Take George out of the equation.

by Thunder Rider 127 Replies latest social current

  • Realist


    Oh, yes, GREAT things to evaluate the efficacy of a president. You're liberal elitist-wanna be, TRUE feelings are showing.

    i am not evaluating his efficacy but his intelligence. and from his speeches and his academic and buisness record its seems he is not exactly a genius.

    Oh, and do, let's look at GPA! Gore's were actually WORSE. As if that's any reasonable means of judging a LEADER. I bet you love Carter: he had a PHd in nuclear physics. Too bad he was a disaster as a leader.

    i am not a fan of gore or the democrates in general (they are like the republicans just lie more about their social engagements). gore seemed more intelligent, but who knows.

    carter was actually not that bad. he seems to be actually caring about people. unfortunately he got screwed with the iran hostage affair. (after listening to his book presentation on jay leno i am not so sure about his mental capabilities however). edited: just so you know ...i DO value intelligence and education a lot and a phd in physics is better than anything bush will and can ever achieve.

    Ah, the BBC "being trustworthy" and "not distorting the facts" on this issue. That IS a joke. I guess from someone who thinks the NYT isn't biased, it's just part of the same naive pattern you have in lapping up the creative stories circulated on this issue.

    for the last time....you have to prove not me! so far you mistrusted 4 or 5 newspaper articles i provided.

    Yes, go ahead and believe the Iraq/Sadaam loved the US; would not be invovled in any terror acts against them, would never think of harming innocent US citizens because they hated them. It's much nicer that way, I'm sure.

    rediculous exaggerations can'T help you. i never stated hussein had sympathies for the US. many people around the globe dislike the US. that does not mean he risked his life to support a completely useless attack against the US.

  • RevMalk

    Well, it's been great but I'm going to sign off this topic for good. It's apparent to me that different people have different views and that's ok. That's what makes freedom so free! :)

    Have fun guys


  • blacksheep

    carter was actually not that bad. he seems to be actually caring about people. unfortunately he got screwed with the iran hostage affair.

    You are from a different country. Virtually NO ONE in the US, even Dems, would suggest that Carter wasn't "that bad." HE screwed up the Iran hostage affair because he was NOT a leader. Sure, he "cared about people," and he was highly reluctant to do what he needed to do when confronted with terror. His failure at strong leadership just set the stage for the mid-east view the the US would never take serious action. Got news for you. Just "caring for people" doesn't make a good leader, certainly NOT a good president. Maybe a good social worker. He had the highest inflation rate coupled by the highest unemployment rate for any president since the "misery index" was implemented.

    (after listening to his book presentation on jay leno i am not so sure about his mental capabilities however). edited: just so you know ...i DO value intelligence and education a lot and a phd in physics is better than anything bush will and can ever achieve.

    Hey, they gut had great academic achievements; I'm sure he got good grades...that, according to you, seems to be HIGHLY important to success as a president.

  • blacksheep

    for the last time....you have to prove not me! so far you mistrusted 4 or 5 newspaper articles i provided.

    Well, since ARE from a different country and seem clueless to the fact that there are well known biases with certain Newspapers, both domestic and abroad, I guess I should not expect you to understand that your simply lapping up propaganda spewed by papers with a liberal slant, is to do youself a big disservice in understanding reality.

    What'ya think of that poor guy, can't remember his name, that got caught in the BBC web when he said the Iraq situation was deliberatly "sexed up." He ended up committing suicide. What do you think about the BBC's "unbiased role in that?"

    Yes, go ahead and believe the Iraq/Sadaam loved the US; would not be invovled in any terror acts against them, would never think of harming innocent US citizens because they hated them. It's much nicer that way, I'm sure.

    rediculous exaggerations can'T help you. i never stated hussein had sympathies for the US. many people around the globe dislike the US. that does not mean he risked his life to support a completely useless attack against the US.

    Oh, so I suppose Saddam's on the same footing as say, Germans, who may not like the US?

    And the idiot DID risk his life. And he paid the price for it. His kingdom is demolished. His sons were killed. he was captured like a rat. Why? In part because he played games with weapons inspectors. ALL nations, save France, Germany, Russia, believed he was a dangerous threat, was not complying with specific UN requirements. In essecne, he played a very dangerous game. And he lost.

    You can continue to believe that Sadaam was just a harmless leader who was too smart to "risk his life" to get involved in anti-Terrorist acts against the US. That not only defies the facts, but further proves you are delusional.

  • Yerusalyim


    secondly are you focusing on the terror against the US or terror accross the world?

    Terror is terror. The terrorism directed against Israel, the UK, Indonesia, the Philipines...it's all connected, all related. I guess that's the part you just don't understand. I REALLY hope you're not trying to point to the BBC as an unbiased "fair and balanced" source of news...or have you missed the folks over in the UK getting fired because of the bias they showed in reporting on the war in Iraq? Not to mention that the Royal Navy (sailors) didn't want the BBC to be broadcast on ship board because of the bias of the reporting. As to Atta being in Czech or not...still to this VERY DAY the Czech intelligence service affirms that the meeting between Atta and Iraqi intelligence took place.

  • RevMalk

    ok, I had to come back... (I'm so weak)

    Israel dishes out more terror than anyone else on this planet. If anything else needs to be done, we need to take Sharon out. The guy is a tyrant and a disgrace to the US. I'm embarrassed at our relations with this piece of shit.


  • Realist


    good grades are irrelevant...a reasonable IQ is not! i would prefer an intelligent educated person as president instead of a mental midget who knows nothing about the economy, foreign politics etc.

    and to blame carter for the middle east desaster is more than rediculous.

    Well, since ARE from a different country and seem clueless to the fact that there are well known biases with certain Newspapers, both domestic and abroad, I guess I should not expect you to understand that your simply lapping up propaganda spewed by papers with a liberal slant, is to do youself a big disservice in understanding reality.

    i am aware of the biases believe me! if you find a really neutral newspaper tell me! however reported facts rarely remain unchanged over a long period of time if they are mere fabrications.

    the question remains, if the prague connection indeed existed WHY DOES BUSH NOT TALK ABOUT IT ? is he too modest to mention that he was right?

    so in conclusio: you cannot show that the meeting actually happened (the whole thing was based on a shaky witness) and you do not accept the basics of law (which is that the accuser has to prove a claim not the accused). neither do you accept several links to reputated news papers and agencies. so lets move to something else.


    the BBC boss quit because of the suicide of dr. kelly the BBC informant...not because of bias. after all everything the BBC reported about the case for war was proven accurate.

    blair had stated that iraq could launch WMDS within 45 min. now if thats not a spiced up statement than what is???

    I guess that's the part you just don't understand.

    well maybe you can enlighten me and show me the connection between IRA, ETA, EL QUAEDA, TIMOTHEY MCVEIGH etc.

    you repeat your claim that arafat has channeled all the money into his personal swiss bank account. WHERE IS THE PROVE OF THAT ACCUSATION? WHY IS ARAFAT STILL THERE FIGHTING FOR HIS PEOPLE IF ALL HE IS CONCERNED ABOUT IS THE MONEY?

  • blacksheep

    good grades are irrelevant...a reasonable IQ is not! i would prefer an intelligent educated person as president instead of a mental midget who knows nothing about the economy, foreign politics etc.

    and to blame carter for the middle east desaster is more than rediculous.

    It was you who mentioned Bush?s grades. Now you say they?re not important.(?) Stick to your story. Secondly, a Harvard MBA IS considered educated. A Harvard MBA is obviously not a mental midged. For someone who knows nothing about the economy, funny how well his economic policies are working.

    i am aware of the biases believe me! if you find a really neutral newspaper tell me! however reported facts rarely remain unchanged over a long period of time if they are mere fabrications.

    the question remains, if the

    Right about WHAT? He was not the source that originated that the meeting took place. And as to why he?s not talking about it, he has a bit more class, character and SMARTS that the shrill liberal hysterics. He doesn?t need to constantly cling to a particular issue as some sort of ?proof? that he was right all along. He knows that time will tell; he?s not so desperate as to draw a line in the sand and say ?THAT?S reality as we now it.? Reality is CONSTANTLY unfolding; investigations are revealing more information.

    HE is smart enough to leave some room for the FACTS and investigation. Unlike lib hysterics.

  • blacksheep

    the BBC boss quit because of the suicide of dr. kelly the BBC informant...not because of bias. after all everything the BBC reported about the case for war was proven accurate.

    You really have a sketchy and interesting concept of "facts." Unfortunately, the good doctor couldn't stand the pressure of interrogation. Because he lied about the "sexing up."

  • blacksheep


    ?Lord Hutton's report into the death of Dr Kelly was deeply critical of the BBC, branding its editorial processes "defective" and saying its governors were wrong to defend Gilligan [the reporter who laster resigned] after he made "unfounded" claims that the government had sexed up its weapons dossier.

    Ministers were cleared of "underhand" behaviour in the naming of Kelly as Gilligan's secret source and Lord Hutton found they had not embellished the dossier with information they knew to be unreliable.?

    Again Real, you either have an extremely short-term memory or problems with processing information.

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