We are safe from those two (barring a night of binge absynthe intake)
I can't speak for rem, but I'm glad I've lulled you into a false sense of security. Bwa-ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha.Ha. Am at home with ghastly cold and am making myself feel better by getting rather stoned; medicinal use, see? It might not make me feel better, but it makes me care less about how bad I feel.
the second was a dismissive discussion of why god allows little children to suffer child abuse.
As with you I find this hard to understand. I've known people who've been abused and now realise at one point I was probably being 'groomed' by a paedophile. I don;t underestimate the impact of that at all. But no matter how wrong that abuse is, there are far more children who have died lonely cold hungry deaths that come about inspite of their parent's best efforts. I think the fact that that suffering also exsists is equally relevent.
A little girl is abused by her father, tied to a bed for years and lives in her own feces. I read a story like that and wondered how many times this poor little girl CRIED OUT to god to save and help her?
Under such circumstances I don't presuppose that the scum who did that to her bothered with teaching her about religion. And I doubt very much how she could have come up with the idea herself... yes, conceiving the existence of a benevolent all-powerful entity in such dire straits is a little far fetched. Which rather underlines the point from my point-of-view.
Little Toe
However, IMHO, belief or unbelief alters the situation not one jot, as neither perspective has a satisfying solution for it.
I see what you mean, but the fact you postulate it matters not one jot jars with everything we see around us. Things are the way they are because of the way other things are and have been, from a rock in a stream to a bird in the sky to dolphons, spread out in a rainbow of natural selection over a strand of time.
You postulate that 'neither persepctive has a satisfying solution for it'. Yet a peacock's tail has reasons, the composition of the Earth's atmosphere has reasons, you can find a solution to things when you look at them, given a bit of time and actually knowing there's something to look at, and given the availability of tools with which to do the looking and an understanding of the things you need to understand in order to interpret what you look at. It wasn't possible to describe Ohm's until shortly before it was described as the pieces needed to get there weren't in place
To say the reason, for Life, the Universe, and Everything, is unsatisfying goes against that, unless of course the pieces with which to understand it aren't in place yet.
And this precise situation is what one would expect from a non-god point-of-view. Proper science is barely two hundred years old! We have only been flying for 100 years! We are no where near to understanding everything, but that's entirely logical, as it takes time.
Religion? It has been around ages, a very long time, probably well over 30,000 years. And it still can't provide a satisfying explanation. And as the chap religion tries to represent knows what's going on, the fact it's not communicated it to us is rather curious. It gets all ineffable, and as far as my experience runs, ineffable tends to mean bullshit. We, if there is a god, should know what's going on - not jkust one bunch of bannanas, not just one tree, but all bannanas, everywhere. If it's (suffering) a game, a test, an education, then the rules we hold to in the everyday world would have god banged up in the Hauge before you could say 'war crime'.
At the end of the day, aren't we all trying to make sense of the madness around us?
In a way yes, but we should guard ourselves so we don't carry on believing things just because it is comfortable - unless we realise that this is why we carry on believing things. Otherwise we're kidding ourselves, and we had enough of that in the Borg.