John 14:6 Romans 8:9, 10
May you have ears... to hear what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... free!"
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with them... and a slave of Christ,