Thanks Jeffro for clarifying.
Who raised Jesus from the dead?
by Blotty 98 Replies latest watchtower bible
Disillusioned JW
Sea Breeze
you ruled out any other potential (natural or supernatural) explanations.
Jeffro, with all due respect I haven't "ruled out any explanations". You have not provided any serious natural explanations have you? I'm still waiting for an opinion from you.
Please explain these facts from a material naturalistic view:
1. The case of Anna in the video I posted on page 2 of this thread2. Cases of NDE's wjere people see things while out of their body later verified to be accurate
3. Cases of verified brain dead patients acting and speaking completely normally shortly before death
Couldn't your worldview provide even a stab in the dark at these facts which are from credible sources? These facts are not going away no matter how much you pretend they are superstitions. This is why I asked if your were an atheist/materialist/naturalism/ adherent, because that changes everything.
I believe that the reason that you cannot even decide if the above simple facts are a better fit in a materialist worldview or a biblical worldview is BECAUSE YOU CAN'T. Simply put, you don't have permission to do so.
For the atheist, it isn't about the evidence at all is it? As atheist Professor Richard Lewontin says:
1. we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.2. we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive
3. materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.
These are the shackles of your worldview. Notice the use of the word "forced". These are all assumptions and self-imposed restrictive rules. You have no way of knowing if they are true or useful or not, you just assume they are. Then, you criticize others if they haven't adopted your assumptions/religion. I use the word religion becuase I believe that is exactly what it is. It requires way more faith than other worldviews in my opinion.
Aside from the amount of faith that you must generate, your worldview inherently breaks the Law of Non Contradiction. Something cannot be both true and not true. Everything is ether all physical or not. It cannot be both.You never answered my question on how you know if your reasoning is true or not? If we are a random sack of chemicals and copying mistakes as atheists claim, what basis is there to assume that your reasoning is sound?
If your assumptions are just ideas, and they are, then they are not physical are they? Why rely on anything non-physical if that is your desire?
The fact that you attempt to form an argument is a non-material process that you ironically use in an attempt to generate ONLY materialist causes. You assume your strategy, something immeterial as well is useful and thus... real.The computer you are using in an attempt to support a materialist worldview requires the tremendous use of codes. Codes are not material are they? If I give you a memory stick full of information, it weighes exactly the same as an empty memory stick doesn't it? It has no mass. Yet it is very real.
But, you rely on them to support the idea that only material things exist. Ironic isn't it?
Math isn't physical, haphazard, or situational. You assume 2 + 2 = 4 on earth. Why wouldn't it be something else in a different place if everything is just a product of unguided explosions and random chemical reactions? Who wrote the rules of math & logic? No one you say? So, do you have any examples of math and logic arising from rocks and chemical reactions?
I say your that your worldview is based on arbitrary and inconsistent assumptions. You assume that these non physical things are reliable and true, even while you use them to argue against other non-physical possibilities. Very inconsistent. It supports the biblical view that atheists don't exist and that everyone knows in their heart of hearts that God is obviouslyt real. Furthermore, the bbile declares that people who say to themselves "there is no God" are "without excse".
Christians don't have these inconsistencies. We believe that the source of all things, material and non material originate in the mind of God.
Billions are geting ready to celebrate his birthday in a day or two. His name is Jesus. He loves you and desires an imtimate relationship with you. Isn't there room in your heart for you to accept just one more non material thing?
Merry Christmas Jeffro. -
Who raised Jesus from the dead?
Santa Claus? Ima gonna go to Hell for that!
Disillusioned JW
Sea Breeze has stated a false claim of materialism and makes a straw man argument based upon such when he claims that codes and mind are not part of the definition of what the philosophy of materialism is. Note that defines materialism as follows. "Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds matter to be the fundamental substance in nature, and all things, including mental states and consciousness, are results of material interactions." Notice that that definition of materialism doesn't say that only matter exists, but rather that matter is the fundamental substance in nature. It further says that mind and consciousness are the results of material interactions.
Like in a computer, even in a memory stick with stored code and/or stored information, that which is stored in it is a configuration of electrical charges of electrical particles. To store code/information in the computer memory stick one adds and/or removes electrical particles from various places in the memory stick and/or shifts their position in the memory stock. That changes the mass of the computer stick (if electrical add is added or subtracted from the memory stick) since subatomic particles (such as electrons) have mass. When one charges up an electrical capacitor, one is adding electrons to it and since electrons have mass one is increasing the mass of the capacitor. Sea Breeze is thus wrong when he said the following. " If I give you a memory stick full of information, it weighes [sic] exactly the same as an empty memory stick doesn't it? It has no mass." That is because the means of imparting the information involved the changing the electrical state (and hence the amount of mass, at least temporarily) of the computer memory stick, as well as the configuration of the mass.
Furthermore, in Sea Breeze's reply to Jeffro (on page 9 of this topic thread) a number of Sea Breeze's remarks were already made irrelevant by me when I made an earlier post which explained what I thought Lewontin meant about his remarks of materialism.
Sea Breeze also continues to repeat a claim of many creationists (including of the WT) which says that all atheists/materialists/naturalists (including ones who are also scientists) say the universe is solely the result of unguided explosions and random chemical reactions. But that is also a straw man argument by Sea Breeze. I have pointed out to Sea Breeze before atheistic scientist (and myself) don't say it is solely the result of such, but is instead also the result of laws of physics and of orderly effects of the forces of nature. I made a post in which I mentioned how Steven Hawkings mentioned such (and illustrated such) in a televised video which aired on PBS.
Young Earth creationist Christian theist apologists are flawed in much of their argument against materialism, atheism, scientific naturalism, evolutionism (cosmological evolution, chemical evolution [including origin of life from non-life], and biological evolution).
Disillusioned JW
For those who are unsure if the arguments made by Sea Breeze against atheism and materialism and naturalism are flawed I invite you to read my posts made at the following two topic threads.
Besides the above, a good place to learn about Atheism (including the vision the American Atheists non-profit organization) is at . That web page includes mention of the following.
"American Atheists envisions a world in which public policy is made using the best evidence we have rather than religious dogma and where religious beliefs are no longer seen as an excuse for bigotry or cause to receive special treatment from the government.
... Definitions
Atheism is the comprehensive world view of persons who are free from theism and have freed themselves of supernatural beliefs altogether. It is predicated on ancient Greek Materialism.
Atheism involves the mental attitude that unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason and aims at establishing a life-style and ethical outlook verifiable by experience and the scientific method, independent of all arbitrary assumptions of authority and creeds.
Materialism declares that the cosmos is devoid of immanent conscious purpose; that it is governed by its own inherent, immutable, and impersonal laws; that there is no supernatural interference in human life; that humankind, finding the resources within themselves, can and must create their own destiny. It teaches that we must prize our life on earth and strive always to improve it. It holds that human beings are capable of creating a social system based on reason and justice. Materialism’s ‘faith’ is in humankind and their ability to transform the world culture by their own efforts. This is a commitment that is, in its very essence, life-asserting. It considers the struggle for progress as a moral obligation that is impossible without noble ideas that inspire us to bold, creative works. Materialism holds that our potential for good and more fulfilling cultural development is, for all practical purposes, unlimited."
WOW! That is sure is a very powerful and very beautiful message of Atheism and of Materialism! Isn't it?
If you were raised to believe in Young Earth Creationism, the WT/JW religion, or some other fundamentalist type/style of mentally controlling religion and if you know and/or feel that such harmed you both intellectually and emotionally, doesn't the above statement by American Atheists bring joy and hope to your figurative heart? You can leave fundamentalist religion, Christianity, and theism behind and become an atheist naturalist. You can become a happier person as a result and have a more fulfilling life as a result.
I just want to point out that it's not necessarily an either/or proposition. I don't rule out the supernatural or the existence of gods. I am simply not convinced by the ones put forth. Or, more accurately, by the concept of god as humans have typically constructed it- the supposed perfect interventionist who doesn't seem perfect and never appears to intervene. I'm not religious, so I am not obliged to accept a set of rigid beliefs if I am not convinced that they are true, or if I am not learned enough to determine that for myself.
Thus, I am not bound by any precepts of materialism or supernaturalism. I have no need to convince anyone of my stance on the origins of the universe, as I am neither qualified nor obligated to do so. Anyone who wishes to convince me would need to explain their reasons and their reasoning. I don't have the education necessary to understand high-level astronomy or physics, so you won't see me trying to convince someone that the universe is the exclusive result of material processes. Happily, the universe goes about its business --and I go about mine-- just fine without my ever needing to understand them.
And if god wishes to get my attention, I am sure she can figure something out.
Sea Breeze seems to imagine I’m obligated to provide explanations for anecdotes. Despite the fact that 1) the cases are anecdotal, 2) the absence of a known naturalistic explanation (especially by a layman) is not evidence of a supernatural explanation, and 3) Disillusioned JW has already provided information that includes plausible naturalistic explanations, Sea Breeze wants to keep going round in circles. But See Breeze continues to ignore their own inconsistency, refusing to provide any evidence at all for their own position. I won’t be responding further to the repetitive nonsense.
Sea Breeze:
If I give you a memory stick full of information, it weighes exactly the same as an empty memory stick doesn't it? It has no mass. Yet it is very real.
This statement well illustrates Sea Breeze’s general irrationality. People assign meaning to certain configurations of matter. It is plainly stupid to expect that a memory stick ‘containing’ information that people consider useful would weigh more than one that has no meaningful data. Of course, a ‘blank’ memory stick contains the same number of bits as a ‘full’ one but more meaning is assigned to certain configurations.
This type of stupidity is also used by creationists who propose astronomical odds for life forming ‘randomly’. Aside from the fact that chemicals behave in ways that is not random, actually random outcomes that people consider meaningful are just as likely as any specific equally unlikely outcomes that aren’t useful. For example, the odds of dealing a randomised deck of playing cards in the right order is about 8*10^67. Impossible, someone might claim. But the odds of the cards being in any order (not just the ones deemed meaningful for the rules of any particular game) is exactly the same. Every single time that a deck of cards has been properly shuffled, the order it has been in has been a 1 in 8*10^67 event. By creationists’ logic, dealing a deck of cards is impossible.
Disillusioned JW
From my recent research on the subject of terminal lucidity, terminal lucidity (in regards to brain damaged, but not brain dead, people becoming lucid hours to days before dying) is something which sometimes really happens. says the following regarding possible natural explanations.
"According to Macleod (2009)[13] in his observations, explanative causes could not be found for the variety of cases, but it was suggested that due to the modern pharmacology in terminal cases, the condition may be less common today.[4] A recent proposed mechanism includes a non-tested hypothesis of neuromodulation, according to which near-death discharges of neurotransmitters and corticotropin-releasing peptides act upon preserved circuits of the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, promoting memory retrieval and mental clarity.[14]"
On page 5 of this topic thread Sea Breeze quotes when Sea Breeze said the following. "There are a number of cases reported where patients who were dying of malignant tumours that destroyed almost the entirety of the brain, confirmed by radiological investigations like CT scans and MRI, waking up and discussing their lives and imminent death, lucidly". Sea Breeze then alludes that such facts are a poor fit to a materialist view where consciousness is said to be ONLY a product of physical brain function. [I get the impression that Sea Breeze alludes such since he said the following."Do these facts better fit a materialist view where consciousness is said to be ONLY a product of physical brain function? Or, do they better fit a biblical view where consciousness is said to be separate from the body, especially at death?"]
The article says that Dr Greyson makes use of the following factor. "Complex consciousness with minimal brain; he describes cases of very high IQ students in High School or University with hardly any brain. Only post-mortem examinations would reveal whether they had functioning brain tissue elsewhere." The article says that
Dr Greyson considers such "... to support the concept of consciousness without the brain ...." While I think that there are people with complex consciousness despite having a minimal brain (I will state my reason for believing such later in this post) I don't think that excludes a a possible naturalistic explanation for such (I will state my reason for believing such later in this post).In a previous post of mine I mentioned that said the following.
' "What seems to be happening as a person is dying, their brain is shutting down and in this process disinhibition, braking systems [in the brain] are being removed because they are no longer relevant," said Parnia, referencing how people can only access a small part of their brain's consciousness at one time.
"This disinhibition seems to give access to parts of the brain become activated and seeing spikes in EEG activity and gives access to dimensions of reality they otherwise did not have access to, including full consciousness." '
While Dr. Sam Parnia believes/thinks such supports the idea of the human consciousness having no need for the human brain, I interpret the matter as being a clue for a naturalistic mechanism for terminal lucidity.
I previously learned from scientific sources that our subconscious mind has access to, and processes, far more information than our conscious mind is aware of us. Our subconscious mind receives and processes vast amounts of information, and usually only presents a small percentage of that information (and other times only the conclusions made based upon that information) to our conscious mind. If we humans could tap much more into that enormous amount of information which our subconscious mind has, then our conscious mind would be far more powerful than it normally it. [But, if we tapped into a tremendous amount of it at the same time, our conscious mind would likely become overwhelmed.] Along these lines, last night on a PBS television show in my local area there was an episode of a four-part science program called "Hacking Your Mind" and some of what it said related to this. It even included a segment about "blind sight". The existence of blind sight is very fascinating. The article at defines blind sight as follows.
"Blindsight is the ability of people who are cortically blind to respond to visual stimuli that they do not consciously see due to lesions in the primary visual cortex, also known as the striate cortex or Brodmann Area 17.[1]
... Patients with blindsight have damage to the system that produces visual perception (the visual cortex of the brain and some of the nerve fibers that bring information to it from the eyes) rather than to the underlying brain system controlling eye movements.[12] "
Here is the naturalistic idea I obtained to explain terminal lucidity. "... as a person is dying, their brain is shutting down and in this process disinhibition, braking systems [in the brain] are being removed ...." That then gives the person "access to parts of the brain" that the person hadn't had conscious access to for a very long time.
But you may be wondering how could a person have a complex consciousness with minimal brain - even if the brain is severely damaged from malignant tumors, or if the brain's structure is severely impaired (mentally retarded) due to a congenital defect during its development? Well I learned many years. from a science show on television, that some people can function well (including thinking very consciously) despite having the vast majority of their brain tissue!
In the science show (probably on PBS) I watched it was pointed out (and even shown in the video) that when the brain of a particular female was imaged, it was seen that her brain was hollow! She had hardly any brain left; the only part she had left was close to her inner side of her skull. Yet she functioned normally during her daily tasks! The scientist(s) concluded that her brain remapped itself to compensate for the massive damage and loss of brain tissue. I was astonished to learn such. I watched that science show a great many of years ago, probably long before I became an atheist. Yet I did not conclude (nor the scientist in the show) that the female's capability under such circumstances meant her mind was that of a spirit soul which had no need for the brain to create and maintain consciousness.
This suggests to me that under the right circumstances people only need a small percentage of their brain tissue to function adequately, provided the brain is wired/mapped in a highly beneficial way.
From ore recent science show I learned that crows and other birds, despite having a very tiny brain, can make and use tools! I say a video in the show in which a crow did both of those things, without the bird being trained to do such? That further supports the idea that even a small brain, a minimal brain, is capable to creating consciousness.
A dew days ago I learn certain facts about the extinct species of human called Homo naledi. That specie had a small cranial capacity (of 465–610 cm3) of only about one third of that our species, yet science articles from December 2022 say it was discovered they used fire and cooked (see and see the posts made by truth_be_known and by Earnest located at for documentation)! says the following about Homo naledi.
'... a new study published Monday (May 14, 2018) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.... shows that though its brain was small like those of apes and our more distant human ancestors, such as Australopithecus sediba, Homo naledi’s brain shared structural features (grooves and folds) decidedly more like humans.
“Maybe brain size isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” says one of the study’s corresponding authors, John Hawks, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “It opens the door for us to say that maybe they were more capable than we might assume; maybe it isn’t just (brain) size.”
Notice that their brains were thus about the size of the Australopithicenes and of modern-day non-human apes yet they had enough consciousness to make and use fire and to cook! The earlier mentioned Wikipedia article about Homo naledi says that despite their small cranial size (and hence small brain size) that "Nonetheless, H. naledi brain anatomy seems to have been similar to contemporary Homo, which could indicate comparable cognitive complexity." That also further supports the idea that even a small brain, a minimal brain, is capable to creating consciousness.
During part of the past 7 days or so I have been reading about Homo floresiensis. See where I point out the following. "... scientist Morwood says Homo floresiensis made stone tools, used fire, hunted Stegodon and Komodo dragons, and the front of its skull looked very human except that its forehead (of specimen LB1) is very short, and that the cranial capacity inside the skull was only 380 cc (for specimen LB1)." Note that brain of Homo floresiensis was even smaller than that of Homo naledi and that says the brain size of the LB1 specimen of Homo floresiensis was in "... the range of chimpanzees or the extinct australopithecines.[3][42] " The Wikiepedia article also says the following.
"Smaller size does not appear to have affected mental faculties, as Brodmann area 10 on the prefrontal cortex, which is associated with cognition, is about the same size as that of modern humans.[42] H. floresiensis is also associated with evidence for advanced behaviours, such as the use of fire, butchering, and stone tool manufacturing.[4][6] "
That even further supports the idea that even a small brain, a minimal brain, is capable to creating consciousness.
As a result of the above evidence and analysis, I see no need to invoke a supernaturalistic explanation (such as spirit souls) to explain terminal lucidity in humans with minimal intact brain tissue.
Disillusioned JW:
As a result of the above evidence and analysis, I see no need to invoke a supernaturalistic explanation (such as spirit souls) to explain terminal lucidity in humans with minimal intact brain tissue.
Good research too. But somehow I doubt this will be accepted by Sea Breeze. Because, as long as there are any ‘unexplained’ medical conditions, they will be chalked up as a caveat that ‘naturalism can’t explain everything’, with the tediously fallacious ‘conclusion’ that this somehow lends support to stories about ‘souls’. Sea Breeze has grossly disproportionate expectations regarding standard of evidence for naturalistic explanations compared to their own entirely baseless conclusions about ‘souls’ that can’t be properly defined, verified, or distinguished from any other real or imagined explanation. And this is why I have not made the effort to accede to their demands for ‘explanations’ for ‘terminal lucidity’, instances of which have declined greatly since the 19th century as understanding of neurology and related physiology has increased.