Insight Book LIES - then tells the TRUTH!

by BoogerMan 167 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • KalebOutWest

    While Jeffro is correct, neither Daniel nor the Babylonians used a solar calendar.

    The Babylonian calendar used in Nebuchadnezzar's time (and throughout the Babylonian period) was a lunisolar calendar, meaning it was primarily based on the lunar phases, with occasional adjustments to align with the solar year, rather than a strictly solar calendar. In fact, the names of the months in the Jewish calendar are derived from the Babylonian calendar, adopted during the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BCE.

    While critical scholars acknowledge connections and shared themes between the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation, they generally do not believe the authors of Daniel were writing about Revelation, but rather that Revelation draws upon and develops themes and imagery found in Daniel. The Book of Revelation does not directly comment on or interpret the Book of Daniel, nor does it claim to be a continuation of Daniel's prophecies. That is merely speculation/imagination on part of the Watchtower religion.

    The first biblical scholar to suggest the idea of a prophetic year of 360 days was Isaac Newton. In his work, "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John" (1733), Newton proposed that a prophetic year, as mentioned in the Bible (particularly in the Book of Daniel and Revelation), was not the same as a solar year of 365.25 days, but rather a year consisting of 360 days.

    Newton believed that this 360-day year was a symbolic or prophetic measure used in biblical prophecy. He was influenced by ancient cultures, such as the Babylonians and Egyptians, who also used a 360-day year in their calendars, which likely shaped his interpretation of the biblical text.

    Isaac Newton was a devout Christian, but his religious beliefs were quite unconventional for his time. He held Arian beliefs, a view that denied the divinity of Jesus Christ as being fully God, a belief that was considered heretical by mainstream Christian denominations.

    Newton based his theory on the concept that the Babylonians used a 360-day year as a symbolic or practical unit of time in certain contexts, even though their luni-solar calendar did not literally consist of 360 days in a year.

    The Babylonian calendar was based on the moon's phases, meaning it was primarily lunar, with each month being roughly 29.5 days long (the average length of a lunar cycle). This resulted in a year of about 354 days (12 lunar months). To align this with the solar year (approximately 365.25 days), they would add an extra month every few years, similar to the concept of leap years, though it was not as systematically regulated as in the modern Gregorian calendar.

    Some have suggested Jews had a Biblical year from various Scriptures, but their arguments do not work. Ideas that texts like Ge 7:11 imply a 360-day Jewish year are not explicit* enough to prove that Jews ever employed such a calendar themselves. Theirs was mostly lunar, as their holy days landing on the 15th (the Full Moon) of most lunar months tend to suggest (and some historians even point out that for a short time the Hebrews may have dabbled with a solar calendar).

    In the end, there is no 360-day "Biblical year," like the Jehovah's Witnesses like to posit for their Gentile Times prophecy. The word "year" in Daniel chapter 4 is not the same as "period of time" in the book of Revelation written by Christians, and neither are talking about the Jehovah's Witnesses ridiculous prediction of 1914 anyway even if the two were speaking about the same thing.

    Newton's idea was based on Babylon's concept, not a Jewish one--and in the end, even if all this lined up in favor of it being "Biblical," it still does not amount to Watchtower's 1914 concept.

    Look at everything, look at all the different things that have to line up to make the Watchtower's Gentile Times 1914 prophecy work--no matter what you have to do, no matter what allowances you have to make, you are more likely to get a monkey to discover how to make an atomic weapon than to get all this to line up.

    The Watchtower's Gentile Times prediction is manure.


    *--The 150-day period in question can also be interpreted as a period of 150 days in our modern calendar system (e.g., February 17th to July 17th) and that this doesn't necessarily prove a 360-day year.

  • scholar


    The claim that a “prophetic year” is explicitly described in the Bible is partially supported by some verses in Revelation, which use a 360-day year. However, Ezekiel 4:5 and Daniel 12:11 do not directly support this concept. The claim is overstated in suggesting that all the cited verses consistently define a prophetic year.


    Nonsense. Beginning wth the 'Year-Day' principle based on Numbers 15:34 the Bible explicitly uses various units of time such as days, weeks and years as part of prophecy - calendrical units of time as part of prophetic language. Such units of time are linked with 'times' used in both the book of Daniel in the OT and the book of Revelation. Such correspondence between these units make up the useful term in 'prophetci year' in terms of biblical hermeneutics.

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro

    🤦‍♂️ there’s no helping the wilfully ignorant 🤣

  • aqwsed12345

    First of all, there is no such thing in Scripture as a 360-day "Prophetic Year" used for long-term chronology. The Watchtower doctrine depends entirely on the assertion that a “prophetic year” consists of 360 days, and that this system is used to convert days into years using a “day-for-a-year” principle (Ezek 4:5–6; Num 14:34). However, the Bible never uses the concept of a 360-day “prophetic year” to calculate long periods such as 2520 years. This is a fabricated hermeneutical device, not a biblical teaching.

    Revelation 11:2–3 and 12:6,14 speak in symbolic, short-term apocalyptic imagery, not in literal calendar systems for interpreting Old Testament prophecies:

    • Revelation 11:2-3 speaks of 1260 days, equated with 42 months (3½ years).
    • Revelation 12:6,14 refers to the same 1260 days as "a time, times, and half a time" (i.e., 3½ "times" or years).

    Yes, in apocalyptic symbolic visions, 360 days is treated as a year, likely reflecting an idealized lunar calendar. But this usage is limited to Revelation and not applied in Daniel 4, which the 2520 doctrine depends on. Revelation uses symbolic short-term periods (1260 days = 3.5 years) not long historical timelines. Extrapolating this to 2520 years is illegitimate.

    The entire 2520-year doctrine rests on the assumption that the "seven times" in Daniel 4, referring to Nebuchadnezzar’s period of madness, somehow symbolize 2520 years. However, Daniel 4 is clearly a historical narrative, not an apocalyptic prophecy. The "seven times" is interpreted within the chapter itself as a period of Nebuchadnezzar’s temporary insanity, not as a symbolic period representing global Gentile domination. There is no indication in the text that these "seven times" should be converted into years or that they extend beyond the king’s personal experience.Therefore, applying a "prophetic year" concept to Daniel 4 is anachronistic and unjustified. It violates proper exegesis and context.

    JWs cite Ezekiel 4:6 ("a day for a year") and Numbers 14:34 to support a method of converting days into years for prophecy. But these verses apply to specific prophetic acts involving symbolic judgment (Ezekiel lying on his side, Israel’s wilderness wanderings, and are not a general rule for interpreting all time periods in prophecy. Nowhere in Scripture is there a universal, prophetic "day-for-a-year" hermeneutic applied to Daniel 4 or used to derive 2520 years from any text.

    The entire "Gentile Times" doctrine hinges on a fabricated number:

    7 times × 360 days = 2520 days → then converted (without scriptural warrant) to 2520 years.


    • The Bible never defines "times" as years in Daniel 4.
    • The number 2520 never appears in Scripture.
    • The conversion of 2520 days into 2520 years is arbitrary, cherry-picked, and unsupported by biblical language or logic.

    This is eisegesis, reading a desired interpretation into the text, rather than drawing it from the text (exegesis).

    Van Goudoever is discussing ancient calendrical systems, not advocating a doctrinal or prophetic use of the 360-day year. His mention of 360-day years refers to how ancient peoples reckoned lunar calendars, not as a tool for calculating divine timelines like 2520 years. The citation is irrelevant to the doctrinal argument. It’s misused to give scholarly weight to an unscholarly interpretive leap.

  • scholar


    1.It is misleading to argue a lack of consensus to justify 607 BCE. Scholars differ between 609 BCE (final Assyrian defeat at Harran) and 605 BCE (Babylonian victory at Carchemish) as the start of Babylon's 70-year period of supremacy precisely because both dates have historical significance. However, no credible scholars propose 607 BCE for Jerusalem's destruction. All reputable secular historians agree on 586/587 BCE. The uncertainty over 609 vs. 605 BCE does not support 607 BCE, as the JW argument incorrectly assumes.

    The scholarly dispute concerns when Babylon's dominance began, not when Jerusalem was destroyed, which is securely dated to 586/587 BCE by overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence.


    1. Thus, because scholars cannot agree as to whether the 70 years began in either 606 or 609 BCE makes their chronology is worthless as it is based on uncertainty. If you cannot agree, then you simply do not know, whereas WT scholars, based on the biblical evidence, know for certain the date for the commencement of the 70 years. What credible scholars choose to believe is not evidence and there is simply no evidence for either 586 or 587 BCE for the date of Jerusalem's Fall or whether 605 or 608 BCE began the 70 years.


    2. The context clearly indicates a period of regional Babylonian dominance, not exclusively a 70-year desolation or exile of Judah. Notice the explicit mention of "these nations" (plural), which includes Judah but is not limited to it. Thus, Jeremiah's 70 years encompass Babylon’s political and military dominance, aligning historically from approximately 609 BCE (or 605 BCE) to Babylon’s fall in 539 BCE.

    Jeremiah 29:10 supports this: the 70 years conclude when Babylon's rule ends, allowing Judah’s return—not after the return itself (537 BCE), but upon Babylon’s fall (539 BCE). Ezra and Daniel also understood the 70 years in terms of Babylon's dominance ending with its fall, not two years afterward.


    2. Clearly Jer. 25:11 and its context shows the dominance of Babylon but this verse and its content is specific to Judah alone for vs. states "concerning all the people of Judah and vs. 2 "concerning all the people of Judah and all of the inhabitants of Jerusalem".

    Jer. 29:10 clearly shows that it was after the 70 years at Babylon were completed then and only then would the Jews return from Exile and that did not happen with the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE.


    3. Historically, Babylon was punished exactly at its fall in 539 BCE by Cyrus the Great, as confirmed by numerous historical records. There is no delay or "two-year gap" in Scripture or history. Babylon lost sovereignty precisely at its conquest in 539 BCE, directly fulfilling Jeremiah's prophecy. The JW assertion that Babylon’s punishment must begin in 537 BCE is entirely artificial, unsupported historically and biblically.


    3. Babylon fell in 539 BCE, and this was a punishment and a judgment against Babylon as prophesied, but a further destruction and not just a fall was foretold in Jer. 25:1,2 which amounted to total destruction which did not happen in 539 BCE.After that Babvlon lost its staus as a world power now subject to the Medo-Persian Empire with a new king of Babylon.



    • Josephus: Josephus explicitly confirms Jerusalem’s destruction occurred in Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th regnal year, corresponding historically to 586/587 BCE. Josephus never supports 607 BCE. JW misuse of Josephus selectively distorts his clear statements (e.g., Antiquities X.7.1).
    • Archaeology: Extensive archaeological excavations in Jerusalem universally confirm the destruction layers dating precisely to 586/587 BCE. No archaeological evidence supports 607 BCE.
    • Astronomy: Astronomical diary VAT 4956 precisely confirms Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th year as 568/567 BCE, proving the destruction of Jerusalem occurred in 586/587 BCE (his 18th year). The JW attempts to redate VAT 4956 to 588 BCE are incorrect and discredited by independent astronomers...
    • Josephus supports JW interpretation of the 70 years in terms of its nature and timing.
    • Archaeology supports the fact of the desolation of Judah which indirectly supports JW interpretation of the 70 years as a period of desolation of the land.
    • Astronomy through the VAT 4956 is now shown to be supportive of 607 BCE/


    5. Nebuchadnezzar's seven-year illness in Daniel 4 is nowhere described as creating a gap in Babylonian history. Babylonian administrative texts from this period show continuous governance, clearly disproving any interruption in Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. The JW insertion of a seven-year gap is a completely unsubstantiated and artificial attempt to justify their chronological misalignment.


    5. It was part of history so it is a vital piece of chronology which is based on history. Poor or inadequate history leads to poor or inaccurate chronology. The bigger issue is the Babylonian Gap of 20 years between secular/profane chronology and Bible Chronology.Do you believe that Nneb was absent from the throne for seven years?


    6. Carl Olof Jonsson extensively discusses the 70-year period, analyzing all relevant biblical texts (Jeremiah 25, 29, Daniel 9, Ezra 1, 2 Chronicles 36). He convincingly demonstrates that the 70 years were Babylon’s dominance, not Judah’s specific exile. The JW assertions grossly misrepresent Jonsson’s thorough and careful scholarship.


    6. Precisely and that is COJ's problem because he does not see through the lens that the 70 years was not just about Babylon's dominance but of Exile so he was rather short-sighted respecting the 70 years unlike the celebrated WT scholars.


    7. The biblical and historical record explicitly refutes this claim. Cyrus issued his decree to release the Jews in 538 BCE, historically attested by the Cyrus Cylinder. Most scholars agree the actual return occurred by 537 BCE. Counting back exactly 70 years aligns with Babylon’s dominance (609/605–539 BCE), not 607 BCE. The JW timeline artificially compresses historical events and misdates key events, such as Nebuchadnezzar's reign, contrary to overwhelming external evidence.


    7. The said scholar is happy that you recognize that the Jews returned home in 537 BCE which of course ended the 70 years as fortold by Jeremiah and confirmed by Ezra. Thus if we count back 70 years we arrive at 607 BCE with Babylon's dominance- beginning of the Exile to baylon and leaving a desolate land all these circumstances are composite of the 7o years.


    8. This inadvertently disproves the JWs' own claim. Jeremiah 52 clearly refers to deportations after the initial 597 BCE exile. If Jerusalem had been destroyed and made completely desolate in 607 BCE, no further deportations could have occurred years later. This passage instead confirms the multiple-stage exile and contradicts a singular 607 BCE destruction.


    8. Nonsense. Jeremiah lists three deportations during Neb's reign, which altogether confirm the historical reality of the 70 years as a period of Babylon's dominance in the Levant - exile of the Jews by means of deportations of its citizenry as exiles, thus leaving a land desolate and depopulated, which affirm the Exile of 70 years.


    9. This claim shows misunderstanding or misrepresentation. The Babylonian Chronicles (especially ABC3 and ABC4) clearly document Nabopolassar’s decisive victory over Assyria at Harran (609 BCE), firmly establishing this date historically. No interpolation is involved; rather, clear Babylonian historical records support this date explicitly.


    9. Ancient historical records do not contain modern calendrical dates, as these are inserted by the translator or scholar working on the documents.


    10. The JW "Gentile Times" prophecy depends entirely on 607 BCE, which has been comprehensively disproven historically, astronomically, archaeologically, and biblically. Even accepting symbolic "prophetic years," the foundational 607 BCE date is factually invalid. Without 607 BCE, the entire 1914 prophetic calculation collapses.


    10. False. The Gentile Times is based on 607 BCE which is well proved from the Bible, secular history and ancient astronomy to be the only authentic for the Fall of Jerusalem leading to the well-established modern history of 1914.


    The JW argument for a 607 BCE date for Jerusalem’s destruction fails at every level of scrutiny:

    • It misreads Jeremiah’s prophecy.
    • It contradicts explicit historical and astronomical evidence.
    • It distorts scholarly research and misrepresents reputable historians.
    • It artificially inserts chronological gaps without evidence.
    • It selectively quotes and misrepresents historical sources like Josephus and Babylonian Chronicles.

    The scholarly consensus—backed by a convergence of biblical, historical, archaeological, and astronomical evidence—is clear: Jerusalem fell in 586/587 BCE, and Babylonian supremacy (the 70 years) lasted from approximately 609 BCE to 539 BCE

    The date of 607 BCE for the Fall of Jerusalem is firmly established:

    Based on the 70 years prophecy of Jeremiah, history of Ezra, confirmed by Daniel as a witness to those events.

    The 70 years was a definite historical period with a definite beginning and end anchored in history

    The 70 years was period of Exile - a period of servitude to Babylon - a period of a devasted and depopulated land of Judah

    The 70 years as described was confirmed by the Jewish historian Josephus

    The date 607 BCE and its 70 years is well anchored in the chronology of the Divided Monarchy

    The date 607 BCE is based on the universal acceptance of the Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE

    scholar JW

  • aqwsed12345


    JW CLAIM 1: "Because scholars cannot agree as to whether the 70 years began in either 606 or 609 BCE, their chronology is worthless... WT scholars, based on the biblical evidence, know for certain."

    This argument is logically flawed. Scholarly disagreement over whether the Babylonian domination began precisely in 609 or 605 BCE does not indicate ignorance or uncertainty about the destruction date of Jerusalem itself. All credible historical and archaeological evidence conclusively establishes 586/587 BCE as the destruction date of Jerusalem, with extensive documentation through Babylonian Chronicles, astronomical tablets (VAT 4956), archaeological excavation layers, and corroborative Persian, Egyptian, and Greek records.

    The JW assertion that disagreement on whether the Babylonian domination started in 609 or 605 BCE invalidates scholarly chronology entirely is untenable. Such minor disagreement (within a 3–4 year range) in no way supports a 607 BCE destruction date, a claim completely lacking historical, archaeological, and astronomical support. The Watchtower’s date (607 BCE) is not "biblical certainty"; it is a doctrinal invention contradicted by every credible historical record.

    JW CLAIM 2: "Jer. 25:11 clearly applies to Judah alone…Jer. 29:10 indicates the Jews return from exile only after the 70 years."

    Jeremiah 25:11 explicitly includes "these nations" in the 70-year prophecy, which indicates regional Babylonian supremacy, not just Judah’s exile. The JW argument artificially isolates Judah, ignoring explicit biblical references to the wider region.

    Jeremiah 29:10 indeed foretells a return after 70 years are completed, precisely upon Babylon’s defeat (539 BCE), not two years later (537 BCE). Cyrus’s decree, historically confirmed by the Cyrus Cylinder, occurred shortly after Babylon's fall in 538 BCE, fulfilling Jeremiah's prophecy. The JW insistence on a 537 BCE fulfillment ignores historical data, arbitrarily imposing an unnecessary two-year gap between Babylon’s fall and the end of the 70 years.

    JW CLAIM 3: "Babylon fell in 539 BCE, but total destruction foretold in Jer. 25:12 did not occur then; further judgment was pending."

    This argument confuses Babylon’s immediate fall and political judgment (539 BCE) with later physical desolation of the city, which took centuries. Jeremiah 25:12 states explicitly that punishment begins after the 70 years end, referring clearly to Babylon's political fall. Babylon ceased being sovereign precisely in 539 BCE, fulfilling the immediate judgment. Physical destruction occurred progressively much later under Persian and Greek rule, not linked explicitly to the 70-year prophecy’s termination date.

    The JW argument mistakenly conflates Babylon’s immediate political fall with its later physical desolation, misinterpreting biblical prophecy.

    JW CLAIM 4: "Josephus, archaeology, and astronomy support the JW 607 BCE chronology."
    • Josephus: Explicitly places Jerusalem’s destruction in Nebuchadnezzar’s 18th year, historically confirmed as 586/587 BCE, not 607 BCE. Josephus never supports a 607 BCE date explicitly. JW claims to Josephus’s support involve selective misrepresentation of texts.
    • Archaeology: Every archaeological site in Judah unequivocally dates Jerusalem’s destruction layers to 586/587 BCE. No reputable archaeologist supports 607 BCE, directly refuting JW claims.
    • Astronomy: VAT 4956 unambiguously dates Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th year to 568/567 BCE, thereby confirming Jerusalem’s fall in 586/587 BCE. JW attempts to reinterpret VAT 4956 for 588 BCE are mathematically impossible, discredited by professional astronomers. JW claims of astronomical support for 607 BCE are false and misleading.
    JW CLAIM 5: "Nebuchadnezzar’s seven-year madness is historically crucial and creates a chronological gap."

    Babylonian administrative and historical texts demonstrate uninterrupted governmental continuity during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. No ancient source indicates Nebuchadnezzar lost the throne, nor do historical records support a chronological gap. Daniel 4 describes temporary mental incapacity, not removal from kingship. JW claims of a seven-year chronological gap are historically baseless inventions intended solely to justify their faulty chronology.

    JW CLAIM 6: "Carl Olof Jonsson ignores exile as part of the 70 years."

    This claim is blatantly incorrect. Carl Olof Jonsson, in "The Gentile Times Reconsidered," thoroughly addresses Judah’s exile, servitude, and land desolation within his analysis of the 70 years. He explicitly demonstrates the prophecy concerns Babylonian dominance, incorporating Judah’s exile. JW arguments misrepresent COJ’s comprehensive scholarly research.

    JW CLAIM 7: "Counting back 70 years from the return in 537 BCE yields 607 BCE precisely."

    Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BCE, immediately freeing captives in 538 BCE (Cyrus Cylinder). Counting back exactly 70 years correctly places the start of Babylonian dominance around 609 BCE, not 607 BCE. The JW claim arbitrarily inserts two extra years without historical support, relying entirely on doctrinal preference rather than documented events. This is a deliberate miscalculation to align with JW prophetic speculations about 1914.

    JW CLAIM 8: "Jeremiah’s three deportations confirm land desolation since 607 BCE."

    Jeremiah 52 explicitly lists multiple deportations: Nebuchadnezzar’s 7th year (597 BCE), 18th year (586 BCE), and 23rd year (582 BCE). Multiple deportations after 607 BCE destroy JW arguments, showing the land was not completely desolated in 607 BCE. Rather, these deportations confirm a prolonged Babylonian campaign consistent only with the scholarly 586/587 BCE destruction date. The JW argument inadvertently refutes itself by citing this evidence.

    JW CLAIM 9: "Ancient documents don’t have modern dates; translators insert 609 BCE artificially."

    The date 609 BCE is explicitly derived from historically attested events (Assyrian defeat at Harran, Egyptian actions, and Nabopolassar’s campaigns) confirmed in multiple Babylonian chronicles (ABC3, ABC4, ABC5). These dates are well-attested, not arbitrary insertions. JW’s claim of “interpolation” is entirely unfounded historically and represents a misunderstanding of ancient Near Eastern chronological research.

    JW CLAIM 10: "The Gentile Times (2520 years from 607 BCE to 1914 CE) are historically and astronomically accurate."

    The JW’s entire Gentile Times calculation depends wholly upon the false 607 BCE destruction date. Since 607 BCE is conclusively disproven historically, archaeologically, and astronomically, the JW 1914 doctrine also collapses. Astronomical and historical records categorically contradict 607 BCE, demonstrating the JW prophetic calculation as incorrect and baseless.


    • The JW chronology of 607 BCE for Jerusalem’s destruction is not "firmly established"; it is entirely contradicted by overwhelming external historical, archaeological, and astronomical evidence.
    • The 70 years prophecy of Jeremiah explicitly aligns historically with Babylonian dominance (609–539 BCE), not an arbitrary 607–537 BCE JW reinterpretation.
    • Josephus explicitly supports 586/587 BCE, not JW’s invented 607 BCE date.
    • Ezra and Daniel nowhere support the JW date; rather, they fit perfectly into a 586/587 BCE destruction scenario.
    • The date 539 BCE for Babylon’s fall is indeed universally recognized, but counting backward 70 years correctly yields 609 BCE, not 607 BCE.

    The JW arguments advocating for a 607 BCE destruction of Jerusalem are based upon significant historical errors, textual misinterpretations, selective misuse of sources, and deliberate ignorance of well-established historical, archaeological, and astronomical evidence. Scholarly consensus unanimously supports a 586/587 BCE destruction date. The JW claim of “certainty” for their 607 BCE date is demonstrably false and historically unsustainable.

  • Duran

    The WTS needs 607 to get to 1914.

    They need 1914 to claim a 42-month cleansing took place during 1914-1918.

    They need 1914-1918 to claim that as a result of that period of cleansing they were in line to be appointed the F&DS in 1919.

    607/587/586/539/537/70 years/2,520 years/7 times/1914/1918, means nothing to the WTS other than to use/twist those dates/years in order to perpetrate the LIE that they were appointed in 1919.

    The fact is the 42 months they said took place during 1914-1918 did not take place then. They have not occurred yet, still future. That means there is no basis for claiming they were appointed in 1919. Therefore, debating about 70 year/607, meaningless. No matter the truth of when those years/events took place does not change that the WTS was not appointed in 1919.

    The Scriptures show that the 42 months occur during the 6th trumpet/2nd woe. Then after the 2nd woe ends, the 7th trumpet/3rd woe comes.

    Like everything with the WTS, they LIE and twist what they say.

    They claim the 7th trumpet/3rd woe occurred in Oct 1914.

    [w02 11/1 - In 1914 the prophetic words of Revelation 11:15 were fulfilled: The seventh angel blew his trumpet. And there were loud voices in heaven, saying: The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” ]

    Let's say that is true. Well then that would mean the 42 months (6th trumpet/2nd woe) would have to have occurred starting in April 1911 to Oct 1914.

    But NOOO, the WTS claims the 42 months 2nd woe occurred Oct 1914-April 1918. Okay, let's say that is true. Well then that would mean the 7th trumpet/3rd woe occurred in April 1918 after the 42 months.

    Believe it or not the WTS actually have said that. This is because they know the 3rd woe comes after the 2nd, and they claim the 42 months of that 2nd woe ended in 1918.

    [w51 7/15 - At this eventful time the seventh angel blows his trumpet, that is, after the 1,260 days ended in 1918. Then it is that these wonders can come to pass. “And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven saying: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king for ever and ever.’]

    So, which is it, did the 7th trumpet/3rd woe occur in Oct 1914 or in April 1918?

    (607>>2,520 years>>>1914) - (607>>2,524 years>>>1918)

    Did the 42 months/2nd woe occur in April 1911-Oct 1914 or Oct 1914-April 1918?

    Or are the 42 months/2nd woe the future GT and the 3rd woe comes after those months when Jesus comes with God's kingdom, ending the kingdom of this world (Satan's)?

  • Jeffro


    Jeremiah 52 explicitly lists multiple deportations: Nebuchadnezzar’s 7th year (597 BCE), 18th year (586 BCE), and 23rd year (582 BCE).
    This aptly demonstrates the faulty argument from tradition for asserting 586 BCE rather than the correct 587 BCE. It’s readily apparent that 5 years before the 23rd year (582 BCE) is 587 BCE. It’s only very slightly more complicated for the 11 years after the 7th year because that deportation was in 597 BCE, but it was before Nisan and also pinpoints 587 BCE when considered properly.
  • scholar


    This aptly demonstrates the faulty argument from tradition for asserting 586 BCE rather than the correct 587 BCE. It’s readily apparent that 5 years before the 23rd year (582 BCE) is 587 BCE. It’s only very slightly more complicated for the 11 years after the 7th year because that deportation was in 597 BCE, but it was before Nisan and also pinpoints 587 BCE when considered properly.


    It would appear that aqwsed 12345 does not agree with you pushing the barrow on 587 BCE

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Claim 1.

    This argument is logically flawed. Scholarly disagreement over whether the Babylonian domination began precisely in 609 or 605 BCE does not indicate ignorance or uncertainty about the destruction date of Jerusalem itself. All credible historical and archaeological evidence conclusively establishes 586/587 BCE as the destruction date of Jerusalem, with extensive documentation through Babylonian Chronicles, astronomical tablets (VAT 4956), archaeological excavation layers, and corroborative Persian, Egyptian, and Greek records.

    The JW assertion that disagreement on whether the Babylonian domination started in 609 or 605 BCE invalidates scholarly chronology entirely is untenable. Such minor disagreement (within a 3–4 year range) in no way supports a 607 BCE destruction date, a claim completely lacking historical, archaeological, and astronomical support. The Watchtower’s date (607 BCE) is not "biblical certainty"; it is a doctrinal invention contradicted by every credible historical record.


    Disagree. The dates 605 and 609 BCE are used by scholars to begin the 70 years which is very relevant for any scheme of Chronology which covers this late period of the Judean Monarchy prior to its end. Such confusion stands in contrast to that of 607 BCE which is a definite date for the 70 years.


    Claim 2.

    Jeremiah 25:11 explicitly includes "these nations" in the 70-year prophecy, which indicates regional Babylonian supremacy, not just Judah’s exile. The JW argument artificially isolates Judah, ignoring explicit biblical references to the wider region.

    Jeremiah 29:10 indeed foretells a return after 70 years are completed, precisely upon Babylon’s defeat (539 BCE), not two years later (537 BCE). Cyrus’s decree, historically confirmed by the Cyrus Cylinder, occurred shortly after Babylon's fall in 538 BCE, fulfilling Jeremiah's prophecy. The JW insistence on a 537 BCE fulfillment ignores historical data, arbitrarily imposing an unnecessary two-year gap between Babylon’s fall and the end of the 70 years.


    Both texts in Jeremiah are descriptive of the events prior to the 70 years during and after the 70 years and pertain to Judah and its inhabitants in Jerusalem by means and under Babylon's supremacy over the region.


    Claim 3.

    This argument confuses Babylon’s immediate fall and political judgment (539 BCE) with later physical desolation of the city, which took centuries. Jeremiah 25:12 states explicitly that punishment begins after the 70 years end, referring clearly to Babylon's political fall. Babylon ceased being sovereign precisely in 539 BCE, fulfilling the immediate judgment. Physical destruction occurred progressively much later under Persian and Greek rule, not linked explicitly to the 70-year prophecy’s termination date.

    The JW argument mistakenly conflates Babylon’s immediate political fall with its later physical desolation, misinterpreting biblical prophecy.


    This is simply your interpretation. Jeremiah clearly states after the 70 years were fulfilled Babylon would receive its judgement by means of destruction.and commenced after the jews returned in 537 BCE.


    Claim 4.

    Josephus indirectly supports 607 by his description and timing of the 70 years.

    Archaeology finds evidence that Judah was desolate during the Neo-Babylonian period and supports 586 rather than 587 so you have two problems here.

    Astronomy by means of recent published research on VAT 4956 validates 607 BE

    Claim 5

    Babylonian administrative and historical texts demonstrate uninterrupted governmental continuity during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. No ancient source indicates Nebuchadnezzar lost the throne, nor do historical records support a chronological gap. Daniel 4 describes temporary mental incapacity, not removal from kingship. JW claims of a seven-year chronological gap are historically baseless inventions intended solely to justify their faulty chronology


    If your statement is correct then where are Neb's missing years of his reign? Daniel describes in quite specific terms what happened to Neb so need to whitewash that piece of history.


    Claim 5

    his claim is blatantly incorrect. Carl Olof Jonsson, in "The Gentile Times Reconsidered," thoroughly addresses Judah’s exile, servitude, and land desolation within his analysis of the 70 years. He explicitly demonstrates the prophecy concerns Babylonian dominance, incorporating Judah’s exile. JW arguments misrepresent COJ’s comprehensive scholarly research.


    Show me where in his GTR that he discusses the Exile which was the 70 years.

    Claim 7

    Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BCE, immediately freeing captives in 538 BCE (Cyrus Cylinder). Counting back exactly 70 years correctly places the start of Babylonian dominance around 609 BCE, not 607 BCE. The JW claim arbitrarily inserts two extra years without historical support, relying entirely on doctrinal preference rather than documented events. This is a deliberate miscalculation to align with JW prophetic speculations about 1914.


    False. The Jews returned from the Exile in 537 BCE and if you count back 70 years you get 607 BCE which ended the Exile commensurate with the Fall of Jerusalem


    Claim 8

    Jeremiah 52 explicitly lists multiple deportations: Nebuchadnezzar’s 7th year (597 BCE), 18th year (586 BCE), and 23rd year (582 BCE). Multiple deportations after 607 BCE destroy JW arguments, showing the land was not completely desolated in 607 BCE. Rather, these deportations confirm a prolonged Babylonian campaign consistent only with the scholarly 586/587 BCE destruction date. The JW argument inadvertently refutes itself by citing this evidence.

    - True. multiple deportations characteristic of the Exile during which were conducted within neb's reign. These facts show the reality of the Exile of 70 years.


    Claim 9

    The date 609 BCE is explicitly derived from historically attested events (Assyrian defeat at Harran, Egyptian actions, and Nabopolassar’s campaigns) confirmed in multiple Babylonian chronicles (ABC3, ABC4, ABC5). These dates are well-attested, not arbitrary insertions. JW’s claim of “interpolation” is entirely unfounded historically and represents a misunderstanding of ancient Near Eastern chronological research.

    -- The arbitrary date of 609 is simply opinion

    Claim 10

    The JW’s entire Gentile Times calculation depends wholly upon the false 607 BCE destruction date. Since 607 BCE is conclusively disproven historically, archaeologically, and astronomically, the JW 1914 doctrine also collapses. Astronomical and historical records categorically contradict 607 BCE, demonstrating the JW prophetic calculation as incorrect and baseless.


    The date of 607 along with our teaching of the Gentile Times has withstood the test of time and scholarship and has been thoroughly vindicated by modern history and biblical scholarship.


    You can summarize all that you like but here is a challenge for you and your cronies. Please provide ONE line of evidence that disproves 607 BCE for the Fall of Jerusalem. Remember not 17 as per COJ in his GTR but simply ONE. Got it?

    scholar JW

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