Great question......I've thought about this alot......I had no physical affection from my mother or father..but had love from my mother in ways I understood were all she could manage....but although my sister dosnt show affection, my brother and I are very huggable people....perhaps some people switch off when lack of affection occurs...and some switch on....I need to have affection all the time and feel lost without it-my children and my friends are all very huggable and we're comfortable showing affection with eachother-as I am with my brother-we walk around holding hands and cuddle alot because we feel happy when we're close and we tell eachother 'I love you' all the time..he's my greatest admirer and I'm his......I love him so much......
I don't know how we became so lovable after having been shown no love, phsycially, perhaps we're reacting to the lack in a positive way.. my sister on the other hand has shut down when affection's concerned....two possible reactions to one common situation...
my parents had childhoods which wer'nt demonstrative at all and were abusive,,,
I love my brother, my man, my children...... so I show them constant, unwavering, total, affection...but I switched off when I was around my parents..I did'nt like to be close to them, made me feel strange, awkward. and uncomfortable.I could'nt even speak to then without looking down...
So, perhaps the affection issue is dependant on the personality of the person who experiences the lack of affection and that explains whythe cycle is'nt a constant ?