It's Time to Find New Vistas

by Farkel 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Farks, me old china, you're just getting old! We all are, and something seems to befall us as we reach that stage in life where people, like our dependant families, are no longer dependant on us. we start to feel that we are irrelevant. Coupled with this are the many changes in society in general and what absorbs people and you can start to feel as if you just don't belong. I reckon it's part of the impotence of old age.

    But it doesn't have to be like that. We do mean much more than we realise and much more than we'll allow ourselves to admit.

    Now, there y'are, y'see we luvs ya really!

    Now get back to that piano, OK?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • CeriseRose

    Farkel, I don't know you, nor have I really gone back and read many of your posts (I don't have enough hours in the day to be online on message boards...). I highly doubt though, that you have not really impacted anyone. Yours was one of the first names I heard around here (for good or bad reason, I can't remember...hehe).

    If you feel you need to move on, then all the best to you for your journey. And the lovely thing about message boards is that, for the most part, they're easy enough to come back and visit.

    Shamus, I wish you the best for your life's path as well.

    Now, my following comments are not directed at either of you, and are simply thrown out there because I have been on many many message boards, and have also left message boards when they ceased to fulfill my needs. It's merely food for thought for others (and in my elevated self-importance, I feel I have something to share...*grin*).

    When a board goes through evolution and change (and they all do), it's quite common for longterm posters to feel the difference and lament 'how it was.' I have done the same on different boards where I was the longterm member. Eventually I felt the need to leave, and it was for similar reasons...the 'meat' of the topics just wasn't there as it had been and I couldn't stand the lack of focus. However, those were boards that didn't have separated sections for 'chat and babble' and serious topics. Having to wade through 15,000 posts a day (okay, an exaggeration) to find 3 on the subject matter of the board was frustrating. When I felt like posting "are you stupid?" on every post, I knew it was time to go. *evil grin*

    While this does seem to happen commonly as regular board evolution, I do agree with what some of the other posters here have said about the levels of socialization of ex-JWs. Some people here have never sat around and talked about the things that get spoken of here; it was either taboo, or there was just never enough time to be involved in 'average' or 'everyday' things that weren't revolving around the KH/JW lifestyle. Some people here don't *have* the social skills yet. From that standpoint, I offer that this place is a little like kindergarten socially...remember going to school and being excited and scared all at once? Mommy and Daddy weren't there and you could do what you wanted but the classroom was big and you didn't really know anyone, even if they seemed nice. And sometimes you made good friends and sometimes you thought you had and they turned out to be mean (not sharing their snack!). Longterm posters who find this trivial or childish are missing that it's a necessary step. Can you imagine being plunked into grade 3, without any build up?

    Yes, lots of posts in the Friends category have absolutely nothing to do with JWs, their doctrine, etc. That's why there are areas on the board dedicated solely to picking apart doctrine and bible info. It doesn't get so much traffic maybe because the majority of people here right now need friendship and to feel 'normal' more than they do to prove that JWs are full of crap.

    And the bottom line is, if you don't want to read it, you don't have to. And when you find you're not reading so much, then maybe it's time to find another niche here or elsewhere. However, I don't think that just because your needs aren't being personally fulfilled, that what is 'lacking' to some doesn't serve a very important purpose to others. I also feel that you never know what you say, even casually, that will make a difference to someone else. Just because they don't tell you, doesn't mean that it doesn't add to their personal 'information bank' and help them in some way. Oddly enough, lots of time it's simply having someone to listen when they speak of trivialities etc. that does the most help.

    Personally, I have social anxiety. I've tried to socialize 'in person,' for most of my life, and in recent years it's become unbearable to do so in any great measure. The physical and emotional cost is so great it shuts me down, sometimes for days. Here I can 'be myself' (and I realize not everyone is on a message board as themself) and re-learn how to talk to people about the trivialities that are common to all humanity, at almost no cost to myself or my mental state. It's wonderful to be in school and be able to talk on the scholastic level, or to go to the bible discussion area here and read the incredible and deep posts (not that I ever have much to say, because I don't have time to do my own research, but I do read most of them). It's also nice to be able to just chat, as if I were sitting in my living room with friends, about all the little things that make up our day.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Sunspot

    Dearest Doug,

    When I first stumbled (pun intended) onto the old H20 board and "met" "awakening" to the WTS began. As I "progressed" in accurate knowledge about the "troof", I always looked for your posts first when I logged on. That hasn't changed. I still do.

    Even back then, amidst my shock and horror of discovering how my core beliefs and entire lifestyle of nearly 30 years had been a lie.......your humor got me through a lot of rough patches. I clearly recall the "play" on your name, the "Farkle jokes" that made me roar with laughter...remember them?

    About five years ago, when you offered your help to me and went out of your way despite going through unfortunate circumstance of your own, I was SO touched, and have set aside a big part of my heart with your name on it. No matter what you do or where you go---these things will always be MY good memories during the worst time of my life. I felt so alone and scared and LOST, but you were always "there"..........and it has meant so much to me.

    Although I never met you face-to-face, I consider you a good friend who I know I could depend on at any time if need be----just to BE there, either to give me a swift kick when I need it, or a shoulder to cry on as well. You've been (and still ARE) a very special friend!

    You have a LOT of folks here that love you and enjoy YOU, no matter whether you're writing something funny or something profound---we just look forward to whatever you surprise us with.......please don't feel discouraged, and deprive those of us who appreciate you---the chance to read more of your thoughts as long as your able to post them!

    For purely selfish reasons----this feisty old lady doesn't want you to stop posting!!!!!

    Hugs Always,

    Annie.............gone to get more Kleenex........

  • Tashawaa

    Hey, if you ever need to really exercise "phase 1" and debate a bunch of dubbies, check out Beliefnet. They could really use a guy like you to stir them up. You'd not only have fun with dubbies, but also fundies.

    BUT, by all means don't leave this board! I always tend to lurk, more than post, and your comments always get me thinking. You're such a straight shooter.

  • notperfectyet


    Are you reading Farkel?

    I am done, I need to retire soon, and I don't need to take care of no Farkels.........

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    I might be GenX, but IMHO your posts here (and previoulsy on H2O) are the best. You use humour, insight, knowledge and wit to the best effect. I remember your post on how to write a killer thread, that's the reference manual.

    I think someone else said 'Old age, cunning and treachery will triumph over youth and enthusiasm every time' - please hang about.


    Edited just to say I agree wholehartedly with Sunspot...

  • Mulan
    It seems that there is a flood of people leaving the WT who do not need convincing that they are leaving a fraud. They just want friends who understand and will share their experience. If that is the need, then I will go with that. It sure helped me in the last two years.

    Well put Steve. I was talking with Craig about this last week. The board has evolved right along with all of us. Maybe we have recovered, do you think?

    Doug............You definitely helped me. I always looked forward to reading your posts, and emailing with you too. You contributed a lot for my needs, and I appreciated all of your posts, especially the funny ones. You gave me good laughs too. I still read all your posts, I think.


  • Ranch


    I have to come out of my little lurking cave to ask you to reconsider. Your posts have far reaching effects that you are not even aware of. There are many here who enjoy your posts. There are also many people out there who don't post but read this board on a daily basis.I know you know this.

    I get frustrated like you at times about some of the subjects here but I realize that there is a need for fellowship as well as information .

    We are humans that need interaction with others like us so the serious stuff will naturally be mixed in with the fluff. Don't think that just because much of the info that you find important is plastered all over the internet that theres no need for it here.This is still one of the main places people go for info.Get frustrated and rant but don't give up.You do make a difference.


  • Cicatrix

    Hi Fark,
    I just wanted to let you know that you have helped me immensly with your posts. I don't always add a comment to your threads, because you usually hit the nail on the head so succinctly, there is nothing for me to add. I enjoy your topics very much.

    There are lots of new comers here lately. I think they would benefit from some of your excellent advice for combatting exit turmoil(your suggestion to read anything about science I could get my hands on really helped-it also resulted in my developing an interest in Quantum physics).

    I see JWD as being a lot like television. You have your Nickalodean kinda threads, your Survivor style stuff, and a little bit of PBS and History channel. Well, I'm a PBS and History channel fan, so I tend to be drawn more to that kind of topic:)

    If you want to expound on Rachmaninoff, please do. I love music and I can't read a single note (I played in the school band for three years, and no one ever caught on that I was playing by ear, lol. I even won second in a regional band competition). I like the history behind the music, too, so if you know anything about Rachmaninoff,or any other composers, do tell.

    There are two things in life that I am determined to learn before I die-algebra and how to read music.I'm concentrating on the algebra for now, so I will have to vicariously enjoy music through folks like yourself, for whom it is a gift. So please do share.

  • gitasatsangha

    $5 says you'll drift back in in 9-12 months.

    If not, good luck.

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