Presiding Overseer Says They Will Ask If You Still Want To Be A Jehovah's W

by minimus 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    We're having trouble defining a possible legal course. It is our belief that they did not follow proper procedure, but we've been inactive for 7 years so don't have first hand knowledge of any policy changes. We are familiar with corporate law here in Washington State, but without a copy of the local congregation's by laws, we have no way of knowing if they have violated State law either. So if you have any info or ideas, we'd be glad to hear them!

    Mrs. R

  • frankiespeakin

    Why don't you PM Barbra and Joe of this thread I'm sure they might be able to direct you as to the possiblities:

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Thanks! They are a good resource.

    Mrs. R.

  • patio34
    That is why there is caller ID and the time honored tradition of not opening your door to anyone but the police with a warrant. ----Blondie

    Good one! For more than the @*#$#@ dubs, too.

    What gets me on tv shows with cops/detectives asking if they can come in and people saying okay! Don't they know?!?


  • frankiespeakin


    That's right it is a fundamental right!! Never consent to the police to come in your house unless you need them to. The government is not suppose to intrude on the privacy of it's citizens.

  • frankiespeakin


    I wouldn't be at all surprised if the decision to contact all faders is simply the actions of an overly-earnest local body of elders, and not in response to a Brooklyn edict. Let's face it, some bodies of elders are more into autocracy than others.
    Kind of sound a little like something JR Brown would say. What about this senerio: The Governing Body thru the service department tells the CO to tell the elders in certain congregations to go on a search and destroy mission of certain or all inactive nonmeeting attenders. Is that also a very likely possiblity??

  • Purza
    I'm not worried. I know how lazy the elders really are.

    LOL So true!



    People aren`t leaveing the WBTS fast enough.They need to cut some throats...OUTLAW

  • Siddhashunyata

    Do you still want to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    "Do you think I don't?"

    We don't know. You don't come to meetings. You don't go in service. We don't even know if you read the Bible. It seems that you don't want to be assosciated with the Witnesses.

    "I do but I have some problems that I need to work out."

    We would be glad to help you with those problems.

    "I appreciate that and I will keep it in mind. Thanks for stopping by."

    When can we come back to talk to you?

    "Right now its hard to say because of my schedule .Its hit and miss right now. I really need to think about things. . But thanks for coming by."

    No , we really want to talk with you. Can you give us a time to come back.

    I can't right now, I'm not feeling well and I'm dealing with a lot of things . I appreciate your concern but I'm dealing with a lot . Please , I have to go, I'm not feeling well. I feel a little sick, I think.

  • steve2
    What about this senerio: The Governing Body thru the service department tells the CO to tell the elders in certain congregations to go on a search and destroy mission of certain or all inactive nonmeeting attenders. Is that also a very likely possiblity??

    I guess. But I'm more inclined to echo what an earlier poster said - Blondie, I think - the elders are basically lazy. Hell, they have a hard enough job keeping a "supportive" eye on those who remain in the congregation, let alone drawing up a list - a bloody long one, I'd say - of all the people who ain't showing up anymore.

    Sometimes, even "good" JW elders have learned that you don't so much need to do what you're told by the GB, provided you give the impression that you've done it. It's called taking the line of least resistance, or coping with the demands of living in a totalitarian system. The Watchtower's babyfication of adults encourages the polite "let's pretend" we've done what we've been told to do. Just don't let Dad find out. S2

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