Dearest DJ... may you have peace.
Shelby did not answer her outrageous claim?
I apologize, dear DJ: I did not think my "claim" outrageous... because it is true. Were it not, believe me, more than you would have objected.
I have never heard of the New testament being written in Aramaic.
Because YOU have never heard of it makes it outrageous? Truly?
Has anyone ever heard that one?
Of course others have, dear DJ. But I will try to appeal to your sense of... well, logic:
Who among the twelve were Greek? Was my Lord Greek? Was PAUL Greek? The 12, dear one, were Jews... as was my Lord... and spoke ARAMAIC... as did my Lord... which is a language derived of Hebrew... and Chaldean (Babylonian). It is the language the Jews spoke on returning from exile in Babylon. Paul was also a Jew... but a Roman citizen... and therefore HAD to speak Aramiac (as he spoke to the 12...) as well as Greek (because he traveled through Greek territory quite a bit).
Another example would be the times when the Greek had NO translation/ transliteration for certain ARAMAIC expressions. For example: "Eli, Eli, lama sabach thani." Why say, "which means"...? Why not just say it in Greek?
All of that aside, I would invite you to research the matter, actually. Matthew was CERTAINLY written in Aramaic, which was then translated to Greek... John would have written in the same language my Lord SPOKE to him in (even if he was on a Greek island), James was my Lord's brother and so quite understandably spoke (and thus wrote) in the same language... and Peter, too, spoke Aramaic. None of these, save Paul... an apostle to the nations... would need to speak or write in Greek. And even though Peter was sent to the "nations" (the "gentiles"), he was sent to the "nations" that were not JEWS... the Samaritans, who were Israelites, but resided in the region of Samaria. These, most probably spoke a combination of Hebrew/ Assyrian/Roman (early Latin?).
To assert that is true and by doing so you have given yourself permission to add words in brackets that change the original just plain sad.
I didn't "insert" anything. I simply used a translation that had done so... the same as Hooberus used HIS translation of choice... which, too, has... ummm... changes. (I must say I find it quite... ummmm... strange... that taking the original word, "JHVH" and replacing it with "LORD"... didn't get you up in such a dander, but...).
Anyway, anyone here can tell you that I am among the first of those here who will tell you that the "Bible" - whatever version - has been altered, changed, tampered with, etc. (Lord, I don't know HOW many times I've posted that very thing!) And I attempted to change nothing... original meaning or otherwise. I simply stated what is true: that my Father created my Lord... and using him... created everything else (which can also be worded as "created all other things.") Like sourdough. May I suggest, that while you're looking up the language of the Christ and the 12, you also look up the process of making sourdough? You might find both quite... ummmm... "enlightening."
Peace to you, dear DJ!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,