Reddit thread - ‘Organization Finally Suggesting to Plan for Retirement’

by LongHairGal 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    I do hope that all of this internet exposure - including forums like this and many other ex-JW activists with their numerous YouTube videos helps to prevent more young Witnesses from falling into the trap many of their predecessors did!

    Please plan for your future with a decent job and savings!.. Ignore busybodies like I did.. Remember: the Bible tells us to save! It was only the religion who twisted this all around to say something it didn’t.. Let no young person today end up like older broke Witnesses who didn’t plan and who ended up being told..”Well, you served Jehovah with a complete heart”.. Like this is supposed to mean something(?)

    Nobody wants to hear a condescending statement like this as a half-assed consolation prize after a lifetime of ‘service’ while they are left with nothing at an advanced age. So tragic and unnecessary.

  • DesirousOfChange
    DOC, loss of money is the only thing that moves the WTS to take action, not wanting to support their members, certainly financially. -- Blondie

  • Mikejw

    Some middle to older aged born ins are now very bitter and resentful of the those who made them believe the end would have come by now. Most of those who said that are dead now.

    I am one of those who was brainwashed into believing there wasn’t much time left, I feel such an immense sense of regret for sacrificing career choices due to the belief that the end was right around the corner.

    the watchtower clearly said in this millennium which meant before the year 1999. Now they actually changed it to say in our lifetimes.

    1999 was far off when I was in school and I was made to believe I wouldn’t leave school in this old system.

    I could have gone to uni and had a chance of a good career. Instead I got a cleaning job and put all my energy into working for free for the fat old men in NY.

    Now many like me are really struggling with housing, cost of living crisis.

    I’m f-ing furious that they gas light and try to make it sound like they always said save and invest for the future.

    no they fucking didn’t when I should have been doing that🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • LongHairGal


    I am sorry about your situation and hope you and other JWs are able to get decent work and stay afloat financially. This world is very hard to live in even for those of us who planned!

    You are correct that those older Jehovah’s Witnesses who made presumptuous statements that younger people in the congregation wouldn’t need to plan for retirement are all gone by now.. They went to their graves after living a comfortable life.. I observed that many had BEEN in the workforce when younger.. But, yet, I was knocked for being in it.

    I was an unusual JW because I wasn’t raised in the religion. I came in already with the full-time job. Wow, you should have seen the hate campaign against me because I wouldn’t quit my job. Well, it’s history and I’m Glad I never listened.

    I am sure many of the numerous older JWs today feel like they got slapped in the face when some idiot elder told them “they served (J) with a complete heart”.. In my opinion, it was the religion they served for a lifetime and they got nothing but a handful of wishes.. How infuriating.

  • liam

    Trump's investigative team has found hundreds of Billions of dollars being paid in SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS EVERY MONTH to people who are OVER THREE HUNDRED YEARS OLD .

    No wonder Social Security is running out.

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