Reddit thread - ‘Organization Finally Suggesting to Plan for Retirement’

by LongHairGal 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • JohnR1975
    • +3 / -0
    • careful
      careful15 hours ago
      liam2 days ago
      If this is true, it is a big change.

      The redditer who posted this on exjwreddit took one paragraph that had the phrase; "Retirement" and made it seem like the Watchtower is telling everyone that they should make Retirement a priority.

      That's not what the article is saying. See link below.

      Many thanks for the info and link, liam. It sounded too far off the long-held party line to be true. My impression is that the ex-Witness group on reddit is not the most critically and accurately thinking bunch!
      There have been plenty of unexpected organizational changes in the last few years, but this supposed one seemed too bizarre

    So is this a change in policy or not?

    it does seem like a slow soft change.

    I was brought up to think any kind of investment was a lack of faith. After all the end is right around the corner

    how many older ones regret listening to this dangerous direction from the faith slave class

    If they haven’t yet don’t a U turn they need to

    they really need to do a U turn asap

  • JohnR1975
    So they are still encouraging PART TIME JOBS instead of a regular full time job with benefits like retirement.

    So it’s only a slight change they cant actually go and say plan for retirement as this would show the end may be far off

    On the other hand they don’t want millions of old JWs in hardship due to following direction of not planning for retirement

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    New System dollars. Yes.

    Like a brownie point system.

  • LongHairGal


    As was said several posts back, I believe the JW religion wants to have it both ways. They are walking a tightrope with this. On one hand, they can’t make it sound like the End is a long time away. On the other hand, they want to make it sound that they put it out there (subtly) that people should prepare for their future.

    I’m sure they know now that their teaching of no college/no careers has caused millions to be poor and reach retirement unprepared because they were told Armageddon would be coming to save them.. I thank God I never fell for this.

    You say “they don’t want millions of old JWs in hardship…”. How kind. What I believe they REALLY think is “we do not want to appear to be the reason all these people are in hardship…”. There, I fixed it for you.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The main problem here is these new GB members have inherited some really bad policies. They will find it hard to U turn on too much too fast. If they change too fast it casts a shadow on 1919 God chose the GB of the JWs as his one chosen true religion

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yes the new GB members.

    They have inherited a very cushy lifestyle also. Too many changes too fast raises suspicion amongst the $heeples.

    The borg needs the craziness to continue.

    Too much change too fast casts doubt on the Borg,,and God having chosen the borg in 1919. Cant have that now. Can we?

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    The meeting this week was all about about money.

    the main point was so obvious saying we should save money. There was video saying exactly this save money.

    then there was a picture showing gold and silver and the Bible and it kept reply they are both for a protection and we need both of them

    has there ever been a time with this much pushing the idea to save money for the future?

    this feels new to me to start saving money

    it’s obviously gas lighting as if they have always said to save money for the future. No they haven’t after all why would we need to save if the end is so near?

  • LongHairGal


    Well then, I guess it’s not a figment of anybody’s imagination.. According to this, it would appear the JW religion is starting a slow turn in the direction of saving for the future.

    They are starting by quoting a few bible passages that say what intelligent people knew all along: you have to put aside money. Then in time it will be like they ‘always said that’. Meanwhile, we all know they did not.

    Again, this sage advice is too late for the millions of JWs who bought into the ‘no career & don’t save for retirement or else you have no faith and the envious people in the hall won’t approve’ stance..

    Those of us who didn’t follow the misery-loves-company crowd in the religion and never listened to that ridiculous ‘advice’ are ever grateful we didn’t!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    What you're talking about here is the epitome of "" GASLIGHTING" !!

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I feel so sorry for those JWs already in later part of their life who pioneered and worked part time. Now they are really getting tired and find it hard to go to work their low paid horrible jobs, but they are struggling to pay rent on their cheap horrible housing. They are so worried about if they are unwell or too tired and worn out to go to work then how will they pay their rent?

    at the meeting this week they will be sitting there thinking ops I must have missed this direction all those years ago to save money 😡

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