this website is having an impact

by dothemath 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dothemath

    Hello.........this is a first for me- I've been reading some of your messages for some time now, and I must say you guys study your Watchtower far better than I ever did. I'm still a part of the congregation (and an elder), but I have to say I agree with many of your criticisms of the organization. We've become just like the Pharisees that Jesus our last assembly, the DO and CO warned against apostate material over and over I certainly think you're having a tremendous impact on their actions.

    I know I'm not supposed to be here either, but I don't regard you as ones to be shunned........the Bible only reserves that for ones who have rejected Jesus, not limited to ones who believe differently than the Watchtower.

    Hopefully the organization will change eventually...........if it does it will be by efforts such as all of yours..........until then, I'm now just like the Catholics we have always criticized.........I don't accept many of the beliefs forced upon us.........and I've simplified my talks drastically, emphasizing basic things such as "do onto others".......etc.

    I know others in the congregation are starting to become more balanced.........hopefully they will learn to "do the math" also.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    First of all, a big howdy and welcome!

    It sounds as if your thoughts mirror mine. I believe in a God who is inclusive, who loves and cares for everyone just because we are living beings, rather than the exclusive and demanding god who cares only for field service, meetings, comments and how much money you put in the contribution box.

    That is not what Jesus taught about. I was disturbed when I left 15 years ago, now I am contemptuous of those who manipulate others using God as the tool.

  • DevonMcBride

    Hello and welcome. I'm glad to hear this web site is having a big impact. Maybe others will see things the way you see them and come by here too.


  • mustang


    Sage words and a positive thought!!!! Englightenment surely is a positive thing


  • laylaluv


    Welcome to this site.

    I am DF'd and shunned by my family. However, the Society's rule on shunning has backfired with me and I am sure many others. Mainly, because of the lack of love shown by the JW's and my JW family. I am resolved to never go back and to teach my kids to have a free mind. I teach them to research everything they have doubts about then come to their own conclusion. I also let them know I do not and will not always agree with their actions and decisions but, I will love them unconditionally.

    Again, Welcome to the board.


  • little witch
    little witch


    Welcome, I hope you stay for awhile. Your post is most refreshing and honest.

    Not many in your position are so caring, I like you already.

  • Buster

    Dotthemath, that is a very nice thing to say.

    I am the most intrigued by those that post here and yet still attend meetings, to say nothing of participating as an elder. I hope you will post a more detailed story. I would like to hear how your short-term future appears to you, and how you reconcile the organizational demands for rigorous adherence.


    - Cliff

  • PopeOfEruke


    the WT Society had done its damage with me too - I would NEVER go back, EVER. No matter how much they change or adapt.

    As far as I am concerned, the kernel of the Society is rotten beyond repair, therefore no amount of changes can ever fix it. Whitewashed graves indeed!

    May your heart keep leading you along the path of truth.......


  • rem

    Wow, reminds me of myself a few years ago. Welcome to the forum!


  • ballistic


    you mention the intensified warnings about listening to alternate ideas (aka apostates), do you think this intensity is actually counter productive in their terms, as it will breed curiosity and lack of trust?


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