Repressed, Triggered and Recovered Memories

by Big Tex 98 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • teejay

    Big Tex,

    A confession: when I first saw your username, I thought, "now there's a guy who's full of himself." Part of the feeling no doubt stemmed from the fact that I grew up in Arkansas and so, as a born and bred Razorback to the core, I hated all things Texas.

    It's only here recently that I realized how wrong I was -- just how big you really are. You have a lot of nerve, Man, and I mean that in the very best way possible. Your wife and children are in very good hands.

    tj ~ happy to see another triumph over "no tell"

  • beckyboop

    (((((((((((((((((((((BIG TEX))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thank you for sharing your experience--that took a lot of courage. You have obviously been through a lot in your life, and are making strides in coming to terms with it. Hopefully your willingness to share will somehow help someone else as well, because there are many out there who've had similar experiences. As I like to believe, if what I go through in life can possibly help someone else, than I can make my peace with it.

    May your life find peace and happiness!



  • Brummie

    Sad but very interesting post BT, I wouldnt worry about people doubting whether "repressed" memories are accurate or not, you have had enough confirmation and recovered memories to erase any doubt. Another thing is, when a person blots out their childhood altogether something bad must have happened, else why would they blot it out in the first place? I can remember almost everything significant in my child hood, from sitting in a baby pram, learning to spell, first day at school etc. If a person can bury childhood memories so deep then its obvious something sinister is waiting to be dug up again at the appropriate time.

    I never forgot 4 yrs of child abuse, the memories are crystal and surpressed at the most, others block it right out, what happend to you was far worse and I can totally understand why it would be needed to be buried so deeply.

    Your on a journey of self discovery BT, its a sad one but I wouldnt be able to rest until I had the whole picture either.

  • minimus

    TEEJAY, if that's what you thought of "BIG TEX", what did ya think of "minimus"?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow. What a reaction. I've got to be honest. I don't mean this in a please-pity-me way, but it just feels so strange to tell someone a little bit of my past and get a positive reaction. I've mentioned this to a couple of people, but it's true. I'll give you a for instance. Jesika's father was an elder in my congregation and I told him everything in this post, plus quite a lot of other events and humilitations that make this seem as nothing. His reaction, and one I heard dozens of times, is one I'll never forget.

    "Jehovah is far too busy in heaven to worry about your petty little problems. Your job is get back to meetings and quit feeling so sorry for yourself."

    So it was with this backdrop of "loving kindness" from God's spirit directed organization that I started posting on this forum. And this is why it feels so strange to tell just a little bit of my past to other people and read of such kindness and genuine concern from you folks. It touches me in a way that is difficult to express. I am not a man who expresses emotion easily, but reading this thread put tears in my eyes. Just know how much it means to a frightened little boy who tried so hard.

    As for what I've posted, this is a snapshot of my life from 1987-1991. That was a long time ago, and in a way, another life. My biggest breakthrough was when I just let the whole damn thing go. Instead of worrying myself into a frenzy of is-this-true-or-no, I made the conscious decision to relax and let go.

    I understand what happened to me when I was little. I don't know everything, and sometimes simple intellectual curiousity wells up and I really want to know a couple of things. But what I understand is enough, and there is peace in that.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    BT getting that support and validation is very important to our recovery.

    I am glad you felt strong enough to post your story here and see that not everyone is like our family or the JWs.

    shaking my head at the obtuse elder comment - they just don't get it

  • kgfreeperson

    It's more than they just don't get it. There is something very deeply weird about such a comment from anyone, let alone an elder. Continuing to hold you in my heart, Chris.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have worked in the field of child sexual abuse for many years now.

    Whenever I have met up with a person who makes comments like that I have later found out there were a victim too but had not faced what happened to them.

    I would have to wonder if he might have had something similar said to him

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Without uncovering anyone, I think it's safe to say Lady Lee has it correct. Spot on.

  • waiting

    Hey Chris,

    One thing I've learned about other's comments on information such as you've can be weird.

    1. "Well, IF it happened as you've said.........." I believe the IF is there to distance themselves from totally accepting (perhaps they can't yet or never will) what is being told to them.

    2. "Just forget about it." Usually well meaning - but has no application.

    3. Your elder's comment - idioctic & totally dismissive of another's pain. I never met an elder like that - but sure people exist like that.

    4. "Repressed memory? You know they don't exist, don't you?" lol - but what does one DO with all those pesky, truly horrible memories? And all the friggin' triggers & aftermath? Guess they don't exist either? Yeah...right.

    5. And the people who will actually talk with you - as your grandmothers did. Valuable.

    You've done marvelously with your working through all this. Thank you so much for posting a portion - it helps so many others. Others who have been abused, or others who haven't - so they have an inkling of what it's like.


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