:To segue back to the original post, I would imagine that the request of the mother to her 15 year old son to sleep with her, as well as her rubbing up against him, went well beyond the boundaries he had been raised with hence his level of shame about it even years later.
Yeah, if things like that do damage, I think it's via two mechanisms: a) the *change* from what had been considered normal (ie: boundaries), and b) the way the person percieves society to judge the action and the people involved. Society can be a real harsh taskmaster in the odd years.
I feel an almost uncontrollable urge to pervert a John Mayer song right now, but I'm sure I'd be run out town on a rail if I did it now. Lol, I'll wait till 2006. *hums* ".... mommas don't drhmmmp yhmmmhmmm, hmmm hmmm hmm hum huuuh...."