born again Christians

by ymrah 212 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    I might just agree with all that you just wrote.
    Then again, Spanner is still listening, so I might not.

    I'm only messing with ya - cool it, man!!!

    But I have answered your point, within this thread, just indirectly.
    Please reread my exchange with GentlyFeral. I really don't want to divulge much more than that, at this time.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    What you said:

    Billygoat and Country Girl. Hi,

    What about JT's point that if you're a Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, etc., and have never come to Christ you're damned! Don't you think that Christianty is now basically a Western concept? It seems to me that we in the West accept Christianity with a passion. "We" have chosen it to be the religion above all others -- but believe me, if you do some simple research you'll be staggered

    I think that God knows us better than we know ourselves. In the Bible .. he laid out how we should live our lives, and feel our feelings. In each and every single religion, there is a beneficent being that loves us, and demonstrates how we shuld live our lives. For Buddhists, there's Budha, for Isamists, there's Allah, for Christians, there is Jesus. It's no different. I think the end result is what they are all aiming for. For us to live in service to others, and to keep peace and to live happy.. If you look at all of the religions, you'll find a common denominator: peace.! It doesnt matter the road.. just htat you get there.

    Country Girl

  • SpannerintheWorks

    "Good-bye" all you "Born againers" I am sure that you are happy, despite the previous posts disputing your validity!


    Sheeeesh are obtuse! Why can't you see that ALL Christians are born again?? You are stuck in neutral and refuse to read what has been said!

    You need a brain transplant, bud!


  • DJ


    You have been very patient my ((((((((brother)))))))). I think I'll join you and have a beer.

  • Billygoat


    Why say goodbye??? He answered your question. Are you reading what he wrote?


  • JT

    thanks billygoat for your reply,

    but take a look at what you have stated

    First off, for true Christians there is no "official position" because the "official position" is up to God...not us.

    True Born Againers believe that ultimately without having accepted Christ's gift of salvation, they are NOTHING.

    True Bible believing Christians

    now the question is WHO DETERMINES "TRUE"

    why is your true more truer than the next born again person--- who believes that if i don't accept his belief system i am lost-

    Are you willing to admit on the WWW that others beside BA have just as good of relationship with the divine as you,-

    you see the whole concept of Belief systems require that you say others beliefs fall short

    the mere fact that you have distingushed "TRUE BORNAGAIN" FROM i guess "False born again", -- requires that you must decide what makes one true and another false

    while at the same time both will envoke the bible as thier bases

    Yet there at the same time there are BA who would say you are false

    The entire nature of belief systems --where even WITHIN the same faith- baptist, BA , etc-- they often times condemn the other for not being a TRUE CHRISTIANS

    THE problem that persons often have when it comes to belief systems is that one assumes EVERYONE ACCEPTS THEIR DIVINE BOOK -

    the same as you would not give any real value to the Koran as being on the same LEVELAS THE BIBLE---- there are musluim who don't give any value to the bible as being the one and only, the most important book for mankind-

    i see very little differences in belief systems when you get down to the nitty gritty

    it comes down to this:

    "If you don't accept my belief system-- my god will kill you, destroy you, cut you short, stick you in hell to roast, etc"

    we had a discussion about BA awhile back and it was funny watching 2 sets of born againd go at each other OVER A REAL FIERY HELL

    one BA said no real fire, the other said it was, and they both called themselves THE REAL ba

    as long as indiviuals and groups think they got the inside track to the divine and others don't- THEN DESPITE YOUR NOBLE EFFORTS TO SAY "I don't Judge others:

    the fact is your belief system like most requires you to JUDGE OTHERS-

    as i stated -indiviuals MAY NOT feel that if someone doesn't believe as them the person is up creek with no paddle, BUT ARE you telling me that BA believe that if I don't accept the belief system that you

    It's not my business to judge whether or not another has salvation -

    you made the above statment- let me ask you Do your belief system (Born Again) teach that One can get salvation without being Born Again , such as a jew or muslium, hindu-

    and what is the penlty according to your belief system for not being BA?


  • LittleToe

    Methinks you are picking at words, a little.

    God determines truth. I suspect He's laughing at this debacle, and our puny attempts to verbalise our beliefs.

    Born again Christians can only really speak for themselves. They can't say that any other human being is/ isn't/ will be/ wont be "born again". How dare I judge?

    I think that I'm fair in saying that most believe that if someone doesn't make a connection to God in this lifetime, then they've missed the boat.
    As for the consequences of that, belief's vary but generally surround the concept of an eternity away from the face of God. Whether that's annihilationist through the whole gamut to Hellfire, it's based on that.

    As for other belief systems - isn't that also in God's hand? Hence, how dare I judge?

    Personally, I can only directly speak into the road that I travel.

  • DJ

    I can speak for myself about Jews and Muslims and Hindu's or whomever>>> I feel that the scriptures teach clearly in Romans that the Jews will indeed come around to accepting Christ. it says that we (Gentiles) have been grafted in to their tree, while they have been blinded. It says that they will not stay blinded to Christ as their messiah. That's up to God to do as only he unblinds whom he desires. As far as Muslims go...I do not know enough about what they believe or don't believe. i am sure though, that when God desires for them to receive His salvation...then he will see to it. The gospel will be preached in all the earth, atleast that is what the scriptures say and as a believer...I also have to accept that. I must say the same about any other religion that is on the earth. The bible does teach us that it is God's decision and not anyone elses.....who He will have mercy on and who He won't. It is not up to me or you, only God himself. I just think that it is important to love my neighbor....and be patient. He has a plan and I trust that He is righteous. love, dj

    To Spanner,

    I am a female.therefore, I don't answer to 'BUD' LOL curious about your gender...your pic is a bit odd.

  • Dansk
    As a true non-christian, I don't just "know that I can NOT make that judgement", I in fact, have decided most assuredly that Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu's etc. are NOT damned. Now that's freedom, my friends, and that is also equality. I not only don't "judge" gay people as being damned, I'm damned sure thier not! You wouldn't believe how nice a feeling that is. We all tend to make judgements, I love that I can make the loving judgement (of deciding that other peoples, other types, are just as ok as those I grew up around) w/o any fear that I'm going against the big pappa.

    I'll drink to that!


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    The Born Again Christians believe everyone else is going to die. Only theirs is worse ... you go to an eternal hell where you are tortured forever and ever. No thanks! And Born Againers can be just as pushy as JWs if not moreso.


    Please don't make generalizations like this. Because it's not true.

    Many people who consider themselves Born Again are generally good people. Unfortunatly, there are the fanatics which every religion seems to have that just spoil it. When I was a JW, I can't tell you how many times Born Again Christians have said to my face that I'm going to hell because I'm a JW. (Although I dare not say at the time that I felt I was ALREADY in hell being a JW....but I digress). Even after leaving the witnesses, I associated with a couple of Charasmatic churches in the area and the attitude of some was that they had the truth and everybody else is going to die.

    Unfortunatly, the fanatics are usually very outspoken and vocal. To an outsider, they make it seem that their twisted beliefs are actual Gospel.

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