thanks billygoat for your reply,
but take a look at what you have stated
First off, for true Christians there is no "official position" because the "official position" is up to God...not us. True Born Againers believe that ultimately without having accepted Christ's gift of salvation, they are NOTHING.
True Bible believing Christians
now the question is WHO DETERMINES "TRUE"
why is your true more truer than the next born again person--- who believes that if i don't accept his belief system i am lost-
Are you willing to admit on the WWW that others beside BA have just as good of relationship with the divine as you,-
you see the whole concept of Belief systems require that you say others beliefs fall short
the mere fact that you have distingushed "TRUE BORNAGAIN" FROM i guess "False born again", -- requires that you must decide what makes one true and another false
while at the same time both will envoke the bible as thier bases
Yet there at the same time there are BA who would say you are false
The entire nature of belief systems --where even WITHIN the same faith- baptist, BA , etc-- they often times condemn the other for not being a TRUE CHRISTIANS
THE problem that persons often have when it comes to belief systems is that one assumes EVERYONE ACCEPTS THEIR DIVINE BOOK -
the same as you would not give any real value to the Koran as being on the same LEVELAS THE BIBLE---- there are musluim who don't give any value to the bible as being the one and only, the most important book for mankind-
i see very little differences in belief systems when you get down to the nitty gritty
it comes down to this:
"If you don't accept my belief system-- my god will kill you, destroy you, cut you short, stick you in hell to roast, etc"
we had a discussion about BA awhile back and it was funny watching 2 sets of born againd go at each other OVER A REAL FIERY HELL
one BA said no real fire, the other said it was, and they both called themselves THE REAL ba
as long as indiviuals and groups think they got the inside track to the divine and others don't- THEN DESPITE YOUR NOBLE EFFORTS TO SAY "I don't Judge others:
the fact is your belief system like most requires you to JUDGE OTHERS-
as i stated -indiviuals MAY NOT feel that if someone doesn't believe as them the person is up creek with no paddle, BUT ARE you telling me that BA believe that if I don't accept the belief system that you
It's not my business to judge whether or not another has salvation -
you made the above statment- let me ask you Do your belief system (Born Again) teach that One can get salvation without being Born Again , such as a jew or muslium, hindu-
and what is the penlty according to your belief system for not being BA?