Explosion at Manchester Arena - Fatalities Confirmed

by cofty 342 Replies latest members politics

  • Simon
    do you have the presence of mind to understand that the converse does not follow from that premise: all Muslims are terrorists.

    Correct. But then the ones that are not terrorists are not really Muslims - because they are not following the commandments of their religion which defines what it is to be a Muslim.

    Hey, thumbs up to the hypocritical frauds ... but it's time to actually stand up - they should walk away rather than continue to be part of the problem by giving cover to the ones who are willing and eager to impersonate their prophet.

    How can they stand to be associated with that cess pit of an abomination to humanity? Walk away, chose a new name, make up whatever crazy beliefs you want but leave out all of the "you must kill all the ..." parts.

    Why is that at all difficult?

  • Finkelstein

    I certainly would not want to live in any place, time or society that prescribes what I or anyone else can or cannot believe.

    Religion can be tolerated and accepted in a peaceful harmonious society, but when a religion incites and teaches that non members or members of another religion are worthless and should be violently abolished to show faithful allegiance to their specific god , then that religion should not be openly accepted and allowed to be practiced, in conjunction to uphold basic human rights.

  • Chook

    If Sportsbet had a wager which religion the next terrorist would come from , I don't reckon they would give you more than 3 cents on the dollar on Islam.

  • dogon

    Islam needs to be stamped out. Its not a religion but a political ideology that uses terror to accomplish its goals. Death and destruction is the remedy our enemy's have chosen and I say we give them all they want of it.

  • Finkelstein

    “In the absence of conclusive evidence, the choice of venue, the timing and the mode of attack all suggest this was terrorism,” said a U.S. counter terrorism official who also spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The Islamist militant group has not claimed responsibility for the attack, although Islamic State supporters took to social media to celebrate the blast and some encouraged similar attacks elsewhere.

    Britain is on its second-highest alert level of “severe,” meaning an attack by militants is considered highly likely.

  • hothabanero
    do you have the presence of mind to understand that the converse does not follow from that premise: all Muslims are terrorists.

    lol, why are ppl who are the most arrogant also often the most ignorant?.

    Muslims and terrorism is like the relationship between a hamburger and the bun, beef, salad and mayo. Yah sure you can take them away (and some do!) but then it ain't a hamburger anymore!

    How can the same damn thing happen over and over for the same damn reason every damn month of every damn year and ppl still wonder if it has to do with hunger in some far away place or who uses which bathroom?

  • hothabanero

    Right on dogon!

  • hothabanero

    This was posted yesterday at an Islamist forum

  • bohm

    This is so very sad and tragic. The events seem to point to a Muslim suicide attack using shrapnel-cased devices and reports may indicate more than one person.. that is a very worrying prospect. Even the IRA and (arguably) Al-Queda did not engage in this kind of terrorism against kids. My thoughts go out to our British friends...

  • Finkelstein

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