A womans tears

by Maverick 131 Replies latest social relationships

  • Robdar
    That's obviously talking from the perspective of a male chauvenist pig, right?

    I don't think you're a chavenist pig. But if you feel like oinking, be my guest.

    I'm talking about men expressing their emotions in conversation, and perhaps rarely being driven to tears. I'm not talking about people (men or women) who use them as a weapon for manipulation.
    That's surely a different category entirely?

    I read the topic as crying for manipulation although I guess Maverick didn't completely qualify or specify when he started the thread.

    Now, I'm not talking about tears of joy or of the beauty of nature. Sometimes that just wells up so big inside you that it has to come out somehow. That emotion is benevolent. I am touched if my man cries over that.

    Unfortunately, it has been my experience that most people who start crying in an lovers quarrel want sympathy and are trying to manipulate.

  • StinkyPantz

    What a good topic.

    Ladies, how do you want people to react to your tears?

    It all depends on why. I most often cry when I am angry, so for your own sake, you shouldn't touch me.

    how do you feel about a mans crying?

    I have always been bothered by a man crying (I'm sorry, just being honest). It's always been a sign of weakness to me. I have only seen my father cry twice, and he is the model I use when it comes to male behavior.

  • LittleToe

    Yup, looks like us guys need to keep our emotions in a bunker for another few decades...

    I can count the number of times I've cried in my adult life.
    A quarter were in relations to death, a half in relation to broken relationships, and another quarter to do with other stuff. All of them, bar two, were in complete privacy.

    Should I begin worrying about the longevity of my future relationships??

  • StinkyPantz
    Should I begin worrying about the longevity of my future relationships??

    Maybe. If a female is bothered by seeing a man cry (like I am), it's her problem.. her issue, in which case, she might not be worthy of you.

  • bem

    LT asked,

    Should I begin worrying about the longevity of my future relationships??

    Not as long as you continue to show honest emotion,You already recognize manipulation for what it is.a Control issue.So a mans tears can be a great expresion of honesty.Sincere tears from anybody need not drive us away.

    My survival instinct is telling me to be very, very quiet, right now...

    ~nods to guys~ ~whispers"You know what I'm saying..." ~guys nod back~

    Also recognizing this will help with all your future relationships. LOL You have been great and I apprecitate that you stuck it out. I notice you took the heat with 'nary a guy steppin to up support ya too.Perhaps you could use a.

    But if I knew anyone that spends too much time crying, I'd gently offer the suggestion that perhaps they need to learn coping skills.or get anti-depressants.

  • Xena
    Should I begin worrying about the longevity of my future relationships??

    If your planning relationships with Robdar or SP....you might need to..

  • Maverick

    My question had primarily to do with tears, whether the person out and out cry or not.

    I agree with Robdar and SP about a mans crying. It creeps me out. I had an employee who was this macho-man that cried everytime he and his stripper girlfriend had a fight. I wanted to shoot the loser!

    I tear up over a good movie or something I find touching, but never over a relationship. And I try hard to redirect tears when I get injured. I'll say something like' "God Damn that's hurts like a MFer!", and usually will start to laugh if I am hurt real bad. The only exception was the Kidney Stone attack, and I went by myself to the hospital because I could not control the pain or sobbing! I wasn't having any woman I love seeing me like that! Mav

  • StinkyPantz
    Should I begin worrying about the longevity of my future relationships??
    If your planning relationships with Robdar or SP....you might need to..

    Thanks for that. I was just being honest. I was raised in a household where the primary male figure rarely cried. The times he did were some of the most painful memories I have. My mother cried at the drop of a hat.. my father only did so under extreme emotional pain. So, yeah, it bothers me more than it should. This same man berated my brother when he cried a little too much, so although my reaction to a man crying might not be fair, I have the reaction because it was ingrained in me. I would never berate him for it, and I would never leave a man over it.

  • Xena

    Sorry SP, I didn't mean to offend...I was just going off your own words

    Maybe. If a female is bothered by seeing a man cry (like I am), it's her problem.. her issue, in which case, she might not be worthy of you.

    I also find it ironic that LT is completely ignoring the majority of women posters who have expressed no problems with men who cry.

  • frenchbabyface

    this thread brings back memories about cry's in my familly

    My mother is kind of manipulative personne ... but she never cried to get what she wants ... it was only about what others did to her and stuff in the paste or people not related to us (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) like we have to pay the bill (Damn') also making a story appear like we/I or whoever were guilty (even when obviously not) ... but she have been very spoiled when she was a kid (the last kid of a rich familly of 14 kids, olders once already have their own kids when she appeard in the world) and somehow I feel like it is because she never took over ... she's still a spoiled baby somehow

    But I saw her crying ... and then yes It was always for something HUGE ! That's why I've never let my mother down when she was crying cause, I knew it was about a TOO MUCH STUFF !

    Also, I never saw my father crying NEVER ... And if one day I see him crying I would think for once : HE IS MAYBE REALLY A HUMAN BEING AFTER ALL !

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