this website is having an impact

by dothemath 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Well, as one speaking from an evangelical Christian background, I would say the JW's follow a form of clean living, as do the Mormons and many other religions. I have noticed that people who practice clean living have a certain "air" around them. Maybe it is the lack of cigarette smoke emanating from their pores. It takes a certain amount of self-discipline to live that way, so maybe that "air" shows up as a subtle bearing or demeanor.

    Where I find the JW's odd is that the external strictures receive far more attention. That is, JW's practice those aspects of clean living that are in full view of the "world" and the "elders". It is almost as if they are far more fearful of their brother's judgement than they are of God's.

  • minimus

    Why do you think that you would never leave????......You seem adamant. Care to expound??

  • outnfree

    Welcome to the Board, dothemath!

    Have you actually done the math regarding 607BCE as the date of the fall of Jerusalem? Just wondering.

    As to your question about KH-taught morals having made me a better person? I think not, and let me tell you why. I was "conscious of my spiritual need" as a very young child. I walked myself and a neighbor friend to church when I was in second grade. I declined to make my confirmation in the Lutheran church when I was 14, because I disbelieved the Trinity. When I was 17, I came in contact with the Witnesses. I was already a good, moral person. I left off studying with them, went ahead and married my divorced, Catholic love (married 25 years this past July), and had our first child 6 years later. It wasn't until I was a mother that I went back to studying with the Witnesses. I was in fear for my child's eternal life. I went back because I was afraid of a God who would destroy my child at Armageddon. It took 5 years of studying for me to get baptized (had questions, had to quit smoking, too). During all that time, I led a pretty morally clean life. Since leaving in March of 2001, I have led a pretty morally clean life. So what I am saying (in a long-winded way) is that my basic personality is pretty moral. The only thing that I'm grateful to the witnesses for is my knowledge of what the Scriptures say (not necessarily what they MEAN, though) and the fact that I've not smoked a cigarette in 14 years.

    Since leaving the Witnesses, I am more outgoing, generous (I sponsor two kids through Children International, for example), less judgmental, more tolerant, and guess what, dothemath? There are plenty of WORLDLY people who are kinder and more moral and more loving than many JWs I have known.

    What the Witnesses espouse is not wrong. Too often, however, my experience has been that they do NOT practice what they preach. The problem, as I see it, is that they really are not taught how to properly demonstrate love. It isn't with placements and preaching, that's for sure.

    Happy to have you here.


  • starfish422

    Welcome, dothemath! :) I am always glad to see current elders dip their toes into the water here; gives me a glimmer of hope for some I know.

  • dothemath

    reply to minimus

    Why do you think that you would never leave????......You seem adamant. Care to expound??

    I've got too many friends and family in the organization.........would be too high a price to pay.......

    reply to ballistic

    you mention the intensified warnings about listening to alternate ideas (aka apostates), do you think this intensity is actually counter productive in their terms, as it will breed curiosity and lack of trust?

    Yes, I think it is.........most in our cong. watched the Dateline/ Fifth estate shows about child abuse.......yet the DO kept saying it was all lies........villified everyone for even watching or talking about it. But you can tell people realize these aren't "all lies"........the organization seems to react in a very un-christian manner toward these victims.

    I don't know if it's like this in other areas of the world, but here we're told which weddings we can attend, which funerals we can go to..............many are forced to avoid funerals of even close relatives.......just at a time when they need compassion the most.

    It'll be interesting to see the results of the recent service this area I know of many rural congs. that have been disbanded, as well as some in the larger centers. In a neighboring district, there have even been an entire circuit deleted.

  • yxl1
    I don't know if it's like this in other areas of the world, but here we're told which weddings we can attend, which funerals we can go to..............many are forced to avoid funerals of even close relatives.......just at a time when they need compassion the most.

    I'm not sure where you're from, but you've just described both my old congregations here in South London.

  • gumby
    I don't know if it's like this in other areas of the world, but here we're told which weddings we can attend, which funerals we can go to..............many are forced to avoid funerals of even close relatives.......just at a time when they need compassion the most.

    All I know concerning this, is that the Watchtower reads the same all across the regards to these matters.

    As for weddings, the teaching is a cocscience matter if witnesses can attend.They are given guidlines of what NOT to do while you attend, and to consider the consciences and influence you might bring to others if you do attend. I have not heard anything about an approval by the elders as a preliminary requirement to attend.

    Funerals.........a talk cannot be given of a deseased one who was not in good standing at the hall. If a disfellowshipped loved one dies, a talk cannot be given at the hall, yet an individual elder can choose to give a talk off the premises, and those who wish to attend can use their conscience in choosing.

    Did you hear of this by some other means than the Watchtower? I don't ay this because I do not believe what you describe happens.....but I was wondering if this was a verbal thing you heard, or was in writing somewhere. I never thought to wonder if you lived in the U.S. or not.

    You feel you have to secretly use a public terminal to communicate here.......that should tell you something of the mind control, fear, and guilt the society imposes on it's people. Sad.


  • waiting

    Hello Doth,

    Welcome - I've not read the entire thread, nor all your responses. I'm an inactive 30yr jw woman, South Carolina.

    Xjw forums and all the absolutely marvelous websites on the internet with WT doctrine, quotes, history, and chatting/arguing/learning/laughing......well, hope you stick around as literally thousands of other jw's have done.

    No matter where you find yourself next year at this time - your jw viewpoint will be broader.

    Thanks for the compliment about this forum.


  • Gerard
    I know I'm not supposed to be here either, but I don't regard you as ones to be shunned........the Bible only reserves that for ones who have rejected Jesus, not limited to ones who believe differently than the Watchtower.

    My wife was born a JW I was born a Catholic. Now we attend a non-denominational church and we have never felt closer to God.

    One does not need a banner and a slogan to take Jesus in one's life.

    Wellcome here, and all other lurkers.

  • Makena1

    Dothemath - WELCOME!

    Being able to express your own thoughts is refreshing isn't it?

    You wrote:Why do you think that you would never leave????......You seem adamant. Care to expound??

    I've got too many friends and family in the organization.........would be too high a price to pay.......

    I am 3rd generation JW on dad's side of the family, and 4th on my mothers. Pioneered, MS, and served as an elder for 4 years before leaving. I can certainly empathize with what you are going through. In my case, I had to weigh what I had been taught AND believed with all my heart for 40 years, with the real facts. In short order, I came to the conclusion that saying goodbye to literally 100's of friends, and 1000's of acquaintances worldwide, worked better for me than going through the motions and living a lie. We are not df'd or da'd, but former JW friends treat us that way.

    It's scary at first, but making new friends (without all the hypocritical brother and sister baggage) has been a new and rewarding challenge.

    May I suggest you read among others, a poster here called Amazing. His exit process from the borg was truly "amazing".

    Looking forward to hearing more from you!

    All best,


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