Wow, I cannot imagine what you are going through, but it sounds as if you have a very supportive wife and we all support you here. I don't believe all repressed memories are planted as some suggest. I do believe that if you start remembering something on your own, it is probably a true memory. Of course there are those Psychatriast that ask leading questions like "Your mother touched you didn't she?" or something to that affect that could cause some people to start having untrue memories, but I think for the most part Therapists are very careful about doing that. Most therapists just ask a simple question and let you answer it for yourself. I suppressed some bad things from my childhood, and when somebody says something all of a sudden the memory comes back and I didn't go through anything close to what you went through, so I definately think you probably suppressed those bad memories. It seems like you are coping well. I hope the nightmares stop and you can beat this depression. Best Wishes.