Repressed, Triggered and Recovered Memories

by Big Tex 98 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • aunthill

    Big Tex

    I read the first couple of lines of your post and almost stopped because it makes me sick to my stomach, but I didn't. It is amazing to me that you could come through all that and not have lost your mind. Cheers for Nina for being so perceptive and supportive.

    This is such a difficult subject but one that HAS to be brought into the light of day. There are too many people trying to "normalize" this kind of behavior. Just look at NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and the FMSF that Lady Lee was talking about.

    In every case I personally know of (including myself - and no where near as bad as what you went through), and that is not many, sexual abuse of a child by an adult is just that ABUSE, and the child is scarred for LIFE. There are way too many of us out here that can testify to that.

    (((((hugs))))) to you and Nina


  • SwordOfJah

    Notice how these JW apologists do not comment on this subject.

    Big Tex: Thank you for allowing me to comment on the subject. First of all, I want to let you know how sorry I am of the abuse you received. I do believe in hidden memories.

    In regards to the elder that said: "Jehovah is far too busy in heaven to worry about your petty little problems.": Well as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I also think he was a jerk for telling you something so mean and not showing empathy. But I cannot charectarize every elder as evil because of the comments of this one elder. I know many, many elders that are the complete opposites of that one elder and that would have listened to the events you remembered.

  • aunthill

    Quote: "It would be nice if someone could get some kind of big research grant to do a longitudinal study of, let's say, a hundred twelve-year-old boys in relationships with loving (????) paedophiles.


  • teejay
    First of all, I want to let you know how sorry I am of the abuse you received. I do believe in hidden memories.

    Thanks, SwordOfJah, for showing a bit of common decency in behalf of JWs, many of whom are fine people.

    I cannot charectarize every elder as evil because of the comments of this one elder. I know many, many elders that are the complete opposites of that one elder and that would have listened to the events you remembered.

    I agree. I believe that there are many elders who would listen and not condemn a victim of pedophilia. The question is, what would they say? What would be the elder's counsel?

  • cruzanheart
    I know many, many elders that are the complete opposites of that one elder and that would have listened to the events you remembered.

    Too bad they're not in the DFW area. Jes' dad was one of many who downplayed, belittled, ignored or told us flat out they didn't care enough to try to help Chris, not only in Jes' congregation of White Rock, but in Carrollton, Duncanville, Cedar Hill, Arlington, Central and all the way up to Brooklyn. Maybe one of these days BT will post a couple of the Society's "encouraging" letters so you can see just how much they "cared."

    I do know some good elders. But for every one that cared enough to listen, there were five who beat it down. I started out by saying that you can't judge the whole organization by a few bad people, but I ended up realizing that the odds were overwhelmingly on the side of more bad than good.

    One of Chris' therapists made the statement that abuse victims spend their lives waiting for bad people to turn good and good people to turn bad. I think that's why we hung on with the Witnesses for so long.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    First of thank you for the humane reply. Thank you also for your PM to Nina.

    I would like to apologize for my reaction in that particular thread. I do not like losing my temper; whether I feel I am right or not is irrelevent. That's not the person I am trying to become. In all candor I was embarassed that I allowed myself to express that level of anger and so I stayed off the boards for a few days to get some perspective.

    I'm still trying to figure you out. I don't mean that in a mean or threatening way, it's just that I'm not surprised very often by people, but you've caught me now a couple of times, so I am intrigued.

    Now then, as far as your post in this thread. I didn't say every elder was evil. Actually I've known many really good guy elders. I've even posted about some of them. But your logic works in reverse as well. Just because there are a few good elders, does that make the entire organization good?

    I did say "Jehovah's Witnesses". In saying that I was referring to the organization as a whole. When I was a Witness, I believed with my whole heart. I fought with elders in 6 congregations, 2 COs, 1 DO, and Brooklyn itself. This went on over a period of 4 years. Finally a third CO sat in my living room and told me two things. 1) I needed 2 baptized Jehovah's Witnesses (preferably in good standing) who stood and literally watched as a child was raped. They could not interfere since that would nullify the event. They could clean the child up afterward if they chose. However these 2 baptized Jehovah's Witnesses were not allowed to go to the elders, since that would be slander. They needed to wait on Jehovah's holy spirit to move the elders to contact them. Now how the elders would know to find them, I don't know. Then, and only then, could these 2 baptized Jehovah's Witnesses say what they saw. IF the elders found their story credible, then they would consider taking action up to and including reproof. 2) If I did not shut up and quit talking about what my parents did to me, he would see to it personally I was disfellowshipped.

    That was enough for me. At that point I did not care if these rules came from Jehovah God himself. It was wrong. It was wrong then. It is wrong now. It is eternally wrong. I submit that any organization with such an attitude toward innocents, is evil.

    I hear you when you say there are good elders, but I would counter that there were also good Nazis, Oskar Schindler being the first to come to mind. Whether an individual is a good, upstanding and moral being, is between that person and their God. I do not believe whether an individual is moral or not has anything to do with the organization as a whole.

    Finally, if this elder was "a jerk" (and I agree), and the Society is God's spirit directed organization, then surely something should have been done to correct the situation. It wasn't.



  • wednesday

    How awful! He pointed a gun at you!? Wow. How did you feel? I mean, I'm sure you were frightened, but did that experience help you believe the memori

    BT, honestly, i was in such a terrible numb state, i barely felt fright. All i saw was a old dying man, who was pathetic. So afraid of me, and what i would tell others , that he tried to scare me with a gun.I did not have any flashes of extra memories, but yes it really confirmed to me what i remembered was true. Actually he had pointed a stun gun at me once, and then laughed -but he was not real old and dying at that time.Honestly, now that i think about this, he has been pointing guns at me all my life-he had a gun collection and it always frightened me an hed' just laugh.

    I never told my mother, she was too old and ill. I did tell select relatives, who did believe me.

    I was the only person left to care for him and had to bury him. Many a time i just yell out in the privacy of my own home " i hope u rot in hell" Of course, i don't believe in hell, i know he is just rotting.

    But even in death i fear him, as i don't tell very many people what he did. I once had a dream, he was standing at my bedside with firey anger on his face. he looked as if he would have killed me if he could have. So i know there is no afterlife, b/c if there was, he'd haunt me.

    I have many blanks in my childhood. Today, my doc just feels it is not really safe to keep probing. I get small fleeting memories at times, and i don't dwell on them.

    As for the elders, they have treated me like dirt, and called me names, and said i commiteed the unforgiveable sin. They can all rot in hell.

  • simplesally

    [quote] Finally a third CO sat in my living room and told me two things. 1) I needed 2 baptized Jehovah's Witnesses (preferably in good standing) who stood and literally watched as a child was raped. They could not interfere since that would nullify the event. They could clean the child up afterward if they chose. However these 2 baptized Jehovah's Witnesses were not allowed to go to the elders, since that would be slander[/quote] I thought JW's were supposed to report wrongdoers if the wrongdoer didn't report himself?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wednesday, you're a better person than I am. I wouldn't have found it within myself to care for him, dying or not. I think your anger is justified. I could never point a gun at my children, joking or not. Laughing was his way of demeaning and shaming you. Just realize that he can no longer hurt you. Believe that, down to your cells.

    I'm so sorry for what you lived through. Take therapy one step at a time. Don't worry about the memories until you're ready.

    Sally, I think that is the latest thought, but honestly I can't keep track. I think it depends on what their lawyers tell them.


    Right now, behind me is a very beautiful, intelligent and wonderful woman; she's snoring right now...she's pretty tired.

    She just flew in from Seattle, Washington yesterday to Toronto.

    She is one of my closest and dearest friends. She too, was raised a JW until she was 13.

    She had suffered abuse at the hand of her own father (biological).

    As I re-read some more items posted to this thread, I could not help but think of my dear friend, sleeping so quietly and contently behind me.

    She was my very first XJW contact. Oddly enough, I met her through a pen-pal mail service in the late 1980s. We were writing for ages, then she reveals that she had been a JW.

    I couldn't believe it. She and I still marvel at this. What a coincidence.

    Anyways, I have been doing some on-line investigation. Her father was a JW at the time; apparently he's an active member in Colorado.

    Don't know if he has abused anyone else, but he abused his daughter and step-daughter.

    Makes me F*$%ing mad.

    She's an amazing person, and I love her dearly.

    She's still sleeping as I type and I'm happy to call her my friend.

    We've been having very open and frank discussions this evening about her JW childhood days/early teen years. So sad, isn't it?

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