Are most people just plain stupid?

by logansrun 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aztec


    I think he suffers from a severe lack of self confidence otherwise he wouldn't be posting the threads that he does.

    I can assure you that is not the case.


    I'm starting to wonder if Minimus and Bradley have done a Jesus and John thing - "He must increase and I must decrease" - regarding questions

    That's the funniest thing I've read all day. I've only been awake for half an hour but, it's still hilarious.


    Puppy shouldn't whine, or puppy get kicked.
    The big silverback puts young Bradley-ape down and wipes his tears away, reassuring young Bradley-ape that he is still part of the group

    Almost all of your post was haughty, scornful and, in my opinion, inflammatory. Bradley did not use a single ad hominem attack but talked about concepts. One of the most important principiles of debate is to discuss ideas and not the people involved in the debate. You broke that from the very inception of your post. I tend to agree that the concepts of fundamentalism, new age belief and blind nationalism are ridiculous. I don't choose to characterize those that believe in these things as stupid just wrong.

    Since we're discussing Bradley; he may actually lack a few social graces but, he's a thoughtful, considerate and caring guy and I'm proud to have him as one of my closest friends. He's made me look at quite a few things differantly than I did before. I appreciate his candor and willingness to challenge my beliefs.

    As you were...


    PS Jgnat, he doesn't respond to half of my replies either and I yelled at him about it last night so don't feel slighted.

  • iiz2cool

    I don't think most people are stupid. I think everyone is intelligent enough to excel at just about anything they want, if they're willing to make the effort. I've been successful at almost everything I've undertaken, depending on the degree of interest and commitment I've shown.

    I do think many people are mentally lazy though. I have the misfortune of working with a few of these, and they piss me off to no end!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I want to know. Do you consider most people as simple sleepwalkers through life not paying much attention to reason, logic, science, history and a desire to understand? I find ignorance all around me it seems -- astrology, new-age beliefs, creationism, militant nationalism, irrational views of self and others. I don't believe this is some innate or genetic quality about people, mind you, just the way their life has played out and the choices they have made.

    So, are most people fools?

    Bradley, they are in the self-agrandized opinions of sociopathic and psychopathic personalities. :)

    Frannie B

  • LittleToe
    Since we're discussing Bradley; he may actually lack a few social graces but, he's a thoughtful, considerate and caring guy and I'm proud to have him as one of my closest friends

    I'm just gonna tell you it how it is:
    He just wants to get into your panties

    ~Ducking and running~

  • Aztec


    I do think many people are mentally lazy though

    I agree. Did you see my post on apathy? I think that is the real key. Why bother to intellectually challenge yourself when muddling along is serving all of your needs?


    He just wants to get into your panties

    Don't most men? Duck and run all you want but, he and I have formed a more brother/sister relationship. He tests me intellectually and I school him socially. It works.


  • greatteacher

    I still agree with Brad. I think that anyone who believes in astrology, new-age beliefs, creationism, militant nationalism and any pseudoscience is stupid. Regardless of the condescending way czarofmischief responded to Brad, I think his argument is flawed. If an argument uses insults, it doesn't improve the arugment. I think czarofmischief is stupid for including god into his stupid beliefs. Does he believe god wrote books? Does he think god answers prayers? Does he think god does anything specific? If not, what the hell is the point of believing in god or including him in you abiogenesis beliefs?

  • logansrun


    Your post was ridiculous and I will not respond to someone who calls themselves a "silverback." (PS -- you also show a very poor understanding of evolution. Read a book.)


    I'm turning into the anti-typical Minimus? God, I need to get a hobby.

    The beer will be on me, btw.


    No, on second thought I won't respond to you...


    Thanks for the compliments. I wish they were true!




  • expatbrit
    I school him socially.


  • Aztec

    Yes, oh pithy one, good idea.


  • iiz2cool
    Why bother to intellectually challenge yourself when muddling along is serving all of your needs?

    I don't think muddling along can serve all a person's needs, maybe just some of the basic ones. We also have a need to grow intellectually. I prefer to challenge myself continuously, otherwise I feel I'm stagnating.


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