I got to say your a hypocrite.
this website is having an impact
by dothemath 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Joker, I would have to say that dothemath appears to be internally consistent, therefore NOT a hypocrite.
Dothemath-----Please know we're all rooting 4 ya! You'll do just fine! Stick around and you WON'T be able to stay on as an elder.....Believe me!
Dear Dothemath,
Welcome to the forum, Brother!
I consider you my Brother because of what you said:
You said:" I know I'm not supposed to be here either, but I don't regard you as ones to be shunned........the Bible only reserves that for ones who have rejected Jesus, not limited to ones who believe differently than the Watchtower."
Remember that in Jesus' Eyes the one doing God's Will - that one is Jesus' family: His Brother and His Sister.
Happy searching for God's Truth!
Christian Love,
I've got too many friends and family in the organization.........would be too high a price to pay.......
One thing that you may want to ask yourself, are your family values much more important than your own personal values? Is this the way love should be displayed for one another? Will you be putting your own personal happiness aside for the happiness of others?
A Paduan
Hopefully the organization will change eventually...........if it does it will be by efforts such as all of yours..........until then, I'm now just like the Catholics we have always criticized
I'm not sure which Catholics 'they' are, but I have seen that jwism has a very long way to go before charitable work becomes the fundamental ideal - excluding the work of warning everyone else about 'angry god' that is.
I've got too many friends and family in the organization.........would be too high a price to pay.......
And such is the spirit of jwism.
(((((((((((((((( Warm welcome to the Forum )))))))))))))))
Did you read this experience ? Link Here.
That was an excellent link! I had never read that before. I'm going to post it now.
About three weeks before I handed in my letter of disassociation (two months ago) two elders from my congregation came to my door,for the first time since my son's death (which happened 8 months earlier).I knew it wasn't a special love for me or my family that suddenly motivated them to come.For few weeks prior to that visit I was sharing the new truth about the 'truth' that I was discovering with any listening ear. Now it was obvious to me that these two elders had been sent by the body of elders to hear it themselves so it can be used against me...and hear they did.
The 'poor' elders had to stand there (they refused to come in) and listen to it all.
At one stage I was discussing with them the unjust way the WT society has been treating publishers for speaking up truth.I asked the elders if they agreed that the society has been wrong many times on many of it's teachings and it maybe wrong about some of its present teachings?
"Yes of course" they replied.
" Now" I continued "let say that Jesus was here today in the organization, kind of under cover, no one knew it was him, just a brother in the congregation. What would you say Jesus would do with any of the society's teachings or actions he knew was wrong? Wouldn't he do what he did in the first century, talk about , highlight and share the truth about anything he knew was wrong?"
"Yes ,he would" they agreed.
"Now, what would you do to him if you didn't know it was Jesus? You would intimidate him to keep quiet and if he continued to speak and share the truth ,as he would have, you would disfellowship him, wouldn't you?" I repeated,"wouldn't you"?
It was painful to admit it,but they did. In fact one of them said " I suppose we would" while laughing at the realization that they would indeed disfellowship Jesus himself.
"What does it tell you?" I asked,and left it at that.
Two weeks later the CO sent two elders from another city , 5 hours drive from my home, to visit me. One of them was the district convention overseer.To this day I don't know why they were the ones sent and why from so far. And while they treated me with kindness, they warned me that if I continued to share what I knew, which they agreed cannot be disputed , I would be disfellowshiped. I used the same reasoning about Jesus and they too had to admit it that Jesus would be disfellowshiped if he was in the congregation today.
It is obvious that Jesus would have been treated by the WT society today as he was treated by the Jewish religious leaders in his time.
In fact, it is easy to see the similarities between the WTS leaders today and the religious leaders in the first century.The feeling of self importance,the love for power,control and reaches, the so many man-made rules and especially the mistreatment of those who are already afflicted.
It is also easy to see the similarities between the WTS leaders and the religious leaders during the time of the inquisition.
The 'only we understand the bible. No one else can.If you try to have your own understanding and share it with others, you will be persecuted and executed ( disfellowshiped). Really, is there any difference between the so many lovers of truth who were executed back then, only because they read the bible for themselves and shared the truth they found there with others, and the so many lovers of truth today who get persecuted and disfellowshiped for exactly the same reason?
To me the saddest thing is to see the similarities between the WT organization and the Nazi party before and during the second world war:
The hunger for power and control.
The unjust persecution and execution (disfellowshiping) of anyone speaking against the party(org).
The use of fear for control.
The attitude that ' we are a better race, the rest are scam'.
'We deserve to live ,the rest deserve to die and will soon'
The pressure to conform.
The use of propaganda to mislead.
The uncompassionate ,judgmental ,intolerant and often inhuman spirit.
The attempts to cover up crimes committed by the party(org)
The Party(org) is being like a cold and heartless machine.
Can true Christianity (even though imperfect) be guilty of all the above?
To claim that the WT organization is Jehovah's organization , that Jesus is its head and that it is directed by the holy spirit is nothing less than a blasphemy.
Really, a religion that would persecute , excommunicate and label an apostate the one it claims to glorify and follow closely as its only exemplar is a religion that is in a very sad and poor condition.
Edited by - ELON14 on 6 October 2002 16:8:28
Hi! Looks like you are adding it all up. Welcome and enjoy the ride.
Welcome to the forum and please don't make yourself scarce.
In one very bad congregation I attended, the last I attended by the way, the PO gave a talk and said: "Strongs ones, do NOT associate with those you consider weak. Weak ones, if you want to associate with the strong then you better get strong."
This upset me deeply. The attitude toward the "weak ones" was already bad enough in this congregation. Most of the members made me think of the Kingdom Song lyrics, "Proud hearts that know no pity for the meek."
I asked my husband to take the Awake! article "You Must Assist Those Who Are Weak" to the elders and ask them about the POs talk. In the article they mention the Pharisees. He wouldn't take it, so with him along, I showed it to two elders. They smiled and nodded. Then on a shepherding call to us, one of those same elders was reading to me from a magazine. I asked him what the magazine was because I wanted to read the article later. He looked embarrassed but told me what magazine and article it was. Later, I looked for the article and was shocked to find the whole article dealt with apostasy. I was stunned. Were they thinking I was an apostate because I had showed them in the Society's own publications that the PO was way out of line in his reasoning and counsel?
When you base someone's worth on how many hours they report in service, meeting attendance and works, basically, you will have a Pharisee climate in the organization. People should be valued because they are creatures of God, human beings. It's the "Faith without works is dead" philosophy that has taken the empathy and real love from the WT org.