Wife's weight problem

by dangel 199 Replies latest social relationships

  • Buster

    Brooke: So you got back to your old form. That is great. I'm sure you did that for yourself. I wonder what your husband would say if he actually thought you might get fat and stay fat. Its easy to look at an attractive wife and tell her that you'ld want her no matter what. I wonder how he would react each day, coming home to a beast after working his butt off at the gym. I'll bet you don't plan to test that.

    Another thing, people here tend to relate a wife getting fat, to a husband getting fat. I think that is the wrong correlation. I think a wife getting fat correlates better to a man coming home and deciding that he no longer thought he needed to earn a living. Remember ladies, he's still the same person. He just doesn't want to work at it any more - Oprah and lunch with friends will be his new life. How log before his butt was at the curb?

  • funkyderek

    I'm with Buster on this. If I wanted a fat wife, I'd find a fat girlfriend. Changing the rules once you get a ring on your finger isn't fair.

  • whyamihere
    Brooke: So you got back to your old form. That is great. I'm sure you did that for yourself. I wonder what your husband would say if he actually thought you might get fat and stay fat. Its easy to look at an attractive wife and tell her that you'ld want her no matter what. I wonder how he would react each day, coming home to a beast after working his butt off at the gym. I'll bet you don't plan to test that.

    Yeah I did it for myself. Well to tell you the truth...We had more sex and play time when I was bigger...Weird huh? I gained after we got married and stayed that way for awhile. He still loved me and wanted me and said I was hot. Had 2 kids when I was bigger. Then I lost it because I said Fu*k this and being depressed and the elders and my family en shit..(long story) I went back to thinking of myself and saying I want to be cute again.

    My husband case and point loves me no matter what and I have that proof. I just feel sorry for some of the wives on here. I am back to me and as cute as can be....reason why I am so cute because I am happier now!


  • whyamihere

    Main thing is people change....Looks, weight, age...it can all change. Easy come easy go! Just be nice about it. Some people can say really hateful things that can be more of a negitive than anything. I am just glad I have someone to help me then belittle me. You see I battle with weight really easy...if my husband came home and said something about my weight like some of you. I would go back to throwing up starving myself leaving the house at 1am running miles and bingeing over and over and over again like I used too. I am lucky my husband wants me to be healthy and happy...that's all that matter to him. That's what should matter. Brooke

  • jeanniebeanz
    -Else, of the Nice Guy Who is Still Single Class

    It's a crying shame, too, Else. You seem to be such a nice person. I don't understand women who would put up with it myself. I went on a date once with a really nice looking young guy and we were having a nice dinner when a lady who was large accidentally brushed past him on her way to her table with her party (it was one of those little boutique type restaurants and a bit crowded as it was Friday night). He looked at her and said to me, "What a heifer." and laughed. I couldn't even finish my dinner, it stuck in my throat. All I could think was, "This guy is not worth the skin he's wearing if he has such a superior attitude that he could look down on that poor womans misfortune. What if I were to end up struggling with my weight later in life? He'd make me miserable." I thanked him for dinner at the restaurant and apologized for the abrupt departure but told him that I was really offended by his remarks and I didn't think we were well suited for each other. I walked home. Some people just don't get it and have no tolerance for individuals who struggle with this issue, male or female. This happened when I was 17 and I was a looker then. But even as young as that, I could see it. Why can't full grown adults? So sad... J

  • G Money
    G Money

    People may change but if their attitude changes, that is bad.

    It is one thing to marry the love of your life and she may put on a few pounds while keeping the same lifestyle. It is quite another thing to get married and then abandon healthy habit and put on weight and neglect yourself.

    While aging happens, we don't have to sit idly by and watch ourselves deteriorate. Male pattern baldness runs in my family but i'm nowhere near balding because I am fighting it. I also work out and eat right. What if I stopped doing that after marriage? That would be a fraud as well as unloving.

    But guys, just look at the mother, if she is a lazy and overweight, then guess who the offspring may look / act like?

    As for the gal that gained 170 pounds, that is insane. Unless it was some medical condition, it would be unacceptable in my book. Now I know, you won't marry me but I don't want a lazy wife, I want somebody who is active and not in just eating and sitting on the couch.

    Someobdy who is immensely overweight would tire out walking down the block and would probably lead a sedentary life which is in contrast to mine. Women don't need to change when married, only the lazy ones do for a lack of love or respect for their husbands. Husbands allow themselves to deteriorate the same way, it is a lack of respect and love.

  • Englishman

    If these guys are so concerned about how heavy their wives are, why don't they take over the grocery shopping and the cooking?

    Then they'll only have themselves to blame if she doesn't come down to their preferred weight.


  • trevor


    You are not actually defending fat people in your posts. You are defending the right of women to act in any way they want and be accepted by their partners - no matter what. At the same time you believe men should put up and shut up. Many of your post follow this theme. You have a whole set of rules as to how your husband should act and should he make a mistake, you have the answer:

    I just hope she hits you as hard as she can right between the cookies as I would to my husband!

    Let’s just change the genders in that threat:

    I just hope he hits you as hard as he can right between the legs as I would to my wife!

    If your husband had made that threat I wonder how defensive and understanding you would be towards his point of view?

  • whyamihere

    Question for you Buster and to those who think as he............

    Since you want your wife to be slim and attractive to you or you would be gone....What about your Son or other children? What if they became fat? What you be gone then? Would you love them less? If not then why just your wife? Besides the sexual part.


  • Buster


    No, my wife has quite a high self-esteem. The fact that she doesn't feel free to pork out is more of a statement to her understanding of fair play.

    Now I remember you as very attractive - and weren't you recently married? Don't you remember how you felt that your now-husband found you so phycsically attractive? Wouldn't you feel like you you pulled a 'bait and switch' if you let yourself go? Did you marry a man with low-enough self-esteem that he would tolerate that?

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