Welcome Dothemath.... I am the old lady on board 76 yrs old> 25 years knocking on doors with the supposed TRUTH. My husband would beat me to stop.... But How could I? Everyones blood was on MY shoulders. Then after making 10 people JWs-I was "kicked Out" My SIN???? I admitted I did not believe Jesus came in 1914. Yes they kicked me out AFTER my husband had died! So their prophecy was right I HAD NO WHERE TO GO!!!!!! Hey but they were WRONG!!!!!! I have nearly all these dear people on here Who I love dearly- who are encouraging in times of stress. Who call me Gran, Nan, Mum, Great Gran, So I am like Job I gained more than I lost- & you know what else I FOUND the REAL truth JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!! The ONLY WAY! TRUTH! To have LIFE.... I now know what it meant when scriptures says "I GIVE YOU MY PEACE NOT THE WAY THE WORLD DOES" I have a support group & the amount of the lives the WT has ruined seperated, killed in suicide I am so Happy I am NOT a part of the False Prophet .....Jehovahs Witnesses ....Get out of them my people ....Happy searching & Pray!!!!!!Grace Gough