Are most people just plain stupid?

by logansrun 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greatteacher

    No matter how strongly you object, those are stupid beliefs.

  • logansrun

    For a nice summary of why astrology, tarot-cards, new-ageism, creationism etc. are "stupid" beliefs, check out the following link --


  • Brummie

    greatteacher to think everyone will one day drop all their beliefs and become great minds like you and Logan is perhaps the most stupid belief of all.



  • logansrun


    See, it's comments like yours:

    greatteacher to think everyone will one day drop all their beliefs and become great minds like you and Logan is perhaps the most stupid belief of all.

    that just make no sense whatsoever when viewed objectively.

    Nowhere did I or greatteacher state that people will simply one day drop all their irrational beliefs as one would quit a job. It's a process, much like losing faith in a cult -- it doesn't happen overnight and it isn't always pretty.

    Why do you (and others) persist in false representation of what I said? I do NOT consider myself a "great mind." Good heavens, if I haven't made that clear enough...


  • Brummie
    that just make no sense whatsoever when viewed objectively

    erm, what do you know about objectivity? Your opening post suggests you know nothing about it so I wont be looking for a lesson in it from you..cheers

    You wish everyone believed like you do, thats the point "Oh if everyone wasnt so stupid and believed like I do the world would be so much more interesting" Lol, I'd rather read the phonebook.

    For what its worth your ability to be objective is about as good as greatteachers, two peas in a pod huh.

    Good heavens, if I haven't made that clear enough

    Yep you've made it clear enough


    Now go attend to your strawmen


  • logansrun

    Ah, Brummie,

    You wish everyone believed like you do, thats the point "Oh if everyone wasnt so stupid and believed like I do the world would be so much more interesting" Lol, I'd rather read the phonebook.

    I will gladly pay you or anyone else $100 if you can provide documentation of me ever writing or saying that.

    Rather than the phone book, might I suggest a book on.....oh, never mind.


  • Brummie
    might I suggest a book on.....

    hmmm, a book on arrogance? ok, i'll read it, when you've finished with it just send it on.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    I will gladly pay you or anyone else $100 if you can provide documentation of me ever writing or saying that.

    So it can be proved to YOU? Some things don't need documentation to satisfy. Brad if people don't agree with you then they're wrong every time. That much should be obvious even to you.

  • Aztec

    It's hard being correct most, *ahem* not all, of the time....LOL! Right Bradley?


  • logansrun


    Brad if people don't agree with you then they're wrong every time.

    That is absolutely not true. There are many areas where, while I do not agree with other people's opinion, I do respect them and their position. For example, I'm currently having a lively debate with a fellow ex-JW who buys into the "prime mover" argument for God's existence. Although I disagree with him I believe his position has intellectual merit.

    Simply because I make certain categorical claims about particular matters does not mean that that same general judgements to everything I come into contact with. Got it?


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