Reddit thread - ‘Organization Finally Suggesting to Plan for Retirement’

by LongHairGal 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    Those are horrible cringeworthy stories you relate about Witnesses who never planned for retirement.

    It is scary enough when people DO plan for retirement and have their Medicare/insurance, etc. and get sick.. How much worse is it when somebody has nothing? And doing a dangerous job on ladders at an advanced age is suicidal.😮 It’s third-world living in a first world country. All unnecessary and preventable.

    Too bad enough people in the world don’t know this about the Jehovah’s Witnesses. But, yet the religion will go along on its merry way selling their buildings, changing and morphing into an online religion.. Whatever gullible die-hards are left who gave up their lives for this sham will be left high and dry.. All that’s left will be their laptop and a computer connection. Their wonderful religion will have disappeared like the guy in the ‘Wizard of Oz’ waving Bye! in the hot air balloon!

    Words can’t describe how I feel that I once blundered into this religion. I am SO grateful that I worked and never followed the crowd there and that I got the hell out.👍🏻

  • Biahi

    Yes, some of us didn’t buy into all their BS, and got jobs instead of pioneering. In my case, I HATED D2D so much, there was NO WAY that I would pioneer. Within a week of my HS graduation, at 16, I had a full time job. Good for you, too, LHG!

  • JohnR1975

    It’s amazing how they come across like they have always said this.

    instead they should say sorry we got it wrong before and we should have made this change long ago.

    we are especially sorry for the older ones who listened to us for decades now they are struggling as they followed direction from the slave class that was very bad advice

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    What you're talking about is a classic example of """gaslighting"" !!

  • LongHairGal


    Thanks, but in my case I came INTO the JW religion (in my 20s) already with the job!

    But those older busybody Witnesses with cushy lives wasted no time trying to urge me to quit and take up clearing & pioneering as this was the ‘acceptable’ thing to do - for women anyway.. I refused..I just couldn’t bring myself to do this.. So, I was marginalized (not considered spiritual 🙄) and not invited to those special dinners and gatherings. I was barred from certain cliques. But, it was worth every penny in my later years that I paid no attention to them.

    Maybe it was my Catholic non-JW upbringing and remembering dad’s wisdom that saved me from making a huge mistake. Who knows?

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    What next? The Watch Tower retirement fund??
    - invest with us brothers!!


  • careful
    liam2 days ago
    If this is true, it is a big change.

    The redditer who posted this on exjwreddit took one paragraph that had the phrase; "Retirement" and made it seem like the Watchtower is telling everyone that they should make Retirement a priority.

    That's not what the article is saying. See link below.

    Many thanks for the info and link, liam. It sounded too far off the long-held party line to be true. My impression is that the ex-Witness group on reddit is not the most critically and accurately thinking bunch!

    There have been plenty of unexpected organizational changes in the last few years, but this supposed one seemed too bizarre.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Resolute bandicoot;

    Remember what the Borg suggests its in their interest,,, intent what they suggest..

    And not yours.

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    I can see WT offering investment opportunities in Jehoeber Bucks for investment dollars which would be high risk to the members...

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Wait... that's not all, "New System Dollars" Crypto Currency.


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