What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

by gumby 297 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Puternut

    The 'one' thing that changed; It seems like we have a lot of arguments between posters.

  • Schizm
  • Schizm


    Would you mind posting a larger picture of your avatar? As small as it is, it's hard to make out. I assume that to be a photo of you and your girlfriend (or wife?)

    Thanks in advance, if you can do this.


  • City Fan
    City Fan


    Have you been reading "How to win friends and influence people" again?

  • AlanF

    Schizm, I didn't realize until now what a complete moron you are. It's amazing how religion tends to produce such infantile minds.


  • shamus


    Do you want to hump my leg?

  • Schizm


    If you've just gotta know, that's Elsewhere's dog, silly boy. You don't think that I'd come up with an image like that all by myself, do you? I got that image right here off of this site. See here:http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/15/71596/4.ashx It's Elsewhere's dog I tell ya! If you really do want his dog to hump your leg, I just imagine that it could be arranged. Elsewhere might even let you keep him over the weekend. Gee, Shamus, I didn't know that you were into things like that. Shame on you, Shamus!

  • gumby

    Damn....I had no idea this thread took off again. Sorry I missed the action.

    Chism, I fast fowarded a few replies because I saw this one of yours and wanted to address it.

    Although alive, you and I do not have "life". If we did, we wouldn't have death hanging over our heads. Adam had "life" prior to his having sinned. He did not have death hanging over his head.

    How could Adam have "life" , if he hadn't eaten from the Tree of Life which you said he needed to eat from to keep from dying? Adam had no life because he had'nt eaten the "Life Fruit" tree. He never did. He had "no life" to be filled by Jesus shoes to begin with.

    You said .."he did not have death hanging over his head", yet you say he needed to eat the fruit to keep living which he never ate. Sounds to me like "he had death hanging over his head" till he ate the fruit to me.


  • Schizm


    How could Adam have "life" , if he hadn't eaten from the Tree of Life which you said he needed to eat from to keep from dying?

    LOL, Gumby, you missed the posts that dealt with that very point. If you go back and check those posts you fast-forwarded over you'll note I explained that Adam had been eating the fruit from the "tree of life" all along. He had permission from God to eat from "every" tree of the garden, except the "tree of knowledge".


  • Schizm


    Something else I wanted to bring to your attention, since you're the one that authored this thread.

    Did you notice how downright particular that Elsewhere's little dog is? The only guys here that he wants to "hump" are Farkel and AlanF. Something strange about that, don't you think. Shamus also wants some of the action but for some reason the little doggie only wants to "do" Farkel and AlanF. I wonder what they've got that Shamus doesn't have? Reckon it might have something to do with some sort of odor emanating from off the lower part of their pants? If not that, then the only other reason I can think of is .... Oh, I guess I better not go there. LOL

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