I know that the issue of the man being beheaded by the Iraqis has been discussed already but they just played the sound of the beheading on talk radio (Shawn Hannity). This is absolutely horrible.....the sound of him screaming just makes me ill.
This is horrible....
by desib77 134 Replies latest social current
I think that's ridiculous, dis-tasteful, a disgrace, and hopefully the FCC will have a say about. Really, that's completely uncalled for.
Sean Hannity actually PLAYED the audio of a beheading? What a sick F#$k.
We're all disgusted enough by this.
(edit to add) Yeah, Chevies, Bush critic Howard Stern can't talk about sex, but GOP's Hannity can play a snuff tape.
They said they played it because America needed to be more angry about that then the Iraqi prisoner abuse.
What, I can't be disgusted by both?
Hannity said the prisoner abuse was a "frat prank"...What the hell kind of frat was he in?
I was already disgusted at the murderers. Now, I'm disgusted at Hannity.
Wow. I figured the visual would eventually get out, but this is just wrong. It's not surprising they use this, toying with the public's emotions to gain political advantage. Just imagine what the family is going through, to have to be exposed to it. Play audio of what was done to the prisoners, too. No, that would be in bad taste. What do you expect out of fox news?
Do we feel like pawns yet?
They said they played it because America needed to be more angry about that then the Iraqi prisoner abu
It's not his place to dictate how angry people should be. It really iritates me when people make blanket assumptions like that.
That poor boys mother and father. OOOooo man I'd like to give that man a piece of my mind. The piece that has all the four letter words I know stored in. What a sick f**k
Farbeit from me to correct one such as you, but I think it was the audio that was played on Hannity's radio show, which Fox has nothing to do with. His Fox show isn't on until 8 (Central)
(edit to add) Yeah, Chevies, Bush critic Howard Stern can't talk about sex, but GOP's Hannity can play a snuff tape.
Damn you Badger, you ornery mammal, you stole the words right out of my mouth!
p.s. what is the world coming to when a sick [edit] has to pull a stunt like that for ratings? I sure hope there are some real consequences to his actions and not just some petty slap on the wrist.