Reddit thread - ‘Organization Finally Suggesting to Plan for Retirement’

by LongHairGal 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Whatever the Borg puts out.

    Its always in their best interest. Not yours.

  • Rivergang

    Beth Sarim


    According to Raymond Franz in Crisis of Conscience, the then President of the WTS even admitted that.

  • LongHairGal


    Great post!


    I believe the article shows the religion wants to have it both ways. ‘Preach and don’t prepare for retirement/live in poverty’ and/or ‘Prepare for your Retirement but keep quiet about it’.. It’s called talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    But, the fact is millions were adversely affected by following bum advice not to have careers or save for Retirement. There’s no getting around this.

    I wonder if some people on the forum (either looking to stay in the religion or looking to go back) actually realize that there is No forgiveness for the religion (at least in my book).. Millions have been misled over the last century or so for planning their lives over what ended up being failed prophecies and suffering needlessly over faulty teachings based on men’s opinions!

    All this makes me very Glad now that I was that ‘low hour publisher’ JW years ago who never followed their teachings.

  • Dagney

    Money does provide a measure of protection.

    Boy doesn't that just state the obvious, from a corporation that will gladly run up fines to avoid paying an abuse victim! I can just see the writing committee parsing the wording..."don't say too much! Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile!" Which is true of course lol.

    I started soooooooooooo late saving for retirement...even though I had my doubts about the system ending, it was hard to break the mindset. I know plenty of bros who invested and have healthy portfolios and property. One brother told me "save like the end isn't coming and live like the end is coming soon." Okaaay.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    And,,, remember also that ""no apology" is necessary either.

    For many decades of not getting things right. Generations of lives unprepared for the eventual of getting old,, having to retire & pass away. Generations who have been led-on. Where are the ones?? Who kept wondering ,,""'where is the 'end' ""? Theyve passed on.

    Remember there is "no apology" necessary either. For Gods' supposed organization. Which is " neither inspired or infallible". Which still claims to be Gods mouthpiece.

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    WT has a flip side to this. They want your assets and your cash only benefits them...

  • liam
    I believe the article shows the religion wants to have it both ways. ‘Preach and don’t prepare for retirement/live in poverty’ and/or ‘Prepare for your Retirement but keep quiet about it’.. It’s called talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Yep I agree!

    I imagine they are doing this so if in the future, If non-jws try to accuse the Organizatin that they discouraged the members from preparing for retirement, the Watchtower can say;

    "That's not true, we've always encouraged our members to plan for retirement, just take a look at this WT study article where we encouraged our members to plan for retirement."

    At the same time, they tell the members "THE END IS CLOSE...PIONEER IF YOU REALLY LOVE jEHOVAH!"

    It's no wonder those poor people are so messed up!

  • LeeMerk

    It is biblical to plan for your future. To work hard, enjoy your work, and be able to take care of yourself and your family. The Watchtower should have been teaching this all along.

  • Listener

    AFAIK they are also taking a new stand on children's education. In the same article they write -

    "As they grow, help them to do their best at school. Christian parents do well to research and apply Bible principles to help their children decide how to use education wisely."

    They want parents to now actively assist in ensuring the kids are doing their best at school.

    For many, this will be a new and added pressure as a JW. More time will need to be spent on home studies and with parents becoming involved with this.

    My father, who was a very strict JW Elder, encouraged us to always do our best at school but didn't pressure us and he didn't spend any time helping us with home work or studying. If we had a problem, he would encourage us to talk to our teachers.

  • Balaamsass2

    In the 1960s I was told I would never graduate High School or get married because Armageddon would be here BY 1975. If you believed this "prophecy" you did not plan or save for the future. Education, home ownership, retirement savings, children, business planning were all impacted.

    I have been retired for years now. Many true believers I knew from the 70s are DEAD, crippled, or BROKE. One ex-Special Pioneer I know is homeless and a public beggar. A former Elder and Bethel roommate died in poverty this week in a mountain shack. A 75-year-old window-washing Elder friend fell to his death on the job last year. Another "need greater " pioneer-elder friend rents a room in his twilight years. Meanwhile...Governing Body 3.0 lives in luxury in their gated compound sporting Rolex watches, gold pinky rings, and jetting around the world begging for MOOOORE Money.

    For MOST people....not Jehovah's Witnesses....Retirement planning is simple 6th-grade x dollars per month for 40 years @ x % to last your last 30 years. Time and compound interest solve the retirement are not blinded by a greedy doomsday cult. :(

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