Take George out of the equation.

by Thunder Rider 127 Replies latest social current

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    Now thats what I was looking for. Logical reasonable clearly stated ideas. Bravo!

    Realist, I wasn't ignoring your suggestions they didn't fit the parrameters of what I consider reasonable logical and clearly stated. I believe Gita has answered without emotional bias. His remarks were not infamatory or accusatory.

    I would agree and support the implimentation of the ideas he proposed.

    I personally have a much more black and white solution, but I will not voice it because it is not reasonable, but it would work.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • blacksheep


    Frankly, I don't know why I even bother--it's clear in your personal Support the Terrorists world, you are very selective which facts you think "prove" your point and facts which you totally ignore.

    Regarding you proud assertion that there was absolutely NO connection between Iraq/Saddam/911, todays WSJ addresses just that. Deroy Murdock, Sr. Fellow at Atlas Econmic Research writes this:

    1. US prosecutors indcted Iraqi Abdul Rahman Yasin for crafting the bomb that exploded beneath the World Trade Center in February, 1993, killing six and injuring 1042. ABC News repored in July 1994 that Yasin returned after the blas to live freely in Iraq. Arabic-laguage papers discovered in Tikrit, Iraq confirm this.

    2. After running an al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, Abu Musab al Zarqawi reportedly fled the sinking Taliban, then received medical attention and convalesced in Baghdad for two months. He then opened an Ansar al-Islam base in northern Iraq and arranged the October 2002 assassination of US diplomat Lawrence Foley in Amman, Jordan.

    3. Phillippine authorities expelled Iraqi diplomat Hisham al Hussein in February 2003, after cell phone records showed he chatted with leaders of Abu Sayyaf, just before and just after this al-Aqeda franchise detonated a bomb in Zamboanga City on Oct. 2, 2002. It killed three, including U.S. soldier Mark Wayne Jackson.

    4. the March 19 Washington Times reported on a 20-page Arabic-language document from the Iraqui Intelligence Service. Stamped "top secret," it lists IIS "collaborators, among them "the Saudi Osama bin Laden." It says he is a "Saudi businessman and is in charge of the Saudi opposition in Afghanistan...And he is in good relationship with our section in Syria. Signed "Jabar," the 1993 record appeared authentic to a US official who reviewed it."

    Beyond THAT, YOU post the "links" which positively show that no meetings referenced above "took place." I'd be very interested to see the "proof" that a meeting(s) "never took place."

  • Navigator


    This veteran certainly doesn't want Kerry in office. I'm in touch with about 40 retired officers and they are 100% anti-Kerry. Some of us aren't too fond of Bush, but feel that he is the lesser of the evils. One only has to review his voting record to realize that he is no friend of the military.

  • Realist


    very impressive points! the only problem is they have NOTHING to do with 9/11. 9/11 is not even mentioned in there!

    Beyond THAT, YOU post the "links" which positively show that no meetings referenced above "took place." I'd be very interested to see the "proof" that a meeting(s) "never took place."

    again ...if you make a claim you have to prove it. if i claim you were involved in 9/11 then i have to prove it NOT you disprove it. i listed three newspaper articles all showing that the story is not longer viewed as true. the whole thing was based on a shaky witness. if they have new evidence list it. and if the story is true why is bush et al. not talking about it?

  • avishai
    .....Also, Bush respects my son and what he is doing unlike Clinton who was sooooo disrespectful to the men guarding him. Funny, I know of NO Marine or his family that want anyone else in the White House but Bush.

    OK, I'm relatively conservative. BUT......if he respects them so much, he needs to stop cutting their benefits. This in no way reflects on my views on the war on terror, he needs to step up and treat the troops BETTER!!! Victims of 911's familys got almost a million dollars apiece. Our soldiers family's get jack-squat in comparison

  • avishai

    How 'bout this? Stop buying oil from the Saudi's, who bankrolled Al-Queda, implement biodiesel for trucking, shipping, etc., all things that use diesel, IMMEDIATELY! We have the technology NOW!! Open up Alaska for drilling. Sorry, it sux, but we'll have to use less and less if we use biodiesel, other technologies, etc. MOST of the gas we use in this country is diesel, passenger cars don't compare to the gas we use for shipping, etc. Biodiesel is comprised of about 19 parts vegatable oil to one part diesel. It costs about 37 cents a gallon. Screw Saudi Arabi. Also, freeze their bank accts. Yes, lot's of terrorism came from Iran after doing this. Now they are poor, however, and you almost never hear about it from them. Don't bomb them back to the stone age, take away their source of income. Say, hey, any country in the middle east that supports muslim extremism? YOUR FIRED!!!!

  • gitasatsangha


    You're the first person I've heard mention biodiesel. I always wondered why we don't go that route. I was in New Orleans and checking out this garden-aquaium place (I know.. it was early in the day), and they had this tree in there that had a sap you could burn as-is in the tank of a diesel engine. Their is supposed to be some kind of smaller plant like that in the Phillipines too.. I just remember looking at the tree thinking "why the hell are we buying oil from our enemies when we could be planting these trees all over the place?"

  • WhyNow2000
    Take George out of the equation.

    They did with GB SR...the elected Clinton

    but they forgot the other side of the equation.

  • RevMalk
    This veteran certainly doesn't want Kerry in office. I'm in touch with about 40 retired officers and they are 100% anti-Kerry. Some of us aren't too fond of Bush, but feel that he is the lesser of the evils. One only has to review his voting record to realize that he is no friend of the military.

    Every Veteran I know is either 100% pro-bush (most of them) or at the very least 100% anti-Kerry. That goes for everyone I know that is currently in the military as well.

    This, of course, pleases me considering I'm 110% pro-Bush.

    Don't shoot me everyone, it's just one man's opinion


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Don't shoot me everyone, it's just one man's opinion

    Wouldn't dream of it Rev.

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