Welcome to the Board, dothemath!
Have you actually done the math regarding 607BCE as the date of the fall of Jerusalem? Just wondering.
As to your question about KH-taught morals having made me a better person? I think not, and let me tell you why. I was "conscious of my spiritual need" as a very young child. I walked myself and a neighbor friend to church when I was in second grade. I declined to make my confirmation in the Lutheran church when I was 14, because I disbelieved the Trinity. When I was 17, I came in contact with the Witnesses. I was already a good, moral person. I left off studying with them, went ahead and married my divorced, Catholic love (married 25 years this past July), and had our first child 6 years later. It wasn't until I was a mother that I went back to studying with the Witnesses. I was in fear for my child's eternal life. I went back because I was afraid of a God who would destroy my child at Armageddon. It took 5 years of studying for me to get baptized (had questions, had to quit smoking, too). During all that time, I led a pretty morally clean life. Since leaving in March of 2001, I have led a pretty morally clean life. So what I am saying (in a long-winded way) is that my basic personality is pretty moral. The only thing that I'm grateful to the witnesses for is my knowledge of what the Scriptures say (not necessarily what they MEAN, though) and the fact that I've not smoked a cigarette in 14 years.
Since leaving the Witnesses, I am more outgoing, generous (I sponsor two kids through Children International, for example), less judgmental, more tolerant, and guess what, dothemath? There are plenty of WORLDLY people who are kinder and more moral and more loving than many JWs I have known.
What the Witnesses espouse is not wrong. Too often, however, my experience has been that they do NOT practice what they preach. The problem, as I see it, is that they really are not taught how to properly demonstrate love. It isn't with placements and preaching, that's for sure.
Happy to have you here.