this website is having an impact

by dothemath 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi "Do the Math"..

    Glad to hear you have been taken a look around this forum.

    I see from your post that you;

    1. Agree with many of the criticisms of the WTS you have read here.

    2. As an elder, you're starting to feel like the Pharisees of Jesus day.

    3. You don't agree with the Disfellowshipping/shunning thing... wow,.. that is a big one.

    It's interesting too, that you have been adjusting your talks to reflex the way you have been thinking lately.

    I really appreciate your posting your thought, feelings and adjustments you are making. I invite you to continue to peruse this forum and my feeling is that you may be making some more adjustments to the your J.W. train of thought. I hope that you are not selected to sit on a Judicial committee in the near future. That would be very hard to do considering your thoughts on this type of abuse.

    All the best as you investigate things here.


    Special K

  • shera

    Hi and welcome.Its great to have you here!


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Greetings and welcome aboard. I see you've 'doneyourmath.'

    Guest 77

  • jgnat

    Welcome, dothemath. I find it so much harder to examine my own motives than to criticize others. Yet, I have grown most when I chose the harder path. I have put my beliefs under the test here, and have had to give up some cherished ideas. But I have gained so much more.

    I do think I am better for it.

    I admire you for taking the harder road. I am sure your congregation is benefitting from your approach.

  • dothemath

    Thanks for all the great expresstions.................nice to be able to say what you really think for a change. I'm not planning on ever leaving the's kind of like "Hotel California"........(you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave) ........but I am going to "check out" other people's's obvious to me our organization doesn't have all the answers.

    I was wondering if any of you feel the morals taught at the Kingdom Hall have benefited you, even if you're no longer associated. Has it at least made you a better person?

    I'm still a little paranoid about this......I'll likely only post from a public terminal...but I look forward to reading more of your comments.

  • JH

    You say that this site has an impact. I wonder how many in the organization will actually look here? A minority of people know about this site, and a minority of those will look. But just as everyone hates fights, they will all stand up when a hockey fight beggins. So maybe others will look and see the other side of the truth.

  • Brummie

    Welcome aboard

    anyone who does do the maths cant stay in that org with a clear conscience


  • gumby

    Welcome DTM,

    Nice to have some more experiences from those who have been in awhile and around the block with the organisation. I am a 3rd generation witness with much family still in.

    About a comment you made,

    I don't regard you as ones to be shunned........the Bible only reserves that for ones who have rejected Jesus, not limited to ones who believe differently than the Watchtower.

    Please do not be offended by ones here who are not believers....because there are many here who are not. These particular ones have the same doubts about jesus as do you about the organisation, but most I've seen are completely sincere in their feelings. We all learn from one another here. I can say I have learned more about many things that are important to me from this site.....than anywhere else I've seen on this planet.

    Nice to have you and we look forward to your experiences.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Welcome to JWD, Dothemath! I see from your statements that this site has had an impact on you, and I'm glad of it, but I'm also did you come to acquaint yourself with this forum website? And do you know of any others who're being influenced by JWD's posts? It would be interesting to realize just how far-reaching the impact of this website has become...also....have you perused Randy's website? It's chock-FULL of info pertinent to the WT-BATS inequities....

    As for your question whether being a JW affected my morals? No....but it affected my heart and caused a great callous to overcome my heart while I was still heart's callous has gradually diminished over the years since I left.....and I no longer live in fear all the time.

    Frannie B

  • outoftheorg

    Hello and welcome Do the-math.

    Sounds like my dad reminding me to do my homework.

    I was born in1935 into a family where the mother was a true believer in the jw org.. My dad, the do-the-math enforcer, was not interested. I was an elder for @ 4 yrs. if my memory serves me correctly.

    I lost faith in the wbts after the debacle of 1975. Started to drift away but didn't make waves, due to my now ex wife and my siblings and others still in.

    Yes I always knew that I had learned a lot about being an honest person, having good morals, being loyal and forgiving, caring and having a good grasp of ehtics.

    Since I had been raised and taught to believe that these things were more manifest, if not found only, in the studies of the wbts. I just KNEW, that the jw's had a much higher and richer standard of morals etc. than the world in general.

    When I drifted away I started having more and more associations with worldly people and less and less with jw's.

    Imagine my surprise when I learned that the population in general also had these teachings and beliefs. That they supported these same values as the jw's. I learned that not all of the general population upheld or lived within these values. I alread knew, that this was also true of those labeled as jw's.

    My message to you is that there are many good things to be found in the jw's beliefs. But since these are also in the general population, this does not put the jw's on an elevated standard.

    Then after my daughter told me of being molested by an elder and my finding it was past the statute of limitations, leaving the jw elders as the only other source of justice, other than the civil court, I took this issue to them. To make this short, they acknowledged that they believed two of the ultimate 5 accusers and that my daughter was one of those believed. Then the wbts tells them to drop the issue and do nothing. Leaving this elder in good standing.

    This made me into their enemy and filled with anger. When I told the elders of what I thought of them and the wbts they looked for a way to df me. They found a way.

    This caused me to recognize that the wbts actions and those of the elders was very similar to the way a corporation or a worldly religion, that is caught indulging in illegal acts, behaves when cornered by the athorities.

    After a lot of study, reading, checking out documentation of the actions of the wbts and not concentrating too much on religious issues, I came to learn that it is safer and one is less troubled with emotional and mental turmoil, and maintaining ones marriage and family ties, by living as far out of the jw's reach as possible.

    Yes there are many good teachings about conduct in the teachings of the wbts, but they are far outweighed by the many many destructive teachings.

    PS Now after 13 years and my sending info to the proper attorney, the situation has gotten so hot for the wbts and the local elders, that this molester is finally disfellowshipped.

    I can only wonder what happened in these 13 yrs. How many others??? How many other coverups??. It really makes me sad to think that this could have been handled 13 yrs. ago. What a waste.


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