If you're going to be rude and ignorant about this discussion we can call it quits. But personally I'd rather continue. You tell me I haven't proven anything, you're right. I don't see how you want me to prove that what I believe is true in just a few posts on the internet. And sorry but I can't prove anything beyond a SHADOW of a doubt. Especially to someone who doesn't want to consider the possibility that there might be something to it. but if you actually listened I may be able to prove something beyond a REASONABLE doubt. You like to put words in my mouth and like what you believe is fact. Though it's obvious you never scrutinize your own beliefs like you scrutinize mine. Believe me (though I doubt you will), I put my beliefs to the test all the time. You try to argue creation by spouting evolution. All you're doing is assuming evolutionists know the truth. Why would you assume that instead of Creation? Are you just following the crowd? I too used to believe evolution was a proven fact of life. But then I learned how to think instead of what to think. And believe me, I know one of you out there will quote me and twist my words to shoot me down but it doesn't make a difference. If you can't handle hearing an alternative to what you already assume true it's not my problem.
I will answer the rest of your questions in my next post. I'm a little busy at the moment.