Well no! I have proof he was incapable.
No you don't.
You have proof that he didn't remain righteous, and that he did fall, but you have no proof that he was incapable of it!
If you think Adam could have or should have kept the law, then you are saying God is unjust, for not giving each one of us a shot at the garden.
You're putting words in my mouth again. I'm saying no such thing, rather it's yourself and EW who present such a dichotomy, saying that God is the author of sin! After Adam's creation the whole of creation was declared to be "good".
After all, The Great Little Toe just may have been more righteous than Adam.
Let's not make this personal, huh?
There was no call for that low shot.
Why is it not unjust for me to be created a sinner, but for Adam it was?
Well that certainly came from field left. What has that got to do with the current conversation?
The answer to your question is that Adam sold himself and his offspring into the servitude of sin and death. The only reason you have a problem with it is because you believe it was God who authored it instead of laying the blame where scripture does, at the feet of Adam.
Lets define righteous as, having kept the law, or righteousness as, having the ability to keep the law.
Let's not.
Otherwise how was it that Abel was decalared righteous, before the law existed?
I would ask you the same question as EW - can man lost a state of righteousness / unrighteousness?
When you say things like this, it makes me wonder if you have a problem with me or with God.
My problem is merely with your voicing a speculation as fact.
You have no idea what God was thinking beyond what is recorded in the Bible, and yet you happily jump outside those bounds. If you want to make the bible your authority, at least be gracious enough to maintain that position.
So I ask you again, why do you think it would be unjust for God to place an innocent sinner in the garden, and not unjust to place an "innocent" baby in a fallen world?
That's a new question. You never asked that one before, and to be honest I don't know where you're going with it.
Adam wasn't an innocent sinner. Once he sinned his innocence was lost and he was ejected from the garden.
Sorry, I think you have it wrong. If you loved God with all your heart, soul and mind, you would seek out the ceremonial law in the scriptures and obey that too .
I'm sorry too, because I think YOU have it wrong.
Does loving God make one suddenly omniscient? How would one know there was a ceremonial law. Further, are we required to follow a ceremonial law today?
By your account you can become righteous by perfectly loving God, but then somehow fall short for those first few minutes, until you uncover the ceremonial law. The pharisees had a similar idea, though I wouldn't want to tar you with the same brush, only point out your error.
Your right LT, maybe there are some that don't need Jesus.
More attempts at putting words in my mouth. You know I'm not saying that. You are ignoring the context of the quotation, though. Did you bother reading the Psalms that Paul was quoting?
But for all our rhetoric, I love ya bro